Grams, Drams, Micrograms, Kilograms......and in hot much potatoe skin. I read alot of your threads and I think all those methods will not work. The best way to use bananas or whatever other random fruit/vegetable would be to compost it with a worm composter and then add it to soil or make a tea. Theres no fuckin way that banana peels on the soil will have any benefit for cannabis plants. However tomatoes benefit greatly from banana peels, to deter whiteflys and release ethelyne, a ripening agent.
With that said, what do you have against Guano, Seaweed, Kelp, Horse Manure, Molasses, Worm Castings, Garden Compost, Bone Meal, Blood Meal, Humic and Fulvic acids and many other organic nutrients to exhaustive to list. Not to mention Mycorise, Endofine, Bascillus and other beneficial bacterias that can make your plants go crazy. Who needs Bananas, potatoes, or other random fruits?
If you really want your shwag to taste like good herb....sell it and then buy some good stuff...or some seeds to grow moms that have potential!!