Examples of GOP Leadership

Lawrence Explains Strongest Sign Yet The Feds Are Investigating Trump

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains why the Justice Dept. is refusing a request from House Oversight Democrats for an inventory of Trump materials and why that is likely an indication that Attorney Gen. Garland has authorized a federal investigation of Trump and the Trump White House.
very good news, but i've been disappointed several times already....i'm skeptical till they actually start issuing arrest warrants.
really? i heard repeal and replace so many times. lol.

very good news, but i've been disappointed several times already....i'm skeptical till they actually start issuing arrest warrants.
From what I know about Garland and the heat he is taking from all sides, I figure there is a larger purpose for him dragging his feet. He is still well within the law and how it normally works, it is a very large complex investigation that the J6 panel is mostly handling the political end of public evidence gathering. For most of these assholes on the political end the J6 committee will present the DOJ with evidence and a report all wrapped up with a bow.

A TV trial in Georgia is coming and Trump just dumped a half million to primary Kemp and he among other GOP officials will testify against him in court and refute the big lie. The fact that all this shit will happen on TV is the most important factor here, Georgia has all their trials on TV and that is where I figure Donald will end up. Humiliated before the nation with the big lie refuted by republicans under oath, and the prosecution might mention Trump's other evidence, call Mark Meadows and introduce J6 testimony and reports to bolster their case. Donald will flip out on the republicans, cause Mitch will be kicking him while he is down, if Donald can't own the GOP, he will try to destroy it.

For Garland the wheels of justice grind slow anyway and the J6 panel is now working it's way up the food chain to Trump and gathering evidence and so is the FBI. A grand jury will make quick work of those who refuse subpoenas or refuse to cooperate. The wait for Georgia, a southern red state to break the ice and indict Donald first for a TV trial this summer might be worth the wait come November.
With Donald, Mitch is either on his knees or at his throat.
Why Mitch McConnell keeps crawling back to Trump

With Donald, Mitch is either on his knees or at his throat.
Why Mitch McConnell keeps crawling back to Trump

nothing new, republicans say what people want to hear, then do what they want to do...been that way for at least 20 years now, and getting progressively worse
very good news, but i've been disappointed several times already....i'm skeptical till they actually start issuing arrest warrants.
There is also another possibility in Georgia, especially if Donald is convicted of election crimes. He could be facing a class action civil suit by the voters in Fulton county and others, he tried to disenfranchise by several means, that are being proven elsewhere now, or soon will be.
nothing new, republicans say what people want to hear, then do what they want to do...been that way for at least 20 years now, and getting progressively worse
Mitch knows what will happen if Donald blows up the GOP and keeps the lunatics and moron racists home in November, or peels them off for membership in his new loonie tune party after trashing the republican brand for generations. Donald is driven by revenge before all else and getting his enemies is a big part of what drives Donald, even if he screws himself doing it. The war and Donald's big lie are increasingly dividing the GOP, I'm waiting for Donald to speak further stupid shit on the subject. Is Tucker covering the Ukrainian war? Or does it exist for his fans? Last I heard he had both feet stuck in his mouth on the subject.
There is also another possibility in Georgia, especially if Donald is convicted of election crimes. He could be facing a class action civil suit by the voters in Fulton county and others, he tried to disenfranchise by several means, that are being proven elsewhere now, or soon will be.
and he'll trail it out across a decade. that is trump's basic strategy for all legal challenges, delay, delay, delay...until the opposition runs out of time and money to continue the challenge. that's why i'm not interested in civil suits, only criminal trials, that he cannot delay past a certain point, and only then if he finds a sympathetic judge, which i think is going to get progressively harder for him to find
Mitch knows what will happen if Donald blows up the GOP and keeps the lunatics and moron racists home in November, or peels them off for membership in his new loonie tune party after trashing the republican brand for generations. Donald is driven by revenge before all else and getting his enemies is a big part of what drives Donald, even if he screws himself doing it. The war and Donald's big lie are increasingly dividing the GOP, I'm waiting for Donald to speak further stupid shit on the subject. Is Tucker covering the Ukrainian war? Or does it exist for his fans? Last I heard he had both feet stuck in his mouth on the subject.
i don't know, i can't bring myself to watch carlson...i know ignoring enemy propaganda isn't a wise strategy, but his voice just grates on my ears, and i want to punch my monitor to shut him up...he just rubs me raw, and it only takes a few seconds of his voice to do it
:o there was one the other day..i wanted to gouge his eyes out but nothing worse than the public smoker who just got up..hacking and coughing up a gallon while I'm enjoying my nature walk? Mouth vomit.
Mama smoked PallMalls in the car. Cracked her window for the pretense of fresh air for us kids. And she had Easy Listening on the FM and whistled. Since her range was narrow, she simply chose a key and whistled (with all the tunefulness of an almost-closed window in a windstorm) while maintaining the interval. Trauma.
and he'll trail it out across a decade. that is trump's basic strategy for all legal challenges, delay, delay, delay...until the opposition runs out of time and money to continue the challenge. that's why i'm not interested in civil suits, only criminal trials, that he cannot delay past a certain point, and only then if he finds a sympathetic judge, which i think is going to get progressively harder for him to find
True, but a criminal conviction is often a slam dunk in the related civil case and these cases can wait for things to grind away, they are basically in the bag, however get in line for whatever cash Donald has, the lawsuits have only just begun.

Criminal indictments are coming and it's a max of 5 years for Trump's crime in Georgia and once indicted the judge will own his ass. He won't go to prison, the secret service will be ordered to keep him in custody, where to be determined, a federal facility would keep their costs low and a cell makes security easier, they already spent enough money on the asshole. I don't think they will be serving him his diet coke or changing his diaper, opening a refrigerator will be a new experience for Donald...
Mama smoked PallMalls in the car. Cracked her window for the pretense of fresh air for us kids. And she had Easy Listening on the FM and whistled. Since her range was narrow, she simply chose a key and whistled (with all the tunefulness of an almost-closed window in a windstorm) while maintaining the interval. Trauma.
my granpa wouldn't go anywhere without his dog in the car, unless grandma was coming with. but granpa's dog farted frequently, volubly, and voluminously....
so, i'll trade you
Unearthed records show Matt Mowers, a Trump aide running for Congress in New Hampshire, voted twice from 2 different states. Republicans are calling on him to drop out: “We cannot have a candidate in our Republican primary who is a poster boy for election fraud,”
and mark meadows was removed from the voter rolls in north carolina too. i think his wife too.