Most psychedelic strain


Well-Known Member
I read on another forum someone say that Bodhi’s natural mystic felt like a mild psychedelic. That person said they got closed eye visuals from it too.

What’s the “trippiest” effect you’ve gotten from a strain? and where can I buy a pack of its seeds?
id say mexican was the closest to a psycadelic high ive smoked.
there are strains like amnesia haze and lsd that must have gotten there names for a good reason, you could try one of those. it could just be a name though. wait for more feedback from smokers
If you want those affects, you need to go the RSO route. We make RSO with our Dosi Whoa!, and a good grain size dose will send Paige back to 1984.. She smells it, sees it.. and takes her on a 6 hour journey of fuckery. ... and she's a veteran smoker. I don't smoke that much, but she has a high tolerance, and that raw RSO is blindly potent. It ends up with about a lb of weed, and reduced down with a solvent (ever clear) in a rice cooker, it will yield about 12 ml.... I like to cut it at 3:1 with coconut oil. But if you take it raw.... buckle're in for a 6 hour ride.
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Most psychedelic for me was some southern Mexican. True creeper weed. Smoke a joint and you’re definitely buzzed. Then like a cold fart it comes creeping up your spine and wham! Flying into frigging space. And not just one time. It was the exception rather than the rule but being on the border and making transactions for the benefit of people further north we got it pretty often. They knew what they had too. Higher $$$ than your regular brick.
To be honest having a break to reduce your tolerance is the best way to get trippy/intense highs I find. Especially when coupled with a psychedelic strain!
My dad got my grandpa high once. He went out for snacks and didn't come home until the next day. On his mission he just said fuck it, pulled over, and went to sleep. My grandma was worried, but he came home the next day.

He never smoked weed again, :lol:
I guess if you overdose on a sativa it could happen. Somethimes when i do too big bong hits iget a few seconds of visual but its mostly blackout that i survived or i get lost compleatly then when i come back i trip a little
When I was researching landrace I don’t think I saw somebody mention zamaldelica without also warning to take it easy smoking it.

haven’t tried it yet but just got a hold of seeds.

or just take a dab of whatever if you don’t have a massive tolerance. I did my first Dab out of a rig the other day and that shit had me as high as the first time I made a weed cookie. Pressed some gorilla zkittles, coughed until I had tears dripping off my face and then had to go to bed an hour later. :roll:

mentally it was pretty close to a low dose of shrooms.

idk how some of you guys do that on a regular basis, I didn’t feel right for like two days. Hadn’t felt like that since I used to smoke til I passed out every night in high school.
idk how some of you guys do that on a regular basis, I didn’t feel right for like two days. Hadn’t felt like that since I used to smoke til I passed out every night in high school.
I had some friends out, and they brought somebody I didn't know. He had been in a car wreck years ago, and is in a wheelchair. But he would hit that dab rig multiple times about every hour or so... I'd be dead.