The fishing thread ( not about fish fertilizer)

Also I found those pics in haste,. Took a pic off my computer with my phone. I have thousands of pics in folders upon folders so I just picked a few that were decent. If I had time I'd find them all but my motivation is only proving my awesomeness to some dude on the internet. So I mean it's not very high on my priority list.
I know, I get this all the time here too. Hate because you ain't. I get it. I'm the dude with all the good weed and fish pics so I get it.
Ya sea run. They're still rainbows though. Last time looked Lake Ontario was fresh water. Unless somethings changed in the past few hours that I'm unaware of.
The last in the Great Lakes chain, Lake Ontario serves as the outlet to the Atlantic Ocean via the Saint Lawrence River, comprising the eastern end of the Saint Lawrence Seaway.
The last in the Great Lakes chain, Lake Ontario serves as the outlet to the Atlantic Ocean via the Saint Lawrence River, comprising the eastern end of the Saint Lawrence Seaway.
Ya the rainbows go all the way out to ocean then back. You're funny
You're right you prob know more about the area I live in and grew up in and fish almost daily. Please don't condescend me and Google search if Lake Ontario connects to salt water and then post it as if you're teaching me something. I already know it does. And I already know the rainbows don't go there.
Just so you know I’m not arguing about the fact that rainbows and steelhead are the same genetically.

but did you know there’s a bunch of different strains of rainbows? Kind of a trip.
Yep we get the skinny long ones too. Sca...something I forget now. They're fucking nuts! Nice orange egg too
Just so you know I’m not arguing about the fact that rainbows and steelhead are the same genetically.

but did you know there’s a bunch of different strains of rainbows? Kind of a trip.
Only elitist fly guys and the western guys like to argue steelhead. Like whatever man it's a fucking rainbow it's a steelie we call it whatever. Sometimes we just call them chrome or chromers and we call a fresh Chinook a chromie or chrome too. Lol. It's just fucking words why do people get so uptight about it.
Only elitist fly guys and the western guys like to argue steelhead. Like whatever man it's a fucking rainbow it's a steelie we call it whatever. Sometimes we just call them chrome or chromers and we call a fresh Chinook a chromie or chrome too. Lol. It's just fucking words why do people get so uptight about it.
Just call it dinner with a little lemon okay