Resevoir seeds

I remember what Rez was like even to his own fan bois back in the day. Absolute arseclown.

Good gear but lots of herms and sure as fuck his SD wasnt an ibl.
You mention Chemdog who also pretty much disappeared for a long time. Keeping your mouth shut and disappearing can be the same thing when it comes to protecting the people you love. Pretty sure that was chemdogs reason. Again I don’t know, but I’m not labeling someone a snitch unless I have paperwork to prove it.
Ask and you shall receive
Just found this in Top Dawgs discord channel
Jury's in----SNITCH!!!!
Yea I was gonna post, I think it’s sungrownmids or something like that, been posting all that paperwork on IG, it’s all in there. I didn’t realize grateful h3ad got snitched on too. Hell, they posted paperwork on a dude that was nevilles partner in bean biz and he was saving all addys he sent seeds too and apparently he was a snitch also, what got me was the paperwork was out of Louisiana lol. I believe that was the precursor to the heavens stairway/overgrow busts, again the timeline is a tad foggy lol
What page should we be looking at? I’ve had a few drink’s, and scanned through. Someone got arrested, ok where is the rest of the story that I missed?
What page should we be looking at? I’ve had a few drink’s, and scanned through. Someone got arrested, ok where is the rest of the story that I missed?
Uh lol, page 1 paragraph 1, page 2 paragraph 2, need I go on? Says right in it that he will fully cooperate with any and all information regarding anything the government wants to know pretty much. Not sure how that's not ratting.
I didn't read the whole thing so I'm not sure if it states who he ratted on, but people seem to think it was gypsy and chemdog possibly.
From what I did read it said he could have faced 20 years if he didn't cooperate plus $1000000 fine(think that's what the prosecution would have asked for but wouldn't have been that long if convicted)
The name of the co-operating witness is rezdog aka reservoir seeds
Uh lol, page 1 paragraph 1, page 2 paragraph 2, need I go on? Says right in it that he will fully cooperate with any and all information regarding anything the government wants to know pretty much. Not sure how that's not ratting.
I didn't read the whole thing so I'm not sure if it states who he ratted on, but people seem to think it was gypsy and chemdog possibly.
From what I did read it said he could have faced 20 years if he didn't cooperate plus $1000000 fine(think that's what the prosecution would have asked for but wouldn't have been that long if convicted)
The name of the co-operating witness is rezdog aka reservoir seeds
It’s all right there. If they claim they don’t see it, lol, they are deflecting, prolly got multipacks of Rez gear they trying to sell. Seems like karma ought to pay him a visit, they claim he’s a producer in Maine now
Uh lol, page 1 paragraph 1, page 2 paragraph 2, need I go on? Says right in it that he will fully cooperate with any and all information regarding anything the government wants to know pretty much. Not sure how that's not ratting.
I didn't read the whole thing so I'm not sure if it states who he ratted on, but people seem to think it was gypsy and chemdog possibly.
From what I did read it said he could have faced 20 years if he didn't cooperate plus $1000000 fine(think that's what the prosecution would have asked for but wouldn't have been that long if convicted)
The name of the co-operating witness is rezdog aka reservoir seeds
When you got arrested And snitched on, how did you find out who snitched? I have a copy of the paperwork of who snitched on me. There is a legal name for the paperwork I speak of, and it’s not part of these documents. As someone with experience who had been there, I’m just wondering where the proof is. I only see paperwork good enough for “Chad“ who has no idea what he is even looking at. I‘m not saying he isn’t a snitch, just waiting for someone to post something that isn’t out of their league.
When you got arrested And snitched on, how did you find out who snitched? I have a copy of the paperwork of who snitched on me. There is a legal name for the paperwork I speak of, and it’s not part of these documents. As someone with experience who had been there, I’m just wondering where the proof is. I only see paperwork good enough for “Chad“ who has no idea what he is even looking at. I‘m not saying he isn’t a snitch, just waiting for someone to post something that isn’t out of their league.
Bro you can take a plea without agreeing to cooperate with prosecution. It says it right there he agrees to cooperate with prosecution fully and was given immunity. He can say he moved 100 kilos of heroin a week and they wouldn't have charged him for it... Can't say the same for the people he tells them he bought from and sold to and that's what he's agreeing to do. I don't know anybody involved so I don't personally care but to act like this paperwork isn't proof of cooperation is BS
When you got arrested And snitched on, how did you find out who snitched? I have a copy of the paperwork of who snitched on me. There is a legal name for the paperwork I speak of, and it’s not part of these documents. As someone with experience who had been there, I’m just wondering where the proof is. I only see paperwork good enough for “Chad“ who has no idea what he is even looking at. I‘m not saying he isn’t a snitch, just waiting for someone to post something that isn’t out of their league.
You are clueless brother, it says right in the document's that he agreed to testify for immunity and if he didn't fulfill his snitching obligation he would be subject to 20 years and a million in fines. Not exactly sure what else you need? What because it doesn't tell you exactly who he snitched on he's not a snitch?
And genius, who do you think provided this paperwork? Probably the person who he snitched on and took there name out. Holy cow what a smart idea post the snitches name but not your own.
Rez is that you?:lol: can I get some sour d ibl?
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You are clueless brother, it says right in the document's that he agreed to testify for immunity and if he didn't fulfill his snitching obligation he would be subject to 20 years and a million in fines. Not exactly sure what else you need? What because it doesn't tell you exactly who he snitched on he's not a snitch?
And genius, who do you think provided this paperwork? Probably the person who he snitched on and took there name out. Holy cow what a smart idea post the snitches name but not your own.
Rez is that you?:lol: can I get some sour d ibl?
Like I said, I don’t know What happened. I get it, most of you guys haven’t been through the system. I’m speaking from fact/experience. unlike you, I am not speculating, just pointing out facts, on how the system works, not making up my own version like you. Why don’t you answer my question on what piece of paperwork let’s the accused know who snitched on them. If you aren’t clueless, it’s pretty obvious. Twist it all You want, I never defended anyone, just pointed out you have no idea how this stuff works, and good for you…that’s best case scenario. feel free to make an actual point on the subject at anytime though.
Like I said, I don’t know What happened. I get it, most of you guys haven’t been through the system. I’m speaking from fact/experience. unlike you, I am not speculating, just pointing out facts, on how the system works, not making up my own version like you. Why don’t you answer my question on what piece of paperwork let’s the accused know who snitched on them. If you aren’t clueless, it’s pretty obvious. Twist it all You want, I never defended anyone, just pointed out you have no idea how this stuff works, and good for you…that’s best case scenario. feel free to make an actual point on the subject at anytime though.
Pretty sure it's already been stated in the thread what's not listed. But it is indisputable that rez snitched.....which is the point that's being made and you are somehow arguing against.
Almost as if your Rez himself, got an account a couple year's after the arrest ic
Like I said, I don’t know What happened. I get it, most of you guys haven’t been through the system. I’m speaking from fact/experience. unlike you, I am not speculating, just pointing out facts, on how the system works, not making up my own version like you. Why don’t you answer my question on what piece of paperwork let’s the accused know who snitched on them. If you aren’t clueless, it’s pretty obvious. Twist it all You want, I never defended anyone, just pointed out you have no idea how this stuff works, and good for you…that’s best case scenario. feel free to make an actual point on the subject at anytime though.
Have I been snitched on, no not really but I've been charged for possession 2 times while in high school, also got raided through a snitch that was never revealed to my family.
But I also have a family member who did get sniched on and charged. And yes I know you get a copy of paperwork that states who snitched on you, unless they are a confidential informant.
But this paper would it not have the person who got snitched on as well? I wouldn't post that either.

