Examples of GOP Leadership

I keep tell'en ya folks they are slow walking Donald's federal indictment and the rest for a reason(s) and this is one of them. Donald on the loose is more useful than Donald in prison, he's even supporting and publicly asking for help from Putin FFS. By summer a trial in Georgia with republicans testifying against him should put a cap on it. Donald will feel betrayed and want retribution on the republicans, if he can't own them, he will destroy them. If they lose just 10% support in November they are screwed and Donald might be able to do it, if on the loose during primary season and keeping his base home after.
Trump Goes After The 'Big 12' GOP Incumbents For The Midterms

MSNBC's Vaughn Hillyard reports on how former President Trump is putting his influence on the line by backing Republican primary challengers.
just another republicunt, doing what republicunts do...breath in, lie out...
I keep tell'en ya folks they are slow walking Donald's federal indictment and the rest for a reason(s) and this is one of them. Donald on the loose is more useful than Donald in prison, he's even supporting and publicly asking for help from Putin FFS. By summer a trial in Georgia with republicans testifying against him should put a cap on it. Donald will feel betrayed and want retribution on the republicans, if he can't own them, he will destroy them. If they lose just 10% support in November they are screwed and Donald might be able to do it, if on the loose during primary season and keeping his base home after.
Trump Goes After The 'Big 12' GOP Incumbents For The Midterms

MSNBC's Vaughn Hillyard reports on how former President Trump is putting his influence on the line by backing Republican primary challengers.
you might be right...but the one thing donald trump is actually good at is avoiding responsibility. at this point i will be surprised if he ever sees the inside of a courtroom, much less a prison cell. it will matter little, though. his base is dwindling, his influence is dwindling, his resources are dwindling...soon he will be widely regarded as the loud mouth, ignorant has-been that he already is
you might be right...but the one thing donald trump is actually good at is avoiding responsibility. at this point i will be surprised if he ever sees the inside of a courtroom, much less a prison cell. it will matter little, though. his base is dwindling, his influence is dwindling, his resources are dwindling...soon he will be widely regarded as the loud mouth, ignorant has-been that he already is
He will still own a significant part of the base, maybe 30%, no matter what happens. He might not do time in prison, the secret service will be ordered by the court to keep him in custody, where to be determined, Gitmo to be hoped for!

The main thing IMHO will be a TV trial in Georgia this spring or summer and republicans testifying against him and the big lie. There might be another 1/6 on the courthouse steps and all kinds of fun could happen inside the courtroom, you know Donald! Hopefully he will divide the Republican party and keep enough of the base home to make a difference in November and he might appear before a judge for sentencing before election day, if guilty. It will be a TV trial as all are in Georgia and the nation will really be the jury. It promises to be a three ring circus and spectacle. It will break the ice and spell, later the feds can follow up with kingpin of the conspiracy that could well imprison hundreds of assholes. The body politic will get a real good fucking enema, with Julian Assange coming to America soon and looking for a deal to squeal on Roger Stone.
Well worth the shit and effort to take them off the air, if ya win, for their pandemic coverage and as a public health menace. According to this it would be a wise move, kill AM hate radio while you are at it, assign the band to digital.

Could this be hope for America and a clue as to the way forward? Others will be looking at this and thinking. What would the political effects of taking foxnews out after a year? How many votes would the democrats lose vs how many would they gain?

Fox viewers transformed after watching CNN for 30 days, report finds

Study finds changes in attitudes, policy preferences about Covid-19, then president Donald Trump

Fox News viewers who were paid to watch CNN for 30 days eventually became more skeptical and less likely to buy into fake news, according to a new study.

The study titled “The manifold effects of partisan media on viewers’ beliefs and attitudes: A field experiment with Fox News viewers” by David E Brockman and Joshua L Kalla was conducted in September 2020 and published last week.

“Of 763 qualifying participants, we then randomised 40 per cent to treatment group. To change the slant of their media diet, we offered treatment group participants $15 per hour to watch 7 hours of CNN per week, during Sept. 2020, prioritising the hours at which participants indicated they typically watched Fox News,” the study said.

The study found changes in attitudes and policy preferences about Covid-19, evaluations of then president Donald Trump and Republican candidates as well as elected officials.

“Despite regular Fox viewers being largely strong partisans, we found manifold effects of changing the slant of their media diets on their factual beliefs, attitudes, perceptions of issues’ importance, and overall political views,” the authors of the study said.

