Lucky 13 Seeds 2022 Grow Journal!!

The Dirty Dancing has this crazy ass tropical fruit/cleaner scent going on with its stem rub test. Very unique and strong smelling, I wonder if she would finish by October..

It will be pushing it time wise if the plant is true to strain. There is typically some variance in hybrids though. Just keep an eye out in the fall so you don't get mold/ freeze/ etc. Some people hang on until there is nothing left to salvage which is a waste.
Yeah last year I ran a haze strain all the way into November, Im not trying to do that again.. Ill keep vegging her and we will see what I decide to do later in spring. I do know she has a very interesting smell so far and its caught my attention.
Sorry for the long delay between updates, it's been a busy few weeks getting things sorted and prepping to move things outside..
I have been sifting through compost, bunny bedding to get the bunny droppings, prepping my worm farm so I'll have a casting harvest this summer and I've been doing outside chores that I've been wanting to get to all winter.

So far this run has been interesting, we finally got all the males sorted and now have our lineup for this years run..

It took 30 seeds unfortunately this year to get our lineup, but we are now in good shape and ready to move forward. I will say that Professor Sprout has been amazing through this run, he has provided information and also sent that replacement pack, he's an awesome dude and has made my Lucky13 experience very pleasant so far, even with all the males..

Final Ratio: 30 seeds.. 100% germination rate.. 18 Males 12 Females

Now that we have things sorted and moving forward we will see how they do this year.. So far the females all have incredible smells, they have been easy to grow so far "I am full organic so I just basically add water" and they are starting to take off..

Dirty Dancing is absolutely massive and I am expecting a workout with this strain.. According to the information I have received on this strain, I have the DanceHall CBD heavy dominant pheno. This plant is getting sooo big that I am not sure how I am going to move her around to harden her off.. She is already over 2ft+ tall after being topped a few times and trained, she is also starting to push 4ft wide and we are only in April, I'm expecting to have my work cut out for me with this plant. The smells on this strain is unlike anything I have grown so far, it is very tropical smelling upfront with a cleaner type smell on the backside. I heard this pheno may not finish up until November so I will have to watch this plant closely..

Dirty Dancing..

Roadkill OG: This lady is smelling straight funky..She has that "very potent" feel to her and I am very excited for this strain.. I am not sure which pheno I have but so far she smells incredible.

Island Sweet Skunk
This strain has been the one strain to give me the most fits, I started off with 9 seeds of this strain. Out of these 9 seeds, 8 of them were males with ball clusters, I chopped them before they had a chance to pop open.. The 1 female I do have of this strain I am hoping is the 85 skunk dominate pheno, but we shall see as time goes by..

GDP: This strain is absolutely incredible so far, very slow growing "urkle dominate heavy", but the smells are straight grape, undeniable grape smells comes off this strain. The uniformity of this strain is very clone like and it's very obvious that this strain is IBL, I think he did select breeding for the urkle traits. I am really looking forward to finishing this strain and I for sure will be taking cuts of this one..

I will try to get another update as soon as I can, with an early spring and summer on the horizon things are getting very busy around here..

So far I am verry happy with Lucky13 and if these ladies remain stable I will be keeping cuts from a few of these and I will be expanding my Lucky13 garden in the future.
I will try to get another update as soon as I can, with an early spring and summer on the horizon things are getting very busy around here..

So far I am verry happy with Lucky13 and if these ladies remain stable I will be keeping cuts from a few of these and I will be expanding my Lucky13 garden in the future.

Thanks for the update. Your plants are looking super.
Thanks for the update. Your plants are looking super.
Thank you, I really like the ease of organic.. Premix, let it inoculate and then it's water basically after that.. A few top dressings and some compost teas when I want to charge the microbes, the genetics are also helping make it easier to dial in.. Ive learned that GDP is not as heavy of a feeder as Roadkill OG, I can start to dial in each plant going forward and hopefully keep them all happy..
Growing big trees require making big holes...

12ft long x 5ft wide x 3ft deep.. Old man putting in the work this year..

I will be filling my beds in with promix, worm castings, bunny droppings, compost, mushroom compost, sea compost, oyster shells, alfalfa pellets, pig manure, chicken manure, sheep manure, Gaia Green All purpose, Power Bloom, perlite, humus from broken down tree bark that will go on the bottom of the beds, epsom salt, dolomite lime, gypsum, green sand, kelp meal, I will top dress with bat guano later and I will also be using a lot of the native soil. it turns out that my soil is very rich in worms, digging up this bed alone I found sooo many worms, the whole bed was covered in worm castings, my whole field turned out to be a worm world. I have 5 gallon buckets I am making worm hotels out of, they will have several holes drilled in them, I will then fill the bucket with worm bedding, bury the buckets in the beds and I will feed the worms veggie and fruit scraps in the buckets and place a lid on the bucket.. By setting up worm hotels in my beds it will draw in a lot more worms and they will move in and out of these buckets spreading castings through out the bed and add better texture to the soil..
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We have had our first test of the year.. I have been taking ladies inside and out to take advantage of an early spring, well in the process of doing this and everything else I have on my plate, I forgot to do preventive sprays before hand, needless to say we found spider mites on the Island Sweet Skunk, this was my fault for trying to do too many things at one time.. The problem has been addressed and I will continue to stay on top of this..

