Strongest Strain Known To Man?

1. Seed Bank Northern Lights 5 X 2 back in the early 1980's. My indica choice.

2. Maui Wowie (supposed to be from Hawaii but was grown in Humboldt County). My sativa choice.

Case closed
case closed? pffft

dunno about indica.... black domina from mr nice? or someone is the strongest i've tried

neville's haze for sativa, hands down

only my opinion :)
Why does everyone hate on THC LABS? Because I can almost guarntee that 95% of you havnt smoked one gram of weed produced from any of there strains. You all say that there is no way sex can be 27% thc I beg to differ. i think its quite possible, i personly have the Gremlin 22% THC and there is no doubt in my mind that its 22% this shit is like smoking straight hashish. Im no rookie smoker eaither. Anyone whos grown gremlin we need to speak on it. Cheers
Why does everyone hate on THC LABS? Because I can almost guarntee that 95% of you havnt smoked one gram of weed produced from any of there strains. You all say that there is no way sex can be 27% thc I beg to differ. i think its quite possible, i personly have the Gremlin 22% THC and there is no doubt in my mind that its 22% this shit is like smoking straight hashish. Im no rookie smoker eaither. Anyone whos grown gremlin we need to speak on it. Cheers

I know that in some of the MM clinics have tests run on their buds on THC% and molds and mildew etc... and you can check em out at the counter. last time that I went I got the cerebus sativa that was 26% tested THC content and it was very nice bud..
I was lucky enough to go to amsterdam early this year and I smoked some White Widow.

To this day, I have never been so high in my entire life. It was completly magical. Usually it takes me a spliff to myself to get that feeling where your head just feels like its floating. I had 3 tokes of this spliff and i was away with the fairies. And the taste was just mouthwatering.
I recommend to any stoner to go to amsterdam and try White Widow. It is amazing.
I was lucky enough to go to amsterdam early this year and I smoked some White Widow.

To this day, I have never been so high in my entire life. It was completly magical. Usually it takes me a spliff to myself to get that feeling where your head just feels like its floating. I had 3 tokes of this spliff and i was away with the fairies. And the taste was just mouthwatering.
I recommend to any stoner to go to amsterdam and try White Widow. It is amazing.
I was in Amsterdam for 3 days last week and had some Romulan which was like rocket fuel, I rushed intensely for about 2 houes off 5 drags of a pure weed spliff!! I had a Minali spliff ( 4 drags ) to level me out...
The best and strongest strains I've been lucky to smoke would be Sour Diesel and Jack Herer. The Jack around here(MA) is bomb.
I have just purchased, but not recieved some seeds of "Alaskan Ice". They advertise the strongest strain out there. Does anyone know much about it?
I have just purchased, but not recieved some seeds of "Alaskan Ice". They advertise the strongest strain out there. Does anyone know much about it?

its another white widow cross. with a haze. as i say keep trying the white widow/ black widow range for a strong pheno. and then you really will find one of the strongest strains in the world. :eyesmoke::peace:
Light of Jah, white rhino, white widow, so I've heard White Russian is amazingly potent (unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to try this one).

there are many different qualities to a "high" and sheer strength may not always be what is required for your particular set of circumstances there are happy smiley highs, paranoid types,racy active munchie highs and introspective couchlock stoned out highs and also where you are,who you are with, and what you are doing at the time of toking can effect ones high- that being said BC GodBud and Purple Kush are the strongest strains I've tried in
modern times- Black African circa 1977 is still the strongest pot I've ever toked good growing:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
There are so many strains that have high THC it is really difficult to say what is the strongest some claim White Widow, some claim White Russian, some people don't know what there talking about, some people do. In the big scheme of things does it really matter? If you can get high as fuck off just a few hits that should be enough.
Not really a strain but its this new shit on the scene called 'Budder'.
Tested at a whopping 82 - 99.6% THC.

"The top Budder sample was 99.6% pure," Hornby explained, "which means if you had an ounce of it, only a tiny fraction of a gram would be anything other than cannabinoids. We also tested Budder for toxins, solvents, molds, diseases, heavy metals and other contaminants. There were none. It's essentially just pure cannabinoids. I've tested a lot of cannabis materials, but this is the most impressive."

"It takes an ounce of prime buds to make about three grams of prime Budder.
Three grams of Budder provides about 100 hits, and each hit will get you as
high as if you had just smoked a joint or two.