NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

I know they stay small but this one looks really stunted for being a month old. photos would be 4x the size
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I know they stay small but this one looks really stunted for being a month old. M ugh photos would be 4x the size
You can email Scott if u need auto feed chart….. wife made one up a few years ago and he hands them out on request….lol…. And if I remember with autos that they won’t flower till the roots start to get root bound….. bigger pot …..
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You can email Scott if u need auto feed chart….. wife made one up a few years ago and he hands them out on request….lol…. And if I remember with autos that they won’t flower till the roots start to get root bound….. bigger pot …..
Yep I got the auto feed chart from Scott where you're feeding every day basically. I usually start out in small cups but I wanted a little bit of a bigger pot because my other plants were drying in my tent and I didn't know how long they were going to be in there and I didn't know how fast or slow this plant was going to grow but I'm going to transplant it into a 3 gallon pot once The Roots fill out the pot and I can. Hopefully I can get her healthy and get some yield. I didn't want to to top it so I started low stress training it by tying the main branch down pretty early maybe that stunted it also among a few other things. I like zkittles, never had it from an auto I don't think. So if this one doesn't do well I have 4 more.
I moved her into a 3 gallon fabric pot. I'm moving this week so it's going to be my house plant that i take with me lol I couldn't decide on Bigfoot or Dr root so I did a half-and-half mix of both. I also tied it down. Since I didn't take much care of it in the beginning and it was stunted I'm not going to do any topping so as much lst as possible. She's looking better now with a little more attention16481153696566925425887020527825.jpg
Thanks for the warm welcome.

I’ve made mistakes! I was following the Greek regime and ignored all I’ve read and threw way to much of BK into my feed. I have regrets.

3gal R/O water
70ml herc
15ml cal mag (last time I used it, I swear!)
Ph’d 6.5

3gal R/O water
30ml medusa
30ml gaia
90ml Athena’s
75ml demeters
30ml kracken
30ml aphro
20ml zues
240ml herc
20ml sls
Ph’d to 6.3

So at this point I realized my TDS meter is wonky and I have no solution to calibrate with. So I didn’t include previous slurries. I have a different pen “general TDS-503” that came with calibration solution. I calibrated it but I have no idea if it is on the 500 or 700 scale. I can’t find this info online. If I had to guess, I’d go with a 500 scale since I bought it in America and it has 500 in the name.

3/22 slurry time
Soil ph 7.1
They are not happy! I pulled off a few decayed leaves that seemed to appear over night. I’m assuming the BK is what caused this.

so…I’m going to assume the regime meant 15ml total - not per Gal.

3 gal R/O
30ml Medusa
30ml Gaia
90ml Athena
90ml demeters
30ml kraken
30ml aphro
120 herc
15ml zues
15ml sls
20ml BK

Help! I need to water them tomorrow. I’m suppose to do a tea. I only do AACT with photo+ on tea days…because I don’t have EZ tea stuff yet.
Update did a slurry:
Ph 7.1
Sorry man been busy. So Bloom khaos if not mixed with the right amount of calcium will show you instantly also will bring out every other thing your plant is deficient in. Regardless of everything I was using I always made sure Bloom khaos and Herculean Harvest was at a 1:6 ratio. So if you're feeding or foliar feeding bloom Khaos at 15ml you need to add 90ml of Herculean Harvest. If your plant doesn't look healthy do not use Bloom khaos. It accelerates everything so if my plants were showing deficiency I wouldn't use it until they look back to normal. I wouldn't use cal mag at all I know you said it was your last. This whole line is calcium plenty of mag in soil and brought out with demeters.
Plus anything with alot of nitrates or nitrite harms microbes. I was also using a test that's on a 500 scale just use the conversion table when posting everyone uses the 700. Everything on the feed charts are per gallon. Even the Bloom khaos. The bk is usually foliar fed all the way to early flower and then root drenched you didn't specify but looks like you have the ratio right. I use tap with my grow so I didn't have to up the demeters. This was my 1st nectar grow. Your dealing with a similar problem I was that's strange high pH and PPM at the same time. It may be a lockout. Imo low ph herc flushes should solve that. Gaia would drop it more but your ppms are high if it's a 500 scale. Imo teas and inoculates help bring things back in order. There's my 2 cents. I had to bug Bubba73 and others alot to fully grasp it. Posting slurries should tell all just make sure you're doing them properly.
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I know for a fact this helped me. Getting the most diverse microbe population I could. And alternating them all a little of this here a little of that there. Mammoth p, slf 100, photo+, Yield,and Nourish. All the ez teas, and bigfoot
Appreciate the help.

I’m going to cut BK out until the plants have bounced back as you suggest. I started following the 6:1 ratio once I noticed the deficiencies.

To bring my Soil ph down, how low of a ph are you taking your herc/or Gaia flushes? I suspect that maybe I got my PH high by letting my soil Dry/die out too much. I had company over and I missed a day. I’m in 2 gal fabric pots, watering every 3 days. So I watered on the 4th day- maybe it got too dry and the microbes died off- raising my PH.

Since this is my first run ever, I’m starting to hit a financial wall. Once I have a successful harvest and prove to my wife we can stop giving our money to dispensaries then I can expand. I need to expand my tea recipes, I want a few more products like full on, and I want to start adding amendments to rebuild my soils. I also have dreams of building off a room in my garage but that’s on the back burner for now.

Im brewing up a tea right now that’ll be ready for tonight. It contain 1.5 cup worm castings, splash of fish hydrolysis, 60ml full power, 1 cup ground oat, small handful of kelp meal (2 table spoons ish) and a splash of molasses (not blackstrap but I have a gallon I need to get rid of). 4 gal of R/O water.
Appreciate the help.

