20 pounds a month


Well-Known Member
I think you're aiming too big for a next step in your growing.
Just reading your first post, you were harvesting less than half an ounce per plant. Some of the elite growers of SOG are getting 1 ounce plus or more per plant in SOG. If you hit that intitial you are talking 2 pounds based on your current setup. I would try to dial in what you are currently working with to hit that 1 ounce per plant or more, and then thinkin about expanding it. I feel if you start to expand now, then you may be more likely to make mistakes and add more work to your schedule and could even result in less efficiency at your current level.
Just food for thought.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention there are a lot of ambitious threads just like this one, I usually don't reply... But hell, I'm bored.


Well-Known Member
How the hell could you trim 20 lb.'s worth of plants per month. That alone is more than a full time job.

Edit: Despite what you read on these forums 3 oz's per plant is pretty badass and that is prob'ly a plant that takes 10 weeks to flower. You need to start thinkin' about how to get that much nutes, co2, electricity and how to launder that much money. I mean you'd be making close to a million fuggin' dollars. I've sat and tried to wrap my mind around same thing you're trying to do and the numbers don't add up. The people you read about in the news with 1000's of plants are dedicated mexican mafia type dudes.


New Member
pfff thats easy trim pro

ok here we go

room #1 veg room 6 1000w running 150 2gallon pots veg clones for 3 weeks here
room 2 flower room 5 1000 w bulbs put 60 5 gallon pots 12 under each light
room 3 flower room 5 1000w bulbs 2 weeks later put the 5 week veg plants inot 7 gallon container use 9 per light thats 45
room 4 flower room 5 1000w these will b monster since youve vegged them for 7 weeks put 4 per light thats 20 of them, these 20 willhave to b transplanted in the veg room at 5 weeks to 3 gallon pots to get bigger root mass.
thats a total of 125 plants uve used so far the rest should b in bigger containers by now and clones taken, alot of them . your now in week 7 ayour first harvest should b 10 pounds in 4 weeks, 2 weeks after another 10 pounds, and 2 weeks affter another 10 pounds as long as your using co2 and advanced nutrients sensi pro 2 plus premade food expensive but well worth it as a beginner. During these 4 weeks your gona need clones from the 25 moms, you can either keep the same set up or change it but just producing 60 clones every 2 weeks to put into each room and running 60 5 gallon pots in each room vegged for 2 weeks before going into each room


Well-Known Member
pfff thats easy trim pro

ok here we go

room #1 veg room 6 1000w running 150 2gallon pots veg clones for 3 weeks here
room 2 flower room 5 1000 w bulbs put 60 5 gallon pots 12 under each light
room 3 flower room 5 1000w bulbs 2 weeks later put the 5 week veg plants inot 7 gallon container use 9 per light thats 45
room 4 flower room 5 1000w these will b monster since youve vegged them for 7 weeks put 4 per light thats 20 of them, these 20 willhave to b transplanted in the veg room at 5 weeks to 3 gallon pots to get bigger root mass.
thats a total of 125 plants uve used so far the rest should b in bigger containers by now and clones taken, alot of them . your now in week 7 ayour first harvest should b 10 pounds in 4 weeks, 2 weeks after another 10 pounds, and 2 weeks affter another 10 pounds as long as your using co2 and advanced nutrients sensi pro 2 plus premade food expensive but well worth it as a beginner. During these 4 weeks your gona need clones from the 25 moms, you can either keep the same set up or change it but just producing 60 clones every 2 weeks to put into each room and running 60 5 gallon pots in each room vegged for 2 weeks before going into each room

Easy peasy chicken greasy :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
for veg i would look into getting a good clone farmer try and get them using coco too there is less chance of rot and clogging as the coco stays nice and light with a mix of perlite and vermiculite

use cfl's like the envirolight for veg stage in one room then the second room use
1x 400w mh per 10 plants like a second stage of veging just after you re-pot with a mix of

coco canna
perlite and vermiculite
clay pebbles about an inch deep
and i also use kitchen roll in the bottom ten sheets cut to size this stops the roots from making a break for it
1 gallon pots with saucers

also i bottom feed em this means the feed sits amongst the clay pebbles and stops everything getting real soggy so far i haven't been able to over water cause they just drop the liquid and only stores enough in the perlite/vermiculite so the plant can breath easy

flowering wise i would go for

1x 400w hps per 10 plants
coco a & B at 400ml per 100ltrs
ionic bloom at 300ml per 100ltrs
from first sign of hairs pk 9/18 hammerhead by Dr hornby at 400ml per 100ltr too

feed them as much as they will take and after about 10 days leave them for about 3 days and then feed em water for 2 days and repeat lol

also leave to grow an extra week and watch as you buds burst open and grow even bigger

the last 3 days no light no nothing

you will average at least 2-3 ounces a plant if you start them flowering once they get a foot tall

you should be able to veg enough to get two rooms full of flowering plants per single veg room so 200 plants at a time 400 ounces minimum that means you take the biggest rooms for flowering and the other ones for veg as there is always the chance to double the amount of veging plants with shelving and stacking you can veg loads before you flower

sounds a lot more complicated than i make it but it is simple if you can understand it im just crap at explaining


