Is yellowing normal now that I'm flowering


Well-Known Member
You’re busted bro, time to come clean.
You're too smucking fart for your own good. Seriously though....what does 30K posts get you? is there a prize? I'm thinking a really cool bumper sticker...or you get to ride the back seat in the short bus for a change. You should definitely get something for those hours and hours and hours of gaslighting..

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member

i'm the one who said "uncle ben is an anti-semitic racist cocksucker who i hopes rot in hell" if you look back at my actual quote. but that he's a good grower.
Saying it and belieiving it 2 very different things..

Lots of charlatans here

But you wont be able to link share his linked artcles here as word for word rebuttles to bad growrs if hes in hell. Do yoi get paid to share his artcles... he surw does

I dont bekieve you. 1000's of growers and publications to post.

You post an artcile from Rollitups own wastebin of ex storm front losers... and you both lice in CO?

How many times have you shook that "good growers hand " ?


Well-Known Member
Saying it and belieiving it 2 very different things..

Lots of charlatans here

But you wont be able to link share his linked artcles here as word for word rebuttles to bad growrs if hes in hell. Do yoi get paid to share his artcles... he surw does

I dont bekieve you. 1000's of growers and publications to post.

You post an artcile from Rollitups own wastebin of ex storm front losers... and you both lice in CO?

How many times have you shook that "good growers hand " ?
Jesus, man. I make a ton of typos myself, but this is "English is my second language" level.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
So what about all the millions of berry plants grown in containers by the ag industry, are those also somehow not outdoor plants?


Well-Known Member
Saying it and belieiving it 2 very different things..

Lots of charlatans here

But you wont be able to link share his linked artcles here as word for word rebuttles to bad growrs if hes in hell. Do yoi get paid to share his artcles... he surw does

I dont bekieve you. 1000's of growers and publications to post.

You post an artcile from Rollitups own wastebin of ex storm front losers... and you both lice in CO?

How many times have you shook that "good growers hand " ?
My god we need a poo emoji…

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
show me where i shared any of his artcles to any bad growrs cause he surw does
He pulled this artcle , written by UB, to specidically address the schwazzy.... as if UB was some authority on anything but being a POS.

The original post even attmepts to passivley explain that he found it and then started talking about its author...

But im sure it slipped into your world entiely through organic means

Post 534
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Well-Known Member
but he at least contributed to a lot of knowledge and he DID oftentimes help newbies and nobody's perfect so what gives

obsessing over semantics in a drug forum where ppl roam around intoxicated....

not quite the ppl one would invite to a party :roll: