January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Have you seen the indictments from Durham? Those aren’t process crimes like the ones produced by the muller report. Muller even testified there was no collusion. And the so called crimes he said he couldn’t prosecute him for Letcia James failed to also
It’s obvious you’re stuck in an information bubble.

If you weren’t so afraid of CBS news you would be much more informed than you are currently. Your source of FOX and newsmax is making you look like a dumbass.
What happened at the Trump Tower meeting?
Hey if you believe the lies from all the media, then there is not a dam thing that I can say and or produce that will change your mind.
it just takes time to do some actual research. The truth can be found. It’s out there for those who want to see and read it.

What happened when Biden admitted he bribed the President of Ukraine with a Billion dollar loan unless the prosecutor who was investigating his company? Have you looked at anything involving the Biden laptop? They are sick
Hey if you believe the lies from all the media, then there is not a dam thing that I can say and or produce that will change your mind.
it just takes time to do some actual research. The truth can be found. It’s out there for those who want to see and read it.
lmao you mean like reading a Republican led bi-partisan senate report on the Russian militaries attack on our democracy?

What happened when Biden admitted he bribed the President of Ukraine with a Billion dollar loan unless the prosecutor who was investigating his company? Have you looked at anything involving the Biden laptop? They are sick
lmao you trolls are still selling this garbage Giuliani troll? Have any more blind guy computer repair shop hot tips to go off of?
Hey if you believe the lies from all the media, then there is not a dam thing that I can say and or produce that will change your mind.
it just takes time to do some actual research. The truth can be found. It’s out there for those who want to see and read it.

What happened when Biden admitted he bribed the President of Ukraine with a Billion dollar loan unless the prosecutor who was investigating his company? Have you looked at anything involving the Biden laptop? They are sick
He was poking the Ukrainians to get rid of corruption otherwise the US will not give them money. The Europeans were on board. The head prosecutor killed the investigation on the gas company before little Biden came on board. Yes I have researched it well, you are telling lies. Biden's laptop should run its course. As it is there is not enough credible information out there on it. Otherwise Rudy would have exposed Biden before the election.
4 years they screamed Russia Russia Russia and not one bit of actual evidence that proves it. In fact the recent indictments prove it was just the opposite who was colluding with Russia, China and Ukraine. Propaganda is all shiny and can be pushed quickly. The truth is slow and sometimes painful but once it comes out it’s undisputed. Well for most people anyway
6 trump aids were guilty, 5 plead guilty, but he had no idea about it.... :roll:
Sussman got indicted, and it was dropped...because it was a lie.
so exactly what truth is it you're referring to? the truth that at the very least 6 close trump aids were involved with russian nationals? the truth that Durham was wrong about what Sussman was doing and had to drop the sensationalistic bullshit case he stupidly brought before doing his due diligence? do enlighten us...
Hey if you believe the lies from all the media, then there is not a dam thing that I can say and or produce that will change your mind.
it just takes time to do some actual research. The truth can be found. It’s out there for those who want to see and read it.

What happened when Biden admitted he bribed the President of Ukraine with a Billion dollar loan unless the prosecutor who was investigating his company? Have you looked at anything involving the Biden laptop? They are sick
so, independently owned news outlets are all cooperating with the government, to tell a false narrative to the people?
ALL of them, are ALL cooperating with the government, no matter the ideology of the owners? and with multiple administrations...that is a FUCKING AMAZING amount of cooperation from a lot of people who don't especially care for each other, or one or the other administrations they're supposed to be cooperating with...
and that is not only in the US, but all around the world, news services have ALL agreed to tell the entire world the same bullshit...
it's only faux, oan, newsmax, and fucker carlson who are telling the world the truth... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey if you believe the lies from all the media, then there is not a dam thing that I can say and or produce that will change your mind.
it just takes time to do some actual research. The truth can be found. It’s out there for those who want to see and read it.

What happened when Biden admitted he bribed the President of Ukraine with a Billion dollar loan unless the prosecutor who was investigating his company? Have you looked at anything involving the Biden laptop? They are sick
This is like reading a fairytale
They don’t usually end well