Examples of GOP Leadership

The government needs to contract with COVID vaccine makers by the end of the month in order to have enough boosters for Americans this fall, but it can't proceed until Congress approves more money, according to two Biden officials.

The GOP would like to kill a bunch of us.
Can somebody strap this carp lipped bitch to a missile please ?

Greene, for her part, bemoaned in a Thursday floor speech that "all we're hearing on the news is Ukraine" and claimed that "Washington seems to care more about sending our sons and daughters to a potential war" than more pressing domestic issues.
Why should they care, they will get their boosters and many of their base don't want one anyway, however many do, another wedge between them, added to the war, which also divides them, as does Trump.
Can somebody strap this carp lipped bitch to a missile please ?

Greene, for her part, bemoaned in a Thursday floor speech that "all we're hearing on the news is Ukraine" and claimed that "Washington seems to care more about sending our sons and daughters to a potential war" than more pressing domestic issues.
In a strange way, she is correct. For us, removing her and the enemies of a Republic who think and speak as she does is crucial. But I don’t put that on the same level of pressing as the situation facing Ukrainians.
The government needs to contract with COVID vaccine makers by the end of the month in order to have enough boosters for Americans this fall, but it can't proceed until Congress approves more money, according to two Biden officials.

The GOP would like to kill a bunch of us.
In the name of freedumb
Putin lays out his demands for cease-fire in call with Turkey's president: report
The list of demands comes as Putin's invasion enters its fourth week
In a Thursday conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly outlined the conditions that would need to be met in order for him to end his invasion of Ukraine.

According to a BBC report, a Turkish official who listened to the call between the two leaders said that Putin would end his invasion if several conditions are met including a promise that Ukraine will remain neutral and not join NATO.

Erdogan's leading adviser and spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, says that Russia is also calling for Ukraine to undergo a disarmament process to mitigate threats to Russia in the future as well as legal protections for the Russian language in Ukraine.

Additionally, Putin reportedly desires promises related to the "Denazification" of Ukraine.

Putin, according to the report, is also asking for face-to-face negotiations with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to hammer out his demands which Zelenskyy has previously stated he is not opposed to.

Kalin said that there were other conditions Putin listed that he did not go into much detail about but he believes they will involve territories that have broken away from Ukraine in the eastern Donbas region.

The report states that it is "assumed" Putin will ask Ukraine to give up territory in the east and formally recognize that Crimea, which Russia illegally annexed in 2014, is a part of Russia.

The demands are in line with previous reporting that stated Putin has told Ukrainian officials he will end his invasion if six major conditions are met.
Mark Meadows' Double-Wide Voter Fraud: Meadows Now Faces Federal AND State Criminal Investigation

Based on new reporting in The Washington Post, Mark Meadows is now faction a criminal investigation in the state of North Carolina for possible voter/election fraud on top of his federal criminal investigation for contempt of Congress. This video reviews the lates investigative problem for Mark Meadows.
The government needs to contract with COVID vaccine makers by the end of the month in order to have enough boosters for Americans this fall, but it can't proceed until Congress approves more money, according to two Biden officials.

The GOP would like to kill a bunch of us.
In all fairness, Joe Rob did not do a good job of getting it into the bill. It was dropped on everyone at the last minute. And to pay for it they were taking money away from 30 states. It was opposed by folks on both sides of the isle.
They were going to take the $30B away from money already promised to the states. This was the last minute detail that wrecked it's chances of passing.
I'm not sure what you mean if the Biden administration was asking for the $30 billion (in new spending according to the article I linked above) over a month ago. It is a shame that the GQP is still downplaying the virus and killing our chances at staying ahead of it to help their electoral chances.

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I'm not sure what you mean if the Biden administration was asking for the $30 billion (in new spending according to the article I linked above) over a month ago. It is a shame that the GQP is still downplaying the virus and killing our chances at staying ahead of it to help their electoral chances.

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I'm not really following this. But just from hearing NPR in the background, here is what happened.

Joe Rob only talked to the top two in leadership of each branch of both parties and maybe a couple three folks from the relevant committees about the funding. The rank and file did not hear about the $30B being taken from money already allocated but not yet spent until the last minute. It pissed them off. Including the progressive wing of the democratic party. They were not against the covid relief, just how it was being paid for.
I'm not really following this. But just from hearing NPR in the background, here is what happened.

Joe Rob only talked to the top two in leadership of each branch of both parties and maybe a couple three folks from the relevant committees about the funding. The rank and file did not hear about the $30B being taken from money already allocated but not yet spent until the last minute. It pissed them off. Including the progressive wing of the democratic party. They were not against the covid relief, just how it was being paid for.
Sounds more like the Republicans were wanting to hold hostage our government once again to not give Biden the $30 billion in new spending he asked for a month ago. So they tried to negotiate and now here we are once again with the Democrats doing what they can to avoid a bullshit economic drag caused by the GQP, who refused this entire time to help with combating the virus that has caused several hundreds of thousands of Americans to die, and did what they could.
In all fairness, Joe Rob did not do a good job of getting it into the bill. It was dropped on everyone at the last minute. And to pay for it they were taking money away from 30 states. It was opposed by folks on both sides of the isle.

Last I looked this is money already paid for; as usual GOP is muddying waters and trying to confuse their supporters- hey! Whatchya doing with all that cash that Biden gave to RED STATES AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN WHO WOULD NOT PASS IT ON TO THEIR CITIZENS?????????

Say..wasn't that CHILD TAX CREDIT GREAT FOR ONE YEAR? Bet you wish it were back.

This is who stands in your way of being able to put more on the kitchen table, fix that car leak..pay for kids soccer or cheerleading.


Vote them out!