I have my veg room under quarantine, I have disinfected everything, sprayed from the top of the ceiling down to the last cm of floor board trim and everything in between, I took out my floor tarp and replaced it with a new one, the old one is outside, already hosed down.. I am taking no chances with critters this year and their survival rate is absolute 0%.

I use to not have to worry about mites, aphids and these sap sucking bugs since we had a massive infestation of lady bugs from a farm field across the way, but 2 year ago they started knocking down this farmland to add residential housing and well its knocked our lady bug population down a lot, without their heavy presence around it is already starting to show how valuable a lady bug really is..

For pest control I am using Pure Crop 1, this stuff is absolutely incredible, 1 spray irradicated everything, I still seen some eggs on the bottom of the leaf but the actual mites are gone, I will spray again with Pure Crop 1 today and then one last time tomorrow, after that there is no way they will be able to withstand this spray.. Going forward I am putting them on a strict preventive spray treatments using Pure Crop 1, Neem oil and pure Castile soap, we are not playing around with bugs this year..

Roadkill OG Pheno 2 enjoying the sun after her treatment.. This one smells so insane, it has this fruity pungent vibe going on, just incredible smelling..
The good thing about PureCrop 1 is it also works wonders for Powder Mildew and preventing it from getting on your plants, you can also spray this stuff on your plants during flower with no negative results.. PureCrop 1 is the best all around spray I have used, but it's not cheap at all and for a budget grower it really isn't a viable option, I will be using this stuff on just "absolute war" situations, I have pure castile soap and pure cold pressed neem oil that I will alternate using.. This treatment was one of those "we declare total warfare" situations, after this we will do weekly sprays of neem when they are fully outside "im not spraying neem oil in my house", Ill use castile soap inside..
Here are both lady Roadkill OG that I ended up with, they both smell different from each other, one has more of a fruity profile to her and the other is a bit more funky.. I'm digging their beds next week, my back needs a day or so to rest after that last bed I just dug up.

I will also be filling in beds next week so we can start to inoculate them and have them ready to go by mid May..

I also finished the second round of PureCrop1, I did not see any mites and the eggs are washing away, I believe this second treatment fully took care of anything if it was left behind.. Ill spray them once more tomorrow and after that I should be good to just do preventive spraying..

Well Im happy to say that our first test of the year was passed with flying colours, we not only discovered the mites before they totally infested everything, but we also totally irradicated their asses from the grow room and the plants.. New growth is looking great, they are loving the organics and their beds are starting to get filled in fully this weekend.. I am still taking them outside every chance the weather permits, I hope to have them hardened off by mid May. I will post pics sometime this weekend, but everything is looking good at the moment and the plants are getting bigger by the day.
I had to go out again today and get more Sea Compost, more Peat, more dolomite lime, more perlite, some more mushroom compost and a few more bags of sheep manure.. I will be going to the farm tomorrow and start collecting pig manure and chicken manure as well.. We are tossing the kitchen sink at these ladies this year.. I will get some pics tomorrow as I start to lasagne the beds.. Everything is still looking good, I have another scheduled pure crop 1 spray tomorrow as well.. I have a very busy day tomorrow so I might get an update later in the evening..
As for the pig manure and chicken manure.. Both of them have been composting for over 6 years now, the pigs were fed nothing but greens and organic matter and the chickens are on a high omega 3 diet.. I will be putting this manure down towards the bottom 1/4-1/2 of the beds.
I picked up some Dirty Dancing, Deep Chunk, Deep Kill (Deep Chunk x RKS) and have a free pack of Lebanese Hashplant with 3x3 seed free packs on the 4/20 sale. The Dirty Dancing choice was a result of your thread here. She's impressive.
That Dirty Dancing is going to be INSANE, I hope you get the Dancehall pheno so you will see how amazing she smells.. You might want to clear out some space for that strain, it's getting SO big, Im not sure how Im going to move this one outside yet.. Its grown to over 4+ft tall and 4 1/2 feet+ wide, this is after being topped multiple times.. its getting out of control big, but the smell is so incredible.. you will see.. Also I like your selection, that DeepKill has my attention.. I also have to go get a Deep 6ix clone this weekend, a buddy of mine grew out a pack of these and Im going to get a cut of the best female.