Well-Known Member
ur not getting 20 lbs from growing strictly indoors unless u live in bc..electricity bill will stick u out like a sore thumb and the helis would be on u in a week..and to fly over a house with every room glowing and 5 light sources in each would be crazy...get some real ambitions in life and stop trying to reach the stars...


Active Member
Thanks guy, But i have the money to start up, i have a empy house. I have figured out all the little details such as electricity. My only problem is how to grow it, i guess this is harder then i thought. If nobody has any better ideas i will prob aim for 10 pound a month instead. =) thanks guys


Active Member
littlegrower why post if you are not going to help? I personally know people that do 20 pounds a month i just cant ask them about it because i wouldent want them to know i am trying to do it as well. So please if you dont have any advice dont post.


Well-Known Member
SOG is more work but you get better yield per light.

And more risk with higher plant numbers...


Well-Known Member
littlegrower why post if you are not going to help? I personally know people that do 20 pounds a month i just cant ask them about it because i wouldent want them to know i am trying to do it as well. So please if you dont have any advice dont post.
i doubt u know ppl who do it... if u kno of their grow why couldnt they kno of urs..getting help from ppl who already do it would be ur best bet..


Well-Known Member
I'll do it! You'll need 35K for the room and another 50K for me! Up front and I ain't touching no plants! You could grow tomatoes for all I care, NO PLANTS! When I'm done, I'm done. The whole room will be automated. Its this or then, I'll give you a couple of hints.

#1 You'll have to be perfect!:wall:

#2 Light is the key! Not # of plants.

#3 Digital

#4 Peat Moss

I could go on and on! Ha Ha Ha:bigjoint:

I do this here man!:-P


New Member
we them use them natural gas generators out herrr and lead based mylar for them helemicoter thangis mmmkay trim pro soooo worth every penny


New Member
ur not getting 20 lbs from growing strictly indoors unless u live in bc..electricity bill will stick u out like a sore thumb and the helis would be on u in a week..and to fly over a house with every room glowing and 5 light sources in each would be crazy...get some real ambitions in life and stop trying to reach the stars...

i dontmean to b a dick but granmas run 20's out here the big boys run 100 plus warehouses there is film to protect fromheat readings and natural gas generators that emmit co2 are becoming very efficient. The only prob is heat, int eh summer specially winternot so bad but in the summer you really need alot of cooling big cash


Active Member
hey dazed thanks for the advice.
I was thinking would 1 room for veg 150 plants 1k watt per 4x4 sqft. veg for 4 weeks then moved into 1 flowering room and start up another 150plants in the veg room for 4 weeks then moved to flowering room 2. then another 150 plants for veg and after 4 weeks the first flowering room will be done. Would this process work?


Active Member
i was wondering how people that grow this big get electricity to power there grow WITHOUT stealing it? Also how they plug in SO many watts without a circuit popping?


Well-Known Member
good morning mr marks...i was wondering ..i was thinking on how a guy could pull this off..if you have a high producing strain..say chronic....and you lolli poped those in two gallon bags and squeeze them tight together..so you have high density..and you planted in a rotational garden..how many of those bags could you fit in a ten bye 5 area?...im thinking at least 120 plants...each one could pull maybe a half ounce ..maybe more off of the top..that would mean 60 oz of dry 3.75 lbs per and four of these sections would keep that harvest comming off every 2 weeks...it would be pushing 16 lbs a month in a 20 by 20 garage? what do you think?if you could get more yield than the half ounce ..per plant..then it might be a done deal..
why do 120 and have a half off each

why not just do less plants like half of that and average an ounce per plant atleast if you get caught you havent got as big of a problem on your hands

dam rozzors (jame may top gear)

and 2 gallon bags for a half ounce isn't money friendly just use gallon pots and load your plants with nutes i usually average 15 to 20 ounces from 10 plants under 1 400w hps
just throwing in my pennies