Conservatives programed to trigger at words "Black Lives Matter" by Russian trolls.
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NEW YORK (AP) — “Senator,” she said, letting out an audible sigh.

In that singular moment, Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson spoke for countless Black women who have had to gather all the patience, strength and grace within to answer insinuating questions about their credentials, qualifications and character.

It was Day One of questioning at the Senate Judiciary Committee as the Harvard-educated Jackson, the first Black woman to be nominated for the nation’s highest court, was making history.

The federal judge had to endure hours of public scrutiny from skeptics, namely the Republican senators who are erecting a wall of opposition to her landmark nomination, the first in the court’s 233-year history, and may vote en bloc against her confirmation.

“It was really traumatizing to watch,” said Melanie L. Campbell, president and CEO of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation and convener of the Black Women’s Roundtable.

From questioning of Jackson’s view of books on critical race theory that drew her exasperated sigh — “They don’t come up in my work as a judge,” she said — to the loaded suggestion that the sentences she imposed on child pornography defendants were too lenient, the questions from the Republicans tapped into long-standing American grievances over race, class and public safety.

The insinuations that Jackson, a distinguished jurist and mother of two, is a secret radical liberal or poses a danger to the safety of children felt to some supporters as yet another example of highly qualified Black women having to endure indignities and distortions of their credentials, even as they shatter racial barriers in American society.

Campbell told The Associated Press that “the othering of her, in a sense, like she’s against our children,” seemed like a tired political tactic.

“My spirit feels it was to bring this Black woman down because she’s about to break the glass ceiling that, once broken, opens the door to more.”

Democrats praise President Joe Biden’s choice of Jackson as long overdue, a chance to start making the court more reflective of the diverse nation it serves. But they have been slow to bolster the judge’s nomination against the unrelenting attacks and instead allowed them to linger.

Over and over during her hearings, Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Josh Hawley of Missouri hammered Jackson on a handful of the many cases she handled as a judge, asking if she regretted having a record that, in their view, is soft on child pornography defendants.

No matter how many times Jackson asserted, for example, that the child pornography cases were some of “the most difficult” of her career or tried to explain the particulars of the law, the GOP senators talked over her, past her and pushed onward in their attempt to portray the nominee as they wished.

“I can only wonder what’s your hidden agenda,” asked Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., pointing to one of the judge’s earlier writings. “Is it to let violent criminals cop killers and child predators back to the streets? ... Is it your personal hidden agenda to incorporate critical race theory into our legal system?”

These senators insisted their questions were not about race. In fact, Graham opened with a warning that the questioners would be framed as racist. “We’re all racists if we ask hard questions. It’s not going to fly with us.”

Yet Republicans ignored analysis that shows Jackson’s sentencing record on such cases is on track with other judges appointed by both Democrats and Republican presidents, and that in some cases she went beyond recommendations to come down harder on defendants.

“What I regret,” Jackson told the senators, “is that in the hearing about my qualifications to be a justice on the Supreme Court, we’ve spent a lot of time focusing on this small subset of my sentences.”

For many supporters of Jackson, the Republicans’ cherry-picking of her record tarnished a momentous occasion.

Nina Turner, a former Ohio state senator who was a prominent surrogate for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2020 Democratic presidential campaign, criticized Democratic members on the committee for not defending Jackson more vigorously.

“She should not have had to endure what she endured,” Turner told the AP. “The Democratic senators should have used their authority and positioning to show the requisite outrage necessary for that moment.”

Overall, during her time on the district court bench, Jackson presided over 14 total cases of child sexual abuse, interstate travel for child sexual abuse cases and child pornography.

The American Bar Association’s standing committee on the federal judiciary said in its survey of some 250 judges, attorneys and academics that words such as “brilliant,” “beyond reproach,” “fair” were used to describe Jackson, who earned the panel’s highest rating.

“They uniformly rejected any accusations of bias,” said Jean Veta of the ABA committee.

In a letter to the Senate committee, Fred Bowman, a University of Missouri law professor and former federal prosecutor, spoke of his dismay at the thought Jackson was somehow “soft” on these crimes. His letter was signed by other experts in the field.

White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates blasted the Republican line of questioning as an “embarrassing conspiracy theory” that “has been conclusively debunked by fact check after fact check.”

But alone before the panel, Jackson had difficulty convincing the Republican senators as she worked to explain the rules judges adhere to and the nuances of the wrenching cases they face. The GOP senators rarely accepted the judge’s answers and interjected or just ignored her explanations altogether.

At one point, Jackson simply stopped answering: “Senator,” she said to Cruz, “I’ve said what I’m going to say about these cases. No one case can stand in for a judge’s entire record.”

By Thursday, as the hearings concluded, Republican leaders in the Senate were using the issue — and her refusal to repeat earlier answers — as justification for opposing her confirmation.

Throughout the four days of testimony, Black women filled many of the seats in the committee room. Those women included some of the leading civil rights figures and members of the Congressional Black Caucus, which ran its own “war room” to back up Jackson’s nomination.

LaTosha Brown, cofounder of the group Black Voters Matter, said she had received numerous text messages from Black women who were both outraged by Jackson’s treatment from senators and heartened by her clear determination to endure the process.

“I just got texts that said, ‘Persevere.’”

It was a reference to Jackson’s own words of advice delivered at the hearing to young people who may have watched what the nominee endured and felt discouraged.

“Black people in America,” Brown said, “if we don’t know anything else, we know what that word means.”
I am more humane and think it makes sense to put people under anesthesia before offing them.
that works too, i guess...seems like more kindness than they had for their victims, but letting the actions of others dictate your response means they have some control over you.
that's been a hard lesson to remember, sometimes

James Edward Avery of Decatur Georgia loves to use racist displays to keep his neighborhood white and is triggered by 'BLM'.