Quick Update..

I got the bottom 1/2 layer done in the beds, I put broken up hardwood chips that I had in an old pit on the very bottom.. I added some top soil that had worm castings in it on top of the chips and packed this layer.. I then added more top soil/ worm castings and worms into the next 1/4 section.. I also added dolomite lime, oyster shells, perlite, alfalfa pellets, epsom salt and chicken manure. I have put 100s upon 100s of worms into the bed already and still have a bit to go. I've stirred up so many worms that I have FLOCKS of birds now starting to catch attention.. Im having to guard my beds already from Robins.. The next 1/4 layer will be more top soil/castings, worms, perlite, oyster shells, alfalfa pellets, espom salt, dolomite lime and chicken maure.. The last 1/4 layer will be composts, sea composts, worm castings, bunny droppings, sheep manure, oyster shells, promix, perlite, gaia green, alfalfa pellets and a few other things.

I will get pics as soon as I can, it has been a bit wet weather so I didn't get to do anything to the beds today, I am sifting through mounds of Giant Flemish bedding, I will have it ready to go in a few days..
It's been an insane month, I've been so busy that I haven't had time to post anything.. Here is a quick update, I am going to do my best to get pics this week.

I have half of them in the ground now, the Roadkill OG and GDP, both strains look very good and are starting to get adjusted to their beds.

The ISS is also starting to take off and looking good.. The Dirty Dancing is so massive and will be going in the ground later this week, this plant stays hungry and seems to require more food then everything else, I also think she's filled out her 7 gal pot and needs to get in the ground as soon as she's fully hardened off..

I will have a full update with pics here as soon as I get the time to put it all together, "this is a lot of work for an old man"..

But so far everything is looking really good, smells incredible, from skunky funk to tropical fruits and in between..

I also started to put up the support system for a couple of the beds, I will be running 5 ft wide x 16 ft long trellis with poles and cross beams to support it. I will also be using cages as well..

I have to do a round of spraying soon, I have been so busy with creating beds that I haven't had the time, I see no signs of mites or pm but I will be spraying with purecrop tomorrow.. .

A full update to come as soon as I can..
Here is an update:

We have been putting them in the ground this week, everything should start taking off from this point..

I have amended the beds and they are nutrient rich, airy and fluffy.. I also do not walk on my beds, I do not want to compact the soil, so I use a heavy duty board that I walk on instead..

I will be adding a compost tea this week to help charge the microbes in the beds..

Roadkill OG.. The buried bucket is my "in bed worm hotel", I have it loaded with mushroom composts, peat, crushed leaves and I added veggies along with oyster shells for grit..

Island Sweet Skunk.. I still have to load her worm hotel and put the lid on it, I'll do that today.

Grand Daddy Purple IBL

Dirty Dancing.. I need to get her in the ground, she is rootbound but not fully hardened off yet, Im hoping to have her in the ground this weekend..

Im in the middle of mixing up another batch of organic soil.

Hopefully I can get the next round of soil mixed up this week and start on forming the cages and trellis support system.
I'm sorry for the late update, it's been a lot of work on the old man this year, I'm not in my 20s anymore...

I will try to get another update in a couple weeks or so, Im going to let everything settle in and start working on their support system..
I just finished mixing up the next batch of soil..

Here is the mix I am going with....

This mix makes around 200 gallons of soil "depending on how much top soil you use"

1 bale of Premier peat "same peat pro mix uses"
1 part mushroom compost
1 1/2- 2 parts native top soil that I sifted
25 litre bag of composted sheep manure
5 gal bucket of chicken manure that's been composted for over 5+ years
A bucket full of rabbit manure "normal size bathroom size trash can".
1 1/2 - 2 cups of dolomite lime
1 1/2- 2 cups of epsom salt
A couple heaping handfuls of oyster shells
A few heaping handfuls of alfalfa pellets
Perlite "added by eyeballing it"
8 cups of Gaia Green All Purpose
8 cups of Gaia Green Power Bloom
A heaping handful of eggshell powder "for more calcium"
Worm Castings " several handfuls and also a lot in the native topsoil"
50 litres of sea compost " composted seaweed and shellfish"
A couple handfuls of green sand
A small handful of kelp meal "I didn't have much left of this stuff"

I will also be adding bat guano later this summer

I did a soil test on the mix and its showing 6.8 - 6.9, I will continue to monitor it but its looking good so far..

Hopefully they will take well to the mix and start o explode in growth soon..
As far as how much perlite I am using, I have went through 2 22lb bags of it so far and still have more to mix...
I will also be top dressing with alfalfa hay, this will break down over the season adding more nitrogen and nutrients to the soil..