Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

I'd be much more worried about the possible alcohol vapor.
There were two doors open at all times for ventilation, but the potential for alcohol vapor flashing to the flame is still present. They used an apple mash but all flavours were stripped by the reflux column used - a pot still would have retained some apple flavour.

Since weed has little value, I see apple pie hooch in my future. Water, sugar and turbo yeast makes 20% ABV mash in 2 weeks. Then run the mash through the still. Filter, dilute and flavour as desired.

This company has my attention for an upgrade.

You want moonshine, you come down to where I live. The Blue Ridge Mountains are famous for corn liquor. Once the trees start getting a good canopy of leaves going I'll be able to smell booze cooking a couple times a year up here but it's none of my business. Just like my weed is none of theirs. Goes for 20-25 a quart but I haven't been a drinker since the early 2000s. It does do a great job of starting a wet fire though. Franklin county, VA makes some of the best shine in the country or so I've heard.
You want moonshine, you come down to where I live. The Blue Ridge Mountains are famous for corn liquor. Once the trees start getting a good canopy of leaves going I'll be able to smell booze cooking a couple times a year up here but it's none of my business. Just like my weed is none of theirs. Goes for 20-25 a quart but I haven't been a drinker since the early 2000s. It does do a great job of starting a wet fire though. Franklin county, VA makes some of the best shine in the country or so I've heard.
My taste buds can attest to that. :bigjoint:
Pic from the web.