Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Here is a recap of my 1 trip. We did not even venture away from the bunny slope.

Jet skis are fun. I have had the opportunity to water ski a few times. Even drunk I chose to hold onto my own beer. lol

My wife has tried water skiing. Once. lol <- that story will have to wait .
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My wife has tried water skiing. Once. lol <- that story will have to wait .
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Water Skier animated emoticon

We had been dating for a few months when a friend asked us to join them for a Saturday at the lake.

Their boat was big enough for the 4 of us to tour around to different docks and bars, although only the driver
and the skier when skiing.

Drunk from doc hopping I knew better than to try. My wife could not be talked out of it.

They dropped me and his wife off at the shore in a cove then took off to the center for deeper water, still well within sight.

On the first attempt she was able to get mostly out of the water before falling and getting dragged behind.
Second attempt went much the same. I was sure that would have been enough torcher for one day but she went for a 3rd try
and flopped the same way.

I don't remember if the driver stopped her from a fourth run or she came to her drunken senses, after the 3rd try they came
back to shore.

While disembarking she sat on the bow and shoved off the side, the boat was in about 3 ft of water.

As she cleared the bow her bathing suit caught on one of the cleats.

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This pic is from the web but does bring back one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed.
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My buddy who I shared a room with on the cruise is getting a lot sicker than me. He has a bad cough, fever, and can't move....and he's half my age and in better shape. Go figure.

I am tired though...I got up at 8 am, and nodded off for a few hours while reading the newspaper, again.

It is sooo beautiful here today....I've got shorts on and it's 73f outdoors!! Maybe play another session of "pick up sticks" ....or "melt the dab with the torch" :eyesmoke:
My buddy who I shared a room with on the cruise is getting a lot sicker than me. He has a bad cough, fever, and can't move....and he's half my age and in better shape. Go figure.

I am tired though...I got up at 8 am, and nodded off for a few hours while reading the newspaper, again.

It is sooo beautiful here today....I've got shorts on and it's 73f outdoors!! Maybe play another session of "pick up sticks" ....or "melt the dab with the torch" :eyesmoke:
Happiness is almost here
My buddy who I shared a room with on the cruise is getting a lot sicker than me. He has a bad cough, fever, and can't move....and he's half my age and in better shape. Go figure.

I am tired though...I got up at 8 am, and nodded off for a few hours while reading the newspaper, again.

It is sooo beautiful here today....I've got shorts on and it's 73f outdoors!! Maybe play another session of "pick up sticks" ....or "melt the dab with the torch" :eyesmoke:
Is he on antivirals? It not it would be nice to encourage him.