Chauvin Trial

I think I saw that movie as a kid on TV! It's what used to pass for SciFi, but I preferred Arthur C Clarke, real science fiction. Hard to write like that these days with the pace of discovery and technology and knowing where the boundaries of the possible are. These days its space opera except for things like the expanse, but I enjoy space opera too, like startrek, starwars happened long long ago in a Galaxy far far away and that's a neat idea too.
2036 origin unknown

I think I saw that movie as a kid on TV! It's what used to pass for SciFi, but I preferred Arthur C Clarke, real science fiction. Hard to write like that these days with the pace of discovery and technology and knowing where the boundaries of the possible are. These days its space opera except for things like the expanse, but I enjoy space opera too, like startrek, starwars happened long long ago in a Galaxy far far away and that's a neat idea too.

let me try to play this arthur c clark movie for ya click on the watch on youtube line . sorry for the error but just click on watch on youtube link and a new window will pop open

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I think I saw that movie as a kid on TV! It's what used to pass for SciFi, but I preferred Arthur C Clarke, real science fiction. Hard to write like that these days with the pace of discovery and technology and knowing where the boundaries of the possible are. These days its space opera except for things like the expanse, but I enjoy space opera too, like startrek, starwars happened long long ago in a Galaxy far far away and that's a neat idea too.
Try Greg Bear, Neal Stephenson and Lous Bujold. I grew up on Clarke, Smith and Niven. You might like. Oh and Niven if you haven’t.
Try Greg Bear, Neal Stephenson and Lous Bujold. I grew up on Clarke, Smith and Niven. You might like. Oh and Niven if you haven’t.
I read some in the past, but lost much of my taste for scifi and fantasy. I don't mind a good movie and Guardians of the Galaxy was a blast. Avatar was ground breaking and the closest thing I've seen to science fiction in years with a classic plot line.
I read some in the past, but lost much of my taste for scifi and fantasy. I don't mind a good movie and Guardians of the Galaxy was a blast. Avatar was ground breaking and the closest thing I've seen to science fiction in years with a classic plot line.
Avatar was just Dances With Wolves in a different setting, schmaltzy melodrama. Have you seen Arrival? One of the best real science fiction tales of the last years, not dreck like the latest Star Wars. I dislike where that franchise has gone.
Rigged court case…I mean the city actually paid a settlement of 27 million right before trial. There was no way these guys would get a fair trial.
Unfair trials happen every day. It was the system they worked for that tried and convicted them.
I present George Floyds Killer....the chewed up speedball.....

Also, for those that didn't know...this wasnt his first time being arrested and chewed up a speedball....he had a previous hospital visit for the same reason.
I’m not saying you are a piece of shit, but I’ve noticed you align yourself with the piece of shit side of every issue.
That’s just some facts for you. Chewed up speed ball and a history of it. People just don’t die from a lil pressure to the back of the neck. Drugs had everything to do with it.
That’s just some facts for you. Chewed up speed ball and a history of it. People just don’t die from a lil pressure to the back of the neck. Drugs had everything to do with it.
Cops failed to take that into account.....major fail...and murder according to the jury.
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