Coco coir, remo nutrients and led.

to those that are interested here is a pic of a crop steering irrigation cycle.

2 days worth of irrigation are shown, yellow line is pore water ec with values on the left, blue line is water content with values on the right.

i think this was around 3.0ec input 1 week into flower.

note the massive spike in pwec to 38ec :shock: in the first overnight dryback when it gets down to 26% moisture content, the second night shown only spikes to 27ec :shock: when it only gets down to 29% moisture content.
then look how quick the pwec drops as soon as the moisture content rises with the first dripper cycle, it then spends the day bouncing around 6-7ec.

I suggested ditching co2 because you said you had healthy runs without it. If your in sealed room keep it.
I have noticed people mention doing drawbacks with coco and have been wondering how the hell can you without ec spike. Using the pot up timing maybe the best solution in coco. I would focus on keeping them healthy thru the whole cycle before you try to steer.
On the high ec, i only go over ec 2 when i first pot up because my coco is still charging up, i quickly go to 1.3 to 1.8 from then on.
Aaa ok got it . i ll bump it showly and see where that goes next run... clones are looking nice perking up.

kk, just thought he was like a few other people on here who have posted saying the op's ec is to high without maybe understanding the theory behind what the op is doing.
i was the same until i read up on it, i couldnt get my head round how you could run such high ec's but it turns out you can.

it might well be too high for his current strain and feeding schedule but there are people out there using this system feeding 4.0ec with a pwec of over 10 with perfectly happy plants.

there are so many different variables that effect what strength ec you can feed a plant ie,-

pot size, pot type.
medium used, coco/rockwool/soil ect.
system used, nft/dwc/flood&drain/drippers/hand water ect.
irrigation amounts, pattern and frequency.
root temp.
room temp.
nutrient profile.
humidity %.
co2 %.
light intensity.
light spectrum.
plant genetics.
YEP , i was also amazed about the numbers... until seeing some friends kickng ass with it so it got my eyes .
I like where u going with this talk... thanks :bigjoint:.
Maybe i didnt run it down the best way ... i ll give it another shot.. im using charged coco , with drippers 20ml/m running 3 each 6 liters pot... so 1 minute would be 1% shot.
Now im at vegetative watering using remo nutrients... trying to keep my medium wetter all day ... around 30ish % max sat will be aroud 40% .
Room temp... first 3 weeks 28 celsius at 75% ur... then i go 26 /70 ... 25/65 ... co2 at 1000 ppm . ligths are thinkgrow led fullspectrum . genetics its grease monkey and first class funk.

MISTAKES THIS RUN. i vegged then in the last pot they were going to be... so by the time we hit flower i wasnt able to keep up the irrigation with the dry backs... wich caused a lot of problens obviusly, also small pots for the amount of waterings i was giving then.
to those that are interested here is a pic of a crop steering irrigation cycle.

2 days worth of irrigation are shown, yellow line is pore water ec with values on the left, blue line is water content with values on the right.

i think this was around 3.0ec input 1 week into flower.

note the massive spike in pwec to 38ec :shock: in the first overnight dryback when it gets down to 26% moisture content, the second night shown only spikes to 27ec :shock: when it only gets down to 29% moisture content.
then look how quick the pwec drops as soon as the moisture content rises with the first dripper cycle, it then spends the day bouncing around 6-7ec.

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Im interested = ) !
Nice ... wich size pots are u using... can u give a run down your op...

Next run this is what i ll do .
From clone to 2 liters pot... for around 14 days 5 irrigations a day , starting with less of course.
then i ll transplant to 6 liters pot , keep then in the same irrigation events for few days. then when i go into flower i ll start drying then back harder
my max saturation its 45%ish ... so ill go to max field capacity in 2 hours... then letting then dry back until 25% , try to go like that until end of strech , after that i ll go to vegetative... shots... every hour or 30 min 2% shots. and letting their target of dryback during night to 35%ish.
before 3 week of this run i was eye balling it all... ( impossible ) when i turned irrigation on they were at 6-8% wc.... they suffered a lot bongsmilie . so it was all over... but now with teros.. im checking it everyday.... and will get on it!

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Grease monkey mom .

Headbanger mom .