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I guess black neighbors living next door wouldn't go over too big with this civil warrior. His fashion choices mark him as a "soldier" and he's so tribal he might as well have a bone in his nose and be carrying a spear.
I guess black neighbors living next door wouldn't go over too big with this civil warrior. His fashion choices mark him as a "soldier" and he's so tribal he might as well have a bone in his nose and be carrying a spear.
lol I don't know man, he looks like someone who would be at a local trolley club or something to me.

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Flordia GQP's pushing propaganda to trick their citizens into thinking they had a real reason to reject the math books.

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Turns out it was all bullshit anyways, just more edited propaganda.

This is the original work sheet.

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I'm beginning to think that conservatives actually believe their own BS. DeSantis mouthpiece posts a racist lesson that is obviously fake as a "defense" for book banning? WTF? Can they actually be that fucking dumb?
I'm beginning to think that conservatives actually believe their own BS. DeSantis mouthpiece posts a racist lesson that is obviously fake as a "defense" for book banning? WTF? Can they actually be that fucking dumb?
It is hard to tell.

My guess is that they banned the books to put out a dog whistle story into the news cycle for their racist base, and then pushed a 'owning the libs' troll so that the people who are 'not racist, but' see it and think they are just doing the right thing stopping that from being pushed on their kids, and then followed up with a whatever stupid shit they found after the fact that they want to be able to pretend is a valid reason for their book banning.

They are like telemarketers of propaganda with their check down lists to get to a sale.

I love how they don't actually show the entire problems and pretend because some random person who doesn't understand this level of math and just sees the key words of a couple cherry picked problems out of the thousands likely in that book that come from real life research is valid.

Here is the latest of what DeSantis is pretending is a problem. Not that it matters to the people already triggered to 'stand by their man'.

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I wonder how long after banning things before they realize that their problem, wasn't even a problem. Go ahead and ban that stuff, it's nothing. Whole lotta time and money for nothing, but whatever, just be prepared for disappointment when this fake-christian utopia never materializes.
I wonder how long after banning things before they realize that their problem, wasn't even a problem. Go ahead and ban that stuff, it's nothing. Whole lotta time and money for nothing, but whatever, just be prepared for disappointment when this fake-christian utopia never materializes.
Ah, but then they are on to the next (and most important to the right wing propagandists like DeVos) part of this troll, the idiots who believe this nonsense take their kids out of school, because they are programmed into thinking they are indoctrinating them, for homeschooling or use 'vouchers' to fund evangelical schools, decreasing the funding to public education further destabilizing them. Ditto with college now too thanks to the true indoctrinating businesses LARPing as colleges like Hillsdale College, or Liberty University.

I'm sure it is just a coincidence Devos donating that much to DeSantis a few weeks ago.

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"Teaching is our trade; also, I confess, it's our weapon." Those are the words of Larry Arnn, president of Hillsdale College, a small private Christian college in Michigan that, in recent years, has quietly become a driving force in nearly all of the country's ongoing fights around education. During the Trump years, the college functioned as a "feeder school" sending alumni into the administration and the offices of its allies on Capitol Hill. Hillsdale officials led Trump's controversial 1776 Commission, established to create a "patriotic education" alternative to contemporary scholarship on America's racial history. The school's lecture series and magazine serve as a testing ground for the right's most ambitious and outlandish ideas: that diversity isn't a strength but a "solvent" that destroys national unity; that Vladimir Putin is a populist hero; that Republicans should aspire to lure so many children out of public schools that the entire system might collapse.

To that end, the college has inconspicuously been building a network of "classical education" charter schools, which use public tax dollars to teach that systemic racism was effectively vanquished in the 1960s, that America was founded on "Judeo-Christian" principles and that progressivism is fundamentally anti-American. In late January, the governor of Tennessee announced plans to partner with Hillsdale to launch as many as 50 such schools in that state — something public education advocates fear could be a tipping point in the fight to save public education.

In this three-part investigative series, Salon looks at Hillsdale's multifaceted and far-reaching role in shaping and disseminating the ideas and strategies that power the right. In an era of book bans, crusades against teaching about racism, and ever-widening proposals to punish teachers and librarians, Hillsdale is not just a central player, but a ready-made solution for conservatives who seek to reclaim an educational system they believe was ceded decades ago to liberal interests. Taken together, these linked trends — and the deep-rooted conservative network supporting them — amount to a vision of things to come if Republicans succeed in what they describe as a "war" that "will be won in education."

Part 1
How this tiny Christian college is driving the right's nationwide war against public schools

In the full-scale conservative assault on public education, Hillsdale College is leading the charge. Read the story

Part 2
Coming to a school near you: Stealth religion and a Trumped-up version of American history

Hillsdale College's network of charter schools aims to push "patriotic education." Critics say it's propaganda. Read the story

Part 3
The far right's national plan for schools: Plant charters, defund public education

Hillsdale College's "classical" charter schools are spreading fast — but the true goal is much bigger. Read the story
I'm beginning to think that conservatives actually believe their own BS. DeSantis mouthpiece posts a racist lesson that is obviously fake as a "defense" for book banning? WTF? Can they actually be that fucking dumb?
Judging by the last few years, “yes” is not emphatic enough, so

Ah, but then they are on to the next (and most important to the right wing propagandists like DeVos) part of this troll, the idiots who believe this nonsense take their kids out of school, because they are programmed into thinking they are indoctrinating them, for homeschooling or use 'vouchers' to fund evangelical schools, decreasing the funding to public education further destabilizing them. Ditto with college now too thanks to the true indoctrinating businesses LARPing as colleges like Hillsdale College, or Liberty University.

I'm sure it is just a coincidence Devos donating that much to DeSantis a few weeks ago.

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Dominionist Prep