Is 93 degrees too hot?


Active Member
I think it's too high

even 90 would be too high for me

i try to keep mine 70-75 but have done grows around 80

do you have a fan in teh cabinet exhausting the heat?
good luck


Well-Known Member
My temps were at 104 degrees earlier and then I made some vent holes in my cabinet and then the temps dropped down to 93 but I cant seem to get them any lower then that.


Well-Known Member
You need to get a fan blowing some air outta some ventilation holes, try to keep it at max around 80-85.


Well-Known Member
Heres a picture of my box. any thougths on how to lower temps? The three plants I have planted didnt spout yet after 3 days i was guessing due to the higher temps. Thanks



Well-Known Member
well, the 3 plants that haven't sprouted yet, need to be in a humidity dome..
or at least somewhere that has some humidity..

as for the high temps, you need to get an escape route for that heat..
those holes are good, if they are above the lights..
but, you should definitely try to get an exhaust fan or something..
along with an intake to bring some fresh air back into the room..


Well-Known Member
You have to have that air blowing out. Or i should say extract. All your doing is blowing hot air around in the cab. And yes 93 is way to hot in my opinion.



Well-Known Member
I remember reading that 90-95 was the high side of your temps
They were also saying that your plant grows faster at a higher temp.
My fan kicks on to vent at 92F
wal-mart has digital thermometers that have a high and low Temp
memory. get one and throw it in your cab ans track your High/Low Temp over time to see when to vent. Or get a AC thermostat and vent at what ever Temp you want to.

Yes allways Exhaust the air :)


Well-Known Member
I have mine set up so theres a fan blowing air in from outside the box, and a fan near the top of the box (heat rises) blowing air out.
That may help you

and for ur humidity(25% is pretty low humidity), do what I did , get 2 towels, wet them and ring em out so they are still wet but wont drip water all over ur grow room. and hang em in the grow room. Raised my humidity from 30-40 to 45%. They dry out fairly quick tho , so u gotta wet em a couple times a day usually.