Next search :weed: !
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grotbags i understand the method the poster is using, im a horticulturist. You can use the extreme ec values and get away with it but there is much higher chance of a fuck up and i would argue is not necessary in the first place.
Timing the tranplant, using a high vpd, or the timing of when you increase the number of irrigation events is probably the safest ways of steering in coco. If you can time when you want to go generative to right when they are ready for another irrigation event is what i try to use. for example in 6.5liter container 4 per 5x5, im at three fertigation per day for a day or two before flipping and by second week of flowering they are wanting another, and will harden off a little before stretch is over, i then increase irrigation events.. This is with hybrids, if it was deep chunk or some other true broadleaf it would probably be different story.
For any new people that read this dont worry about crop steering the gains even if done right are not that huge, just try to keep them healthy as possible.
grotbags i understand the method the poster is using, im a horticulturist. You can use the extreme ec values and get away with it but there is much higher chance of a fuck up and i would argue is not necessary in the first place.
Timing the tranplant, using a high vpd, or the timing of when you increase the number of irrigation events is probably the safest ways of steering in coco. If you can time when you want to go generative to right when they are ready for another irrigation event is what i try to use. for example in 6.5liter container 4 per 5x5, im at three fertigation per day for a day or two before flipping and by second week of flowering they are wanting another, and will harden off a little before stretch is over, i then increase irrigation events.. This is with hybrids, if it was deep chunk or some other true broadleaf it would probably be different story.
For any new people that read this dont worry about crop steering the gains even if done right are not that huge, just try to keep them healthy as possible.

Well said
grotbags i understand the method the poster is using, im a horticulturist. You can use the extreme ec values and get away with it but there is much higher chance of a fuck up and i would argue is not necessary in the first place.
Timing the tranplant, using a high vpd, or the timing of when you increase the number of irrigation events is probably the safest ways of steering in coco. If you can time when you want to go generative to right when they are ready for another irrigation event is what i try to use. for example in 6.5liter container 4 per 5x5, im at three fertigation per day for a day or two before flipping and by second week of flowering they are wanting another, and will harden off a little before stretch is over, i then increase irrigation events.. This is with hybrids, if it was deep chunk or some other true broadleaf it would probably be different story.
For any new people that read this dont worry about crop steering the gains even if done right are not that huge, just try to keep them healthy as possible.
no problem man thanks for the info...

im not advocating extreme ec values nor do i intend to try using that a high a value myself, just reporting what i have seen.

i am about to try drippers again for the third time, after messing with hydro for years in various forms i settled on hand watering in coco.
i have grown in coco for 15+ years now and approx every 5 years or so i get the itch to try drippers, the last couple of times i tried drippers i only used them for a crop and went back to hand watering because of daft stuff like a leak and a blocked dripper ect.

i now have that itch again so im gona try and do it justice this time using an acclima sensor so i can monitor and log drybacks and pwec and get a bit more scientific with my irrigation schedule rather than just using it as a replacement for hand watering like in the past.

i am under no ilusions about the gains to be had from crop steering, i am on the hunt for that last few percent.
grotbags i understand the method the poster is using, im a horticulturist. You can use the extreme ec values and get away with it but there is much higher chance of a fuck up and i would argue is not necessary in the first place.
Timing the tranplant, using a high vpd, or the timing of when you increase the number of irrigation events is probably the safest ways of steering in coco. If you can time when you want to go generative to right when they are ready for another irrigation event is what i try to use. for example in 6.5liter container 4 per 5x5, im at three fertigation per day for a day or two before flipping and by second week of flowering they are wanting another, and will harden off a little before stretch is over, i then increase irrigation events.. This is with hybrids, if it was deep chunk or some other true broadleaf it would probably be different story.
For any new people that read this dont worry about crop steering the gains even if done right are not that huge, just try to keep them healthy as possible.
funny you should mention deepchunk, ive had these a few years now never popped em.

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grotbags i understand the method the poster is using, im a horticulturist. You can use the extreme ec values and get away with it but there is much higher chance of a fuck up and i would argue is not necessary in the first place.
Timing the tranplant, using a high vpd, or the timing of when you increase the number of irrigation events is probably the safest ways of steering in coco. If you can time when you want to go generative to right when they are ready for another irrigation event is what i try to use. for example in 6.5liter container 4 per 5x5, im at three fertigation per day for a day or two before flipping and by second week of flowering they are wanting another, and will harden off a little before stretch is over, i then increase irrigation events.. This is with hybrids, if it was deep chunk or some other true broadleaf it would probably be different story.
For any new people that read this dont worry about crop steering the gains even if done right are not that huge, just try to keep them healthy as possible.

Awesome thanks for the words rogue, me myself i got the curiosity of playing with watering now... and see how they respond... and now with the sensor i can get a look on acctually what works or dont... and all that with parameters , for instance like how they behave feeding more vegetative then generative and so on. OF course never letting thins like VPD , and then bein happy left behing .
Your set up of 4 in a 5x5 ots exacly what im going , the intent here its to get advise and some words on better ways to do things and try then out... not that this gets me more of that or whatever so i hope no one worries about anything , dont follow me im lost anyway o_O ahah.
what im also curius a lot... its figuring out... how much WC for example and how to get then perfecly dialed in veg to get thick fat roots and exploding wanting to flower. Its nice... i like to valuate the numbers.... i ll be posting then as these clones get settled in their pot.
Thanks for valuable knowledge... help me out for the ride will be a pleasure.
funny you should mention deepchunk, ive had these a few years now never popped em.

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Should be a fun ride !! pop then !!