Best legal state

Oregon is the best state period. But we're full. :mrgreen:

Let me quote former Governor Tom McCall.

"I urge them to come and come many, many times to enjoy the beauty of Oregon. But I also ask them, for heaven's sake, don't move here to live."
We said that in Alaska.
Given the potential for sales
I would say New York

I'd agree that picking a state that's either about to legalize or has just done it makes sense...but it's worth reading through how the laws have been enacted.

For instance, NYS won't allow for both growing & selling, and there's very specific rules as to the types of entities that can be licensed and/or some of the social equity rules in place. So before making a move to NY, I'd be looking at the real-life ramifications of the legalization laws which are easily searchable online. Also, retail in NYS hasn't been enacted yet so they're looking at 2023 at the earliest, though the commercial growing is on a different schedule.
I want to move to a cannabis legal state that might also have job opportunities in the field.

great question. the answer tho, as with most things in life, depends. what type of job are you looking for?

some cannabis states are more heavily regulated than others. this may affect the path to your ultimate goal. whatever you plan to do, it may be worth looking into the state and local laws. if for example, the area you're looking at doesnt allow new cannbis stores to open or new grow sites, this may not bode well for future job opportunities. best of luck to you
Not to be political but Obama said he would make MJ legal if he was elected. He had eight years with a democrat controlled house and senate, yet raids on state legal dispensaries increased 5 fold while he was president. I think Trump said he was favorable with medical but, of course he was obstructed at everything he tried to do. When will this insanity end? Who will be the hero? I live in a back-asswards state that will probably be the last one to legalize it. Damn I miss Alaska.
Not to be political but Obama said he would make MJ legal if he was elected. He had eight years with a democrat controlled house and senate, yet raids on state legal dispensaries increased 5 fold while he was president. I think Trump said he was favorable with medical but, of course he was obstructed at everything he tried to do. When will this insanity end? Who will be the hero? I live in a back-asswards state that will probably be the last one to legalize it. Damn I miss Alaska.
Obama had the House and
Senate for the first two years
So your just spreading fake news in a vernacular you can understand
But go back to Alaska wannabe cowboy
Not to be political but Obama said he would make MJ legal if he was elected. He had eight years with a democrat controlled house and senate, yet raids on state legal dispensaries increased 5 fold while he was president. I think Trump said he was favorable with medical but, of course he was obstructed at everything he tried to do. When will this insanity end? Who will be the hero? I live in a back-asswards state that will probably be the last one to legalize it. Damn I miss Alaska.
There is a political section if you want to post your views on politics.
I just want to move some
great question. the answer tho, as with most things in life, depends. what type of job are you looking for?

some cannabis states are more heavily regulated than others. this may affect the path to your ultimate goal. whatever you plan to do, it may be worth looking into the state and local laws. if for example, the area you're looking at doesnt allow new cannbis stores to open or new grow sites, this may not bode well for future job opportunities. best of luck to you
I just want to go somewhere where I can grow plants without getting an 11 year sentence or more. And maybe some mountains. The job in the industry part isn't that important. Just being able to grow without prosecution and live my life in peace. That's pretty much it.
Vermont is an interesting state, retail sales don't start until October (May for existing med dispos). In theory the barrier to entering cultivation is pretty low ($750 for the smallest scale outdoor license, plus $1000 app fee and some other fees), particularly if you'd be growing on land you live on.
I should add though, it's unclear what the retail scene is going to look like. There's the large established market in MA, NY and CT are supposed to moving toward establishing their own markets, and the only existing dispos are the 8 med ones spread throughout the state. 60+ communities have opted in to allowing retail sales, but no one can even apply for a license until next month, so it's pretty unclear how many dispos will open in the first wave.
Virginia is really nice, even though legalization is still getting worked out as far as retail sales you can grow four plants for personal use at home and there's plenty of nice property in the mountains depending on what you're looking for. I've been here for over 20 years and love living in the mountains but for some people I'm sure it could be a little remote. Cell service is spotty and internet is only by satellite once you get out in the boonies though.
you see Jungle Boys got raided recently over a tax dispute? Police and highway patrol, of all departments, rolled in with money counters and took every dollar they could find.
That's just Federal reminding State who's the boss and who's the bitch. Until it's Federally legalized, this will always be a threat to "State legal" cannabis facilities, growers, breeders etc. It's still an "implied risk".