Fact of the matter is the document's provided prove that he snitched and that's the bottom line.
What’s really crazy is seeing JJ give the results of a sour d competition on IG stating out of the 4 tested, Rez ibl won 4th, his sdbx4 was 1st, followed by karmas sowah, then his sourd bx3 3rd. And had to ask please no wild comments. Lol think it was an original sour d contest of sorts. Problem is many think that rezs seeds are bad karma, not to be confused with the Breeder
Pretty sure it's already been stated in the thread what's not listed. But it is indisputable that rez snitched.....which is the point that's being made and you are somehow arguing against.
Almost as if your Rez himself, got an account a couple year's after the arrest ic
you don’t get it, so your on;y recourse is to say I’m Rez. No one thinks that so that just makes you look stupider. The magic word here is discovery. Maybe google it. For the rest of the naive gangsters out there, a discovery is all the evidence against you…..aka the copy of the handwritten statement from your accuser. I guess I just want to know where that handwritten statement is. If someone was snitchEd on they have it, why not share it. anyway the paperwork shared is less incriminating than your apple user agreement, so I don;t know what to think.
What’s really crazy is seeing JJ give the results of a sour d competition on IG stating out of the 4 tested, Rez ibl won 4th, his sdbx4 was 1st, followed by karmas sowah, then his sourd bx3 3rd. And had to ask please no wild comments. Lol think it was an original sour d contest of sorts
That's pretty cool, I really liked rez gear, too bad what happened.
Looks like I might have to try and locate some SD bx4
you don’t get it, so your on;y recourse is to say I’m Rez. No one thinks that so that just makes you look stupider. The magic word here is discovery. Maybe google it. For the rest of the naive gangsters out there, a discovery is all the evidence against you…..aka the copy of the handwritten statement from your accuser. I guess I just want to know where that handwritten statement is. If someone was snitchEd on they have it, why not share it. anyway the paperwork shared is less incriminating than your apple user agreement, so I don;t know what to think.
I'm sorry but if your too stupid to know what immunity is and if he doesn't testify for the government whenever they want said immunity is revoked and he is liable to do 20 years plus $100000 fine . That's all the proof anyone needs .
Pretty sure if your as "gangster " as you think you are then you would realize the document's provided prove rez is a snitch.Or maybe it's all that time in the Penn has robbed you of your reading comprehension, cause like I said it's right there if you know how to read, I can barely spell my own name but I figured it out. Sorry it's not a hand written note for you. But an adult might actually be able to read the court document's I guess it's to much for such a "gangster" as yourself.
What’s really crazy is seeing JJ give the results of a sour d competition on IG stating out of the 4 tested, Rez ibl won 4th, his sdbx4 was 1st, followed by karmas sowah, then his sourd bx3 3rd. And had to ask please no wild comments. Lol think it was an original sour d contest of sorts. Problem is many think that rezs seeds are bad karma, not to be confused with the Breeder
Brother that was a repost from another IG user. Look again. JJ posted it cause his Sour D came in 1st and 3rd. Also that wasn't a comp that was the posters ranking based on his smoke test.