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Kremlin spokesman admits ‘we have significant losses of troops,’ calls it ‘a huge tragedy’
Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, acknowledged in an interview published on Thursday that Russia had sustained “significant losses of troops” and called it a “huge tragedy.”

The remarks, which were made to Sky News, are a rare acknowledgement from Moscow of the difficulties Russia has confronted in its invasion of Ukraine.



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Russia to resign early from the UN HRC
Russia will prematurely terminate its powers in the UN Human Rights Council, Gennady Kuzmin, deputy permanent representative of the country to the organization, said at a meeting of the General Assembly.

"The Russian side considers the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly to suspend Russia's membership in the UNHRC as an unlawful and politically motivated step in order to defiantly punish a sovereign UN member state that pursues an independent domestic and foreign policy," the diplomat said.

According to him, the representation will cease to perform its functions in the Council on April 7.

93 states voted in favor of the resolution to suspend Russia's membership in the UNHRC, 24 countries opposed, and 58 representatives abstained. The document was prepared by a group of Western countries, including the United States and Ukraine.

Earlier, the UN had already adopted an anti-Russian resolution on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine, which contains political demands on Russia. At the same time, Moscow has repeatedly pointed out that the organization ignores the crimes of Ukrainian nationalists against captured Russians and civilians.

Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine on February 24. Putin called its goal "the protection of people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years."

For this, according to him, it is planned to carry out "demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine", to bring to justice all war criminals responsible for "bloody crimes against civilians" in Donbass .


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Fundamental mistakes, if you were the building custodian and saw them coming and breaking into the lobby, what would you do? I don't think this ended well for these guys, if the people who trapped them there had a plan to dispose of them or just leave them there until they died. I can only imagine what was said to them on the emergency phone or over the PA, YOU ARE GONNA DIE! being the least of it.

If they got out, the guy who put them there would be dead, if they found him. They were on their way to rape, murder and pillage, so they could well have died with 20 gallons of gasoline, tossed down the shaft as everybody left the building.

Russian soldiers trapped in elevator by Ukraine war, this is what happened to trapped soldiers
I'm pretty sure I heard the narrator say that the Ukranian soldier leveled the building.


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"Nonhumans, worse than terrorists." What distinguishes the Ukrainian security forces
Torture, sadism, psychological abuse and executions - more and more evidence of the inhuman treatment of prisoners by Ukrainian security forces is being published on the Web. The servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Battalions, without hiding their faces, shoot and mutilate Russian soldiers on camera. Official Kyiv condemns these "excesses" only in words, but in reality it simply ignores them. In fact, the nationalists received carte blanche for any atrocities.



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Mishustin spoke about the support of the Russians against the backdrop of rising prices
Prime Minister Mishustin: social benefits and pensions will be indexed, the cost of living and the minimum wage will be increased
The Russian authorities managed to stop the panic in stores, the rush demand began to gradually subside, although prices continue to rise in the country - in such a situation it is important to support people: social benefits and pensions will be indexed, the minimum wage and the living wage will be increased, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation said Mikhail Mishustin.

"The systemic measures of the government, the Ministry of Industry and Trade , the Ministry of Agriculture, the Federal Antimonopoly Service , heads of regions, conscientious sellers gave a certain result. We managed to stop the panic. And the rush demand in stores also gradually began to fade away," Mishustin said, speaking with a government report in the State Duma .

"However, the rise in prices remains. And here it is important to support people. On behalf of the President, social payments will be indexed, including for families with children, as well as pensions. We will increase the minimum wage and the subsistence level," the Prime Minister stressed.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development, inflation in the Russian Federation in annual terms accelerated to 16.7% on April 1 from 15.66% a week earlier. The last time annual inflation in Russia was at a comparable level was in March 2015, when it amounted to 16.9%. At the same time, in weekly terms, the growth rate of prices slowed down a bit - to 0.99% after 1.16% the previous week.


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Peskov called the prevention of the third world war the purpose of a special operation in Ukraine
Peskov called prevention the third world goal of the operation in Ukraine

Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov aid that Russia's actions in Ukraine prevent the threat of a third world war.

“Imagine a situation where a NATO member, Ukraine , thinking about the return of Crimea, attacks Russia and Russian Crimea. Applying Article 5 of the NATO Charter, NATO countries with nuclear weapons will have to defend Ukraine, there could be a third world war. What is being carried out now is protecting us from any potential threat of such a war," he said on the air of the British television channel Sky News.



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Peskov called the prevention of the third world war the purpose of a special operation in Ukraine
Peskov called prevention the third world goal of the operation in Ukraine

Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov aid that Russia's actions in Ukraine prevent the threat of a third world war.