I’m going to cut BK out until the plants have bounced back as you suggest. I started following the 6:1 ratio once I noticed the deficiencies.

To bring my Soil ph down, how low of a ph are you taking your herc/or Gaia flushes? I suspect that maybe I got my PH high by letting my soil Dry/die out too much. I had company over and I missed a day. I’m in 2 gal fabric pots, watering every 3 days. So I watered on the 4th day- maybe it got too dry and the microbes died off- raising my PH.

Since this is my first run ever, I’m starting to hit a financial wall. Once I have a successful harvest and prove to my wife we can stop giving our money to dispensaries then I can expand. I need to expand my tea recipes, I want a few more products like full on, and I want to start adding amendments to rebuild my soils. I also have dreams of building off a room in my garage but that’s on the back burner for now.

Im brewing up a tea right now that’ll be ready for tonight. It contain 1.5 cup worm castings, splash of fish hydrolysis, 60ml full power, 1 cup ground oat, small handful of kelp meal (2 table spoons ish) and a splash of molasses (not blackstrap but I have a gallon I need to get rid of). 4 gal of R/O water.
Bingo ! that extra day not ” watering “ made them go a little haywire…. Your ppm 450 , ph 7.1 is not an oh shit moment….. ph jump cause the soil was a little dry…. So don’t do any flushing or nothing cause your ok….. cut bk out till she bounce back a little … can do a feed with gaia and herc …. Or do a feed a light feed at quarter strength …… and the ML are per gallon ….. last thing u want is to flush and she kicks in and wants to crazy eat….. never try to do a quick fix …. Mite take a couple feeding to get the ph down … light feed now , tea next …. And slurry ……that’s 220 ppm slurry she needs to eat ….
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Here my tea ….. cultured easy tea , fish shit , Slf , full on ….. I use Bigfoot too but thats separate day for that …… I was never a fan where more is more …..less is more…..


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I’m also trying out a few autos in another tent. I mentioned earlier I tend to dive head first into things. I probably shouldn’t of tried to grow 4 different types of autos at once.

I asked Scott for the regimes you guys mentioned and he provided me with these documents.


Bubba, thanks for the help.

You’re suggesting to skip the tea for tonight and move forward with a 1/4 strength feeding? Is this still recommended with my slurry from last night at 450ppm?

As far as what I have in my inventory:
Greek lineup, Photo+, sls100, full power, coconut powder, aloe powder, a lot of DTE dry amendments. I was also given a bunch of hydroponics nutrients that I haven’t touched.
Bubba, thanks for the help.

You’re suggesting to skip the tea for tonight and move forward with a 1/4 strength feeding? Is this still recommended with my slurry from last night at 450ppm?

As far as what I have in my inventory:
Greek lineup, Photo+, sls100, full power, coconut powder, aloe powder, a lot of DTE dry amendments. I was also given a bunch of hydroponics nutrients that I haven’t touched.
Ok with 450 ppm do a tea ….I thought it was 250 ppm …200 is your lowe end and 600 be your high end …. Do your tea …. Next will be a feed ….. don’t want to get to crazy with things ….. with tea I would do some of the mix one time and the other mix when a tea is do ……. Now with the feed feed tea , feed feed herc . U don’t need to follow that rule , that will depend on your slurry …. If a very high ppm u can a tea , tea , herc or herc , tea , feed …… it’s all dependent on slurries and how hard you want to push….. if your sitting right now at 450 ppm … TEA…… mite drop ppms down around 250 but not bad when u do a normal feed ….
I’m also trying out a few autos in another tent. I mentioned earlier I tend to dive head first into things. I probably shouldn’t of tried to grow 4 different types of autos at once.

I asked Scott for the regimes you guys mentioned and he provided me with these documents.
Yeah these are good schedules to follow I'm following them on my auto right now. Yeah but what Bubba said definitely agree with all that. Also say you want to flush to bring the pH down, large ph swings also damage microbial fields. Slf100 is a cool ass product it changes and goes through cycles on its own in the soil giving the plant more diverse meals. Microbes are key. If you have a good microbial field in your soil it lessens what you have to use out of the bottle, basically what you're feeding with gets stored in the soil, all the different microbes break all the different nutrients down and poop them out as food for the plant. If your plants hungry skip tea day. If ph is in range but have high ppms don't feed do a tea. You can basically customize your grow. You can get great results with what you have. I kinda splurged. I got a new house and need to design a grow room as well.
I’m also trying out a few autos in another tent. I mentioned earlier I tend to dive head first into things. I probably shouldn’t of tried to grow 4 different types of autos at once.

I asked Scott for the regimes you guys mentioned and he provided me with these documents.
Lmao……. my wife made those charts…..
I’m gonna soon play with Eon and nectar and see how well they play Together…. They pretty much use the same ph range …in further I mite do a mix match and see….
Also agree with bub, this guy knows his shit lol. Wish he was my neighbor. Less really is more, but you have to know how to make less more. W
I’m gonna soon play with Eon and nectar and see how well they play Together…. They pretty much use the same ph range …in further I mite do a mix match and see….
Ya man forsure. That's why I like this way of gardening vs synthetic. You can really mix it up. Like now I'm using things from like 10 different brands along with nectar. People say it's not 100% organic blah blah. It's pretty damn close so imo it's organic and that's what I'll call it. Anyways with organic gardening I love the diversity of nutrients microbes enzymes etc etc that you can use together. If start mixing up synthetics like that you can kill a plant in a day idk.