Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Once upon a time those were 5 1/4 and actually floppy but before that we had large tape drives LOL oh how the times changed. I still have an Iomega Jazz drive.
I was a trainer for Wang word processors in another life. I was temping for dough in college around the time they came out. I walked into their corporate lobby and asked for training and they. So I went around to high powered law firms and lobbyists (this was in DC) and showed their people how to do it, different place every week. 7 inch floppies for sure (forgot the point of this post for a minute)


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Really what can you change on your machine that I can not change on mine?
Yours specifically, dunno. But the average apple machine is less customizable for a reasonable price, and some require specialized tools, so adding parts can be frustrating. I switch between OSs every now and then, but windows is easy for game compatibility, so i usually run it.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Yours specifically, dunno. But the average apple machine is less customizable for a reasonable price, and some require specialized tools, so adding parts can be frustrating. I switch between OSs every now and then, but windows is easy for game compatibility, so i usually run it.
The tools are relatively inexpensive. The parts are a little more but they seem to last longer than the same parts I've used on my Windows boxes. For gaming Windows makes perfect sense.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
What I want is a better hybrid machine for the photoshoppers PLUS Gamers. Both benefit from a beefy system... media programming is pretty lacking elsewhere
Apple M1's can now dual boot. So you could run a dual boot system. I bought the very last Intel version of Apple's iMac because I wasn't sure how long it would take to shake out their new M1 chip. That would be a very nice option if you set up a dual boot system. Best of both worlds, Windows for gaming and MacOS for robust Adobe product support.

Although I have to say I've found GIMP to be every bit as good as Photoshop.


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone......hows everyone doing.....see we are talking about boxes......i got 3 sitting on the floor in the back room that i used for graphic arts and design and i did a little gaming....

well woke up this morning at 49F, nice brisk morning....high today 78F and sunny

just made a fresh pot, warm ups coming....

now to get some breakfast in me........