Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

What is it with marxists and believing sex is mutable? Or that everyone they disagree with is a fascist for that matter? Lol
not everyone that i disagree with is a fascist, just the ones who want to force everyone to live in a way that makes them comfortable, no matter how it makes those other people feel....fascist
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You’re a proven fascist. And sex is the wrong word, use sexuality or gender. I am stunned that there are people so shockingly illiberal that they would dictate on the basic human right of finding one’s sexuality. I blame the toxic church of televangelists. Only religion, with its plainly and cruelly wrong doctrines on sex and sexuality can host such evil.

Yawn. I'm not talking about sexuality. I'm talking about people slapping on a wig, some make up or chopping off the 'ol bean and Frank's and claiming they are a woman. Sex is assigned from conception, before even implantation and involves more than just superficial sex characteristics or even primary sex characteristics.
Yawn. I'm not talking about sexuality. I'm talking about people slapping on a wig, some make up or chopping off the 'ol bean and Frank's and claiming they are a woman. Sex is assigned from conception, before even implantation and involves more than just superficial sex characteristics or even primary sex characteristics.
That’s church talk.
Yawn. I'm not talking about sexuality. I'm talking about people slapping on a wig, some make up or chopping off the 'ol bean and Frank's and claiming they are a woman. Sex is assigned from conception, before even implantation and involves more than just superficial sex characteristics or even primary sex characteristics.
Ok you've got sex issues, but you don't need to inflict your sexual deviancy on the world.
You cast it that way. Your following displays of bigotry correspond.
I've never been concerned with the opinion of fools. You seem to have preconceived views of my character. Sorry they dont match your expectations. Perhaps some introspection would do you good?