What are you watching?

Right now I'm watching my favorite series, Ozark. I especially like to watch it after having a smoke, relaxing, then the feeling is heightened by watching the movie. It's a good thing I waited until the seasons came out in full in order to download them the pirate bay otherwise I wouldn't have been able to wait for each episode to come out and watch one episode at a time. I like to watch all at once so I don't lose the essence of the whole series.
Great ride !
I've been watching MrBallen on youtube.

This one is extra freaky.
Open mouth animated emoticon

Mr. Ballen is good stuff. I started watching his videos after going down a rabbithole of missing hiker videos last summer.
so-so movie, plodding

346 British and Commonwealth soldiers were executed in the First World War, 306 for "cowardice or desertion". "Shell Shock" (PTSD) was not a valid reason and not recognized or misinterpreted. Most of them were not given proper medical examinations, and so their conditions were 'over-looked'.

"Senior military commanders would not accept a soldier’s failure to return to the front line as anything other than desertion. They also believed that if such behaviour was not harshly punished, others might be encouraged to do the same and the whole discipline of the British Army would collapse. Some men faced a court martial for other offences but the majority stood trial for desertion from their post, “fleeing in the face of the enemy”. A court martial itself was usually carried out with some speed and the execution followed shortly after."

A new law passed on November 8th 2006 and included as part of the Armed Forces Act has pardoned men in the British and Commonwealth armies who were executed in World War One. The law removes the stain of dishonour with regards to executions on war records but it does not cancel out sentences.

Interesting concept, white bread Missouri farm boy begins working at the largest Tokyo newspaper (only Gaijin salaryman there) after learning to read AND write Japanese. Has some promise and pretty good reviews although they could have had a better actor playing the lead.

I never watched much of "Jackass", but this new movie is funny as shit!

They filmed a bunch of stuff here in Portland. Their Urban Kayaking is pretty funny. I wish I would have seen it when they were doing it.

I used to live right down the road from Hippo Hardware the place where the guy sat down with a newspaper and took a crap in a toilet that was for sale while there were customers standing around. It was for their 2002 movie and they did some pretty disgusting stuff back then.

Just finished Pennyworth. It was bad but in a way that was hard to turn off. Maybe 2 characters in the whole series that are remotely likeable and possibly the worst spy craft ever portrayed in any form of media ever.
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Major problem on a sub and not a single hatch or door is secured, but this started off with semi good reviews so I'll watch for a while. There was another series a while back about a Naval surface ship during a Z plague.
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