“Imagine a situation where a NATO member, Ukraine , thinking about the return of Crimea, attacks Russia and Russian Crimea. Applying Article 5 of the NATO Charter, NATO countries with nuclear weapons will have to defend Ukraine, there could be a third world war. What is being carried out now is protecting us from any potential threat of such a war," he said on the air of the British television channel Sky News.

The Kremlin spokesman admitted that the situation could be resolved through diplomacy.

"This will greatly depend on the consistency of the Ukrainian position and to what extent they will be ready to accept our conditions," Peskov added.

Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine on February 24. President Vladimir Putin called its goal "the protection of people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years." For this, according to him, it is planned to carry out "demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine", to bring to justice all war criminals responsible for "bloody crimes against civilians" in Donbass .

As stated by the Ministry of Defense, the Russian Armed Forces strike only at military infrastructure and troops, and by March 25 they had completed the main tasks of the first stage - they significantly reduced the combat potential of Ukraine . The main goal in the Russian military department was called the liberation of Donbass .

According to preliminary data from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, as of April 5, since the start of hostilities in Ukraine, 1,563 civilians have been killed and 3,776 people have been injured.

Since February 28, Russian-Ukrainian negotiations have also been going on. They are held both in the format of face-to-face meetings and via videoconference. The next intramural round took place last week in Istanbul .
He got war alright and he is regretting it, he had a fortune abroad and it's as good as gone. Nothing is a done deal, but if the Russian army acts like the first time around, the second time will be ten time worse, ten times as fast for them. The Ukrainians know their orders and their timetable and most likely have every piece of their equipment in the region mapped. If they don't get enough weapons and logistics to defeat the Russians, it will go hard on the western politicians who were reluctant, few seem to be reluctant since the atrocities.


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More than 30 Ukrainian soldiers surrendered in Mariupol
More than 30 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered in Mariupol, according to the Telegram channel "Military correspondents of the Russian Spring".

As the military commander of the canal reported from the place, the military came out with their hands up in the area of kindergarten No. 91 on the Left Bank.

Earlier it was reported that 267 Ukrainian marines surrendered to the Russian military in Mariupol. This was stated by the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. According to him, we are talking about marines from the 503rd battalion. He then also called on all Ukrainian servicemen to go over to the “right side.”

Prior to this, Kadyrov offered the Ukrainian military, located at the Azovstal plant in Mariupol, to surrender. He also promised Denis Pushilin, head of the Donetsk People's Republic, to help restore it.

'All wrong' Navy Seal picks apart Russia's desperate video of 'Mariupol surrender'
A VIDEO shared by Russian social media appears to depict over 250 Ukrainian soldiers surrendering at Mariupol - but a US Navy Seal has rejected the video as faked propaganda.
The port city has been a key target for Putin since his invasion of Ukraine commenced in late February, and has been the site of some of his army’s worst atrocities. Russian troops appear to now be faking the surrender of 267 Ukrainian marines in Mariupol in a video which depicts a line of soldiers walking with their hands up, and has been shared across Russian social media service VK. However, a US Navy Seal has spotted several key details that suggest the video is not all what it seems.



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rather not, i saw some of other pictures........not good, not good at alll
Those pictures and the ones we will unfortunately see in the coming weeks, will put the nail in Putin's coffin. Peace would be real difficult, especially if Vlad's army is on the ropes in Ukraine and he needs negotiations to evacuate what he has left.

They will want the bridge at Kerch destroyed and they will ask for our help to do it, if they haven't already. I think it would make a good covert operation and we might be able to supply special equipment for the job. Drive into Mariupol and launch rockets and cruise missiles with lot's of decoys, or get a boat and commandoes. It's a high risk, high value target that can have a huge impact on the war, he must have it guarded well and would be a fool not too. However cruise missiles and switchblades can take out defenders and two ends can be blocked by light forces temporarily while the charges are laid. It would take guts, luck and daring, but there would be no shortage of volunteers who would try against slim odds.

Several old airlines loaded with ANFO and full fuel tanks, auto piloted and remote controlled might make a dent in it too. The Ukrainian air force could escort them through, if they took Mariupol or some other point on the coast of the sea Azov and controlled the territory there. They could be dropping missile decoys along the way too and anti ship missiles from shore and small boats can deal with the navy. Fake air attacks in other areas can divert fighters etc. They need to take out that bridge though, that much is obvious, it's Putin's prize and the key to an easier victory in Crimea and South Ukraine. That would make the evening news in Russia!
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"The Russians must get bogged down there." How the United States is fueling the conflict in Ukraine
Trains and automobile convoys with Western weapons go to Ukraine through the Polish border almost daily. NATO is trying to hastily restore the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and thereby slow down the Russian special operation. However, it is very difficult to do this - in a month of hostilities, the Ukrainian security forces suffered huge losses in heavy equipment, which there is simply nothing to replace.



