Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

What’s micro dosing?
Morning everyone....how's are things....as for me phychs are a no go.....bad trip really bad.....

Woke up this morning to a cool and rainy 63F and it's still raining....all good we need it big time......high today 70F maybe....

just started a fresh pot, warm up be up soon

now to kick it with some breakfast.....oh taco gods........yum
Pharmaceutical versus Mother Nature
Many of our modern medicines have been derived from plant analogs. However modern medicine requires modern chemistry. For example without Heparin no one could get heart surgery. Without Decadron no one could have the large invasive neurosurgeries. Some of the most poisonous substances known to man are from Mother Nature. So I'm ecumenical here. If it will save a life I'm in.
This was in the study https://microdose.me/
Big ones are impatiens and the little ones are cockscomb. They will grow tall and yield flowers for cutting all summer. They totally love the moist environment in there.

Lol I thought the big ones were weed with the serrated leaves.

You're doing way better with yours than I have! I still gotta get six clones from one of these and get them to live. Going by my success rate, I need 18 clones to make six. :dunce:
Many of our modern medicines have been derived from plant analogs. However modern medicine requires modern chemistry. For example without Heparin no one could get heart surgery. Without Decadron no one could have the large invasive neurosurgeries. Some of the most poisonous substances known to man are from Mother Nature. So I'm ecumenical here. If it will save a life I'm in.
All I'm saying is Mother Nature's power is awesome
Just be very careful playing with your brain hallucinogenic can be great but it can be your worst nightmare
I have a shrink, primary care physician, rheumatologist, pain management, they’re looking after me. I’m going to tell my shrink.

I’m soooo lucky not to be an alcoholic, pill head, thief, etc with my extreme bipolar disease and cptsd.

Thanks for caring Jeff.