Happy thread :)

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Well-Known Member
I just drove through Cotati and thought of Backdoor Records. Ah, memories.
It's all free today online, so there's that.

I used to collect thousands of albums in FLAC format from USENET and then using torrents. I haven't bothered in years and that music is on a portable drive I seldom use, it's often easier just to go to YouTube, most everything is there and my ears ain't what they used to be...

You can put a tractor trailer load of albums on a thumb drive these days, or a memory card the size of your thumbnail, then pop it into your phone.

I have a very nice set of Paradigm Phantom speakers and a good amp, the rest is blue tooth from my phone or tablet in FLAC format. I have no turntable or CD player, though audio in from the TV and there is a tuner in the amp.
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Well-Known Member
It's all free today online, so there's that.

I used to collect thousands of albums in FLAC format from USENET and then using torrents. I haven't bothered in years and that music is on a portable drive I seldom use, it's often easier just to go to YouTube, most everything is there and my ears ain't what they used to be...

You can put a tractor trailer load of albums on a thumb drive these days, or a memory card the size of your thumbnail, then pop it into your phone.

I have a very nice set of Paradigm Phantom speakers and a good amp, the rest is blue tooth from my phone or tablet in FLAC format. I have no turntable or CD player, though audio in from the TV and there is a tuner in the amp.
Not interested. I like a tangible product, something I can hold and read the liner notes. I still use a turntable from time to time. Some records never had CDs issued, and others are too expensive to buy on CD because there were few pressed. I'll die with my JBL L-100s.


Well-Known Member
I've traded music from hard drives with a couple three friends. But most of what I have, I have the cd's upstairs in the closet. I don't buy many these days, but for a long long time I bought used cd's, made a copy and put the originals away. I made extra copies of the most played for work and my camps. I tried to keep these down to a couple three hundred cd's. (I did bring my work cd's to the riverhouse, along with hundreds of hours of concerts on dvd. I'm pretty sure I'm a short timer at work, and I'm slowly bringing stuff home.

As far as listening, at home and work it's almost always you tube. At the riverhouse or in my car I listen to the radio. When walking I use my mp3 player. Other than my mp3 players, one cd changer and one receiver all my equipment was bought used.


Well-Known Member
Not interested. I like a tangible product, something I can hold and read the liner notes. I still use a turntable from time to time. Some records never had CDs issued, and others are too expensive to buy on CD because there were few pressed. I'll die with my JBL L-100s.
I got a buddy just like ya! ;-) Says the same things, though he listens a lot on his phone today too, I used to burn DVD's full of albums for him and he has a big book of them. I even printed a catalog to go with it, these days it resides on his note book computer. He still buys albums though. I also reduce them to MP3 to listen to in the car on a thumb drive, my cheap car has a great sounding stereo and speakers, most do these days.


Well-Known Member
After three weeks in the Garden of Eden, God came to visit Eve. 'So, how is everything going?' inquired God.
'It is all so beautiful, God,' she replied. 'The sunrises and sunsets are breathtaking, the smells, the sights, everything is wonderful, but I have just one problem.
It's these breasts you have given me. The middle one pushes the other two out and I am constantly knocking them with my arms, catching them on branches and snagging them on bushes. They're a real pain..'
And Eve went on to tell God that since many other parts of her body came in pairs, such as her limbs, eyes, ears, etc. She felt that having only two breasts might leave her body more 'symmetrically balanced'.
'That's a fair point,' replied God, 'But it was my first shot at this, you know. I gave the animals six breasts, so I figured that you needed only half of those, but I see that you are right. I will fix it up right away.'
And God reached down, removed the middle breast and tossed it into the bushes
Three weeks passed and God once again visited Eve in the Garden of Eden.
' Well, Eve, how is my favorite creation?'
'Just fantastic,' she replied, 'But for one oversight. You see, all the animals are paired off. The ewe has a ram and the cow has her bull. All the animals have a mate except me. I feel so alone.'
God thought for a moment and said, 'You know, Eve, you are right. How could I have overlooked this? You do need a mate and I will immediately create a man from a part of you. Let's see...where did I put that useless Tit?'
Now doesn't THAT make more sense than all that crap about the rib?
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