OMMFG i hate manchin...they should just go ahead and kick him the fuck out of the party, let him go join the fuckface republicans, he already is one in everything but name.
i SOOOO fucking hope we surprise the republicans in november and pick up even one seat, so manchin becomes the irrelevant red neck money grubber he deserves to be. it would be sweet justice if his vote didn't matter anymore, and he could just fade into the woodwork and collect his pay offs while sitting on a committee he should never have been picked to be on

OMMFG i hate manchin...they should just go ahead and kick him the fuck out of the party, let him go join the fuckface republicans, he already is one in everything but name.
i SOOOO fucking hope we surprise the republicans in november and pick up even one seat, so manchin becomes the irrelevant red neck money grubber he deserves to be. it would be sweet justice if his vote didn't matter anymore, and he could just fade into the woodwork and collect his pay offs while sitting on a committee he should never have been picked to be on
The best you can say about him is he is only greedy, not crazy as well like the republicans, he good for votes on judges etc. I hope a confluence of factors come into play that will defeat the republicans in the house and senate. Indicting 120 of them this summer for conspiracy to commit sedition etc, along with hundreds of republican fake electors and their enablers locally, could shake things up! If Garland grew a set of balls by magic, forgot he was a judge and remember he's the ONLY defense against domestic enemies. The army generals deal with the likes of Vlad, the attorney GENERAL deals with domestic threats and the likes of Trump, as per his oath of office. He is no longer a judge, he is the sword and shield of the government and constitution, it is a different role in the legal system and requires a different kind of thinking. He'd better start acting more like a general and less like a judge before the election.

There must be a larger purpose to the foot dragging, if not, Garland won't be remembered well in professional legal circles or by the public. Joe will fire him after the election, no matter what the result is, if he doesn't bust these assholes by the bushel and go for the gusto while doing it.
The best you can say about him is he is only greedy, not crazy as well like the republicans, he good for votes on judges etc. I hope a confluence of factors come into play that will defeat the republicans in the house and senate. Indicting 120 of them this summer for conspiracy to commit sedition etc, along with hundreds of republican fake electors and their enablers locally, could shake things up! If Garland grew a set of balls by magic, forgot he was a judge and remember he's the ONLY defense against domestic enemies. The army generals deal with the likes of Vlad, the attorney GENERAL deals with domestic threats and the likes of Trump, as per his oath of office. He is no longer a judge, he is the sword and shield of the government and constitution, it is a different role in the legal system and requires a different kind of thinking. He'd better start acting more like a general and less like a judge before the election.

There must be a larger purpose to the foot dragging, if not, Garland won't be remembered well in professional legal circles or by the public. Joe will fire him after the election, no matter what the result is, if he doesn't bust these assholes by the bushel and go for the gusto while doing it.
Joe should fire him now and put Monaco in charge for the time being. he's a fucking loser, a gutless wonder. he would have been much better on the bench than in front of it
63 Republicans, Including Two From Virginia (Bob Good and Ben Cline) Vote Against Rep. Gerry Connolly’s Resolution in Support of NATO, Democracy
This afternoon, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly (362-63) passed a resolution, co-sponsored by Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11) and Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH10), “in support of the establishment of a Center for Democratic Resilience within NATO to help member, partner, and aspirant states strengthen their democratic institutions and to preserve democracy around the globe.” The resolution also states that the U.S. House “reaffirms its unequivocal support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as an alliance founded on democratic principles” and “calls on the President to use the voice and vote of the United States to adopt a new Strategic Concept for NATO that is clear about its support for shared democratic values and committed to enhancing NATO’s capacity to strengthen democratic institutions within NATO member, partner, and aspirant countries.”

(you do see the obvious problem, don't you?)

See, lots for the 63 Republicans to rail against.
Why is this piece of shit still free? Why does it take so long to charge these fuckers with anything? If they had the same evidence they have on him, on anyone else, he’d have been tried and convicted by now. This piece of shit hasn’t even been charged. Not only that, he’s spewing bullshit to raise campaign money for a fall victory.

trump, Bannon, Meadows, Rudy, all these clowns still roaming free, selling books, making money. lol. What a joke.

Defense secretary fires back at Matt Gaetz's accusation during hearing
Why is this piece of shit still free? Why does it take so long to charge these fuckers with anything? If they had the same evidence they have on him, on anyone else, he’d have been tried and convicted by now. This piece of shit hasn’t even been charged. Not only that, he’s spewing bullshit to raise campaign money for a fall victory.

trump, Bannon, Meadows, Rudy, all these clowns still roaming free, selling books, making money. lol. What a joke.

Defense secretary fires back at Matt Gaetz's accusation during hearing
like Gaetz is an expert on anything but fucking teenage girls...
Why Donald Trump asking Putin for dirt on Hunter Biden can’t be ignored

Former President Donald Trump openly urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to publicly release any dirt he might have on Hunter Biden. In today’s episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza discusses how this fits a pattern established by Trump and how dangerous his latest overture to Russia is to democracy.