Well-Known Member
White Russian or White widow, but white russian is the baddest shit in town.
Why does everyone hate on THC LABS? Because I can almost guarntee that 95% of you havnt smoked one gram of weed produced from any of there strains. You all say that there is no way sex can be 27% thc I beg to differ. i think its quite possible, i personly have the Gremlin 22% THC and there is no doubt in my mind that its 22% this shit is like smoking straight hashish. Im no rookie smoker eaither. Anyone whos grown gremlin we need to speak on it. Cheers
I was in Amsterdam for 3 days last week and had some Romulan which was like rocket fuel, I rushed intensely for about 2 houes off 5 drags of a pure weed spliff!! I had a Minali spliff ( 4 drags ) to level me out...I was lucky enough to go to amsterdam early this year and I smoked some White Widow.
To this day, I have never been so high in my entire life. It was completly magical. Usually it takes me a spliff to myself to get that feeling where your head just feels like its floating. I had 3 tokes of this spliff and i was away with the fairies. And the taste was just mouthwatering.
I recommend to any stoner to go to amsterdam and try White Widow. It is amazing.
I have just purchased, but not recieved some seeds of "Alaskan Ice". They advertise the strongest strain out there. Does anyone know much about it?