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"The Russians must get bogged down there." How the United States is fueling the conflict in Ukraine
Trains and automobile convoys with Western weapons go to Ukraine through the Polish border almost daily. NATO is trying to hastily restore the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and thereby slow down the Russian special operation. However, it is very difficult to do this - in a month of hostilities, the Ukrainian security forces suffered huge losses in heavy equipment, which there is simply nothing to replace.

Restore air defense
NATO does not spare money for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In the coming days, the United States plans to begin deliveries under the largest $800 million military aid package: small arms, anti-tank and man-portable air defense systems, counter-battery radars, ammunition, personal protective equipment. Something was sent before, but now Washington has expanded the range

According to the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal, citing sources in the Pentagon, heavy equipment will be provided to Kiev for the first time. So far, we are talking about Soviet air defense systems that were in service with the Warsaw Pact countries and are well known to Ukrainian specialists. Over the decades, the Americans have assembled a good "collection": dozens of Osa, Tor-M2, Buk, S-300V air defense systems.

The United States is urging allies to help with modern air defense systems. For example, they asked Turkey to transfer Russian-made S-400 air defense systems to Kiev. In exchange, they promised their own, as well as the return to the program of the fifth generation F-35 fighter. Ankara refused, explaining that it did not want to spoil relations with either Russia or Ukraine.

It is actively arming the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the European Union, which has allocated a billion euros from the European Peace Fund for this. Germany plans to ship two thousand Panzerfaust grenade launchers from the stocks of the Bundeswehr. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, on the eve of the EU, G7 and NATO summits, announced the dispatch of 6,000 NLAW and Javelin anti-tank missile systems. London has already delivered about 4,000 ATGMs earlier. According to the local press, this threatens with a shortage in the British army itself.

Destroy on the way
Of course, Russia reacts. Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov pointed out that Kyiv receives lethal weapons in a simplified manner and this threatens to "spread the missile weapons transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine throughout the European Union and neighboring regions." For example, terrorists with Stinger MANPADS will become a big problem for civil aviation.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in turn, stressed that any military cargo arriving in Ukraine is considered a legitimate target. There is no doubt that the Russian army is capable of attacking the western part of the country. Thus, the Yavoriv test site in the Lviv region, which was tested with cruise missiles in March, is located just 25 kilometers from the Polish-Ukrainian border.

“The strike on the Yavoriv test site clearly showed that we are serious,” says military expert Oleksiy Leonkov. “And we will not allow any concessions in the issue of supporting military operations on the territory of Ukraine with weapons or mercenaries. When our intelligence detects disguised warehouses or columns, they are destroyed. And Western countries should clearly understand this."

Colossal losses
However, arms supplies are not enough for President Volodymyr Zelensky. At the NATO summit, he said: Kiev needs military assistance without restrictions. And he added that the alliance could share one percent of its tanks and aircraft with Ukraine. It is unlikely that his wish will come true. Ukrainian tankers and pilots do not know how to handle Western equipment. And NATO will not dare to send crews, since this is a direct clash with Russia.

Zelensky can be understood. During the month of hostilities, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost thousands of units of military equipment, which there is nothing to replace in combat units. According to the reports of the Russian Ministry of Defense, 1572 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles have already been destroyed. This is a lot. Until February 24, Ukraine had about 2,400 tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, according to the annual analytical report The Military Balance.

Artillery also suffered heavy losses: 160 rocket launchers, 633 guns and mortars (it was about 1770). In addition, 189 out of 320 anti-aircraft missile systems were hit. The vast majority of the surviving air defense systems are not combat-ready and do not threaten Russian aviation in any way.
I can't read too much of their shit, my eyes glaze over after a paragraph, bullshit isn't information, it's a waste of time for a free man and the steady diet of a slave and fool. Of course many Russians believe it, foxnews viewers believe them too and they have much less of an excuse than Russians who never really knew what it was like to live free. The young in Russia just had a taste and it's been slowly strangled since.


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Got to keep the people happy.

The Russians are numb from the news: May holidays from 1 to 10
The State Duma proposed to extend the May weekend to 10 days. This initiative was made by the vice-speaker of the lower house of parliament Vladislav Davankov.

According to him, during this period, the Russians could stock up on food for the autumn period. Davankov also noted that “people need to survive,” as all products are becoming more expensive, including the “borscht set.”

In addition, the politician believes that over a 10-day weekend, Russians could devote to communicating with loved ones. Vladislav Davankov emphasized that this extension of the May holidays is not at all difficult to implement, citing non-working days during the pandemic as an example.

“It is important to keep people in their jobs, but at the same time it is important to support everyone by arranging such long holidays,” the vice speaker of the lower house of parliament concluded.