Compressing Weed

another thing is im tha dude who has to hook his boys up so its better to give them nugs than the wudnt like it if some one sold you nothin but broken up weed would you? could you make a bunch of sugary thick syrupy water and put it on the weed and cram it together?

Budman U are a Dumb Niggr!!! and i think i speak for everyone on that :leaf:
If its once in a blue moon I dont mind shake or if im having a few beers the shake knocks me out after 1/ 2 bottles, and I have request it on occasions e.g
say on a sunday sometimes for a huge bongmix which will make a fat 'bowl' (in uk bowl asin the cereal bowl of weed lol) which will last from noon til bed obv smoking slow &
sunday session... but if its leafs or shake from a low grade then by all means buy some more and mix a few points here and their.... if its a cheesey one omg shake is like opium loll #mangledatm
post deleted after i saw the date of the original post.
who resurrected this thread?


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can someone PLEASE tell me how to compress the shake (pieces of weed broken off the nugget) back into a nugget to smoke in a bowl. in other i want to reform the broken down weed into a compressed bud to where it holds its form. your help is much appreciated

That's like having a steak, and trying to put it back on the cow.

Just smoke it.
Actually, there's a great market for this, for compressed shake, if it could be done right. I'm talking a multi-million dollar market, but it's a risky in market, and that market would be correctional facilities. Them guys in there would smoke anything!
Dude! Dead thread for 11 years. Sweet Jesus. Last guy to comment hasn’t been seen here since 2013.
Ya I heard sugar water n the day for weight but confused af why they would want to glue shake up lmao. I break nugs down for a bowl and this cat wants to stuff a nug in. Must like suckin away haha
I just use to put all the shake in the corner of the bag and squeeze super hard...if it's good shake it usually sticks together no problem lol