
I am surprised that ol pooty hasn't learned from other ass hats that have tried to attack in winter in Russia
He didn't just attack in winter, he attacked at the very beginning of mud season and it will be weeks until he can get his mighty army into action in a classic land battle and maneuver large forces in the country side. He's stuck on the roads and soon they will be lined by IEDs, NATO has some experience with these and can show them how to make them from captured Russian artillery shells and cellphones, but I think they will literally have tons of C4 plastic explosive too. An abandoned Russian truck loaded with artillery shells and shot out tires would make an ideal setup if a convoy was stupid enough to pass near it in a ditch, as will all the shot up cars on the roads.
I'm waiting for a Ukrainian farmer to get creative and fill an abandoned disabled Russian tank with ammonium nitrate fertilizer and diesel fuel, two items he is likely to have on hand and wire up some of the shells inside with a cell phone or something and then jam the hatches or weld them. Next convoy that goes by...
Putin's lap dog is Dmitry Medvedev who is vice president of Russia, and you thought Pence was bad! He will have to go too and someone "clean" will have to take his place, his party will still control things and he can retire in safety and try to keep whatever control and money remaining as quietly as possible. His trouble is all his cronies are known and his power structure has been mapped. Russia does have a parliament, the structure and form of a liberal democracy, they have corrupt elections, but they have elections and they can be reformed. They had a couple of Zelenskiy's one dead and the other in prison, the release of dissidents and political prisoners would be part of any lifting of sanctions for most and the justice minister would definitely have to go.

So look for what happens with the VP Dmitry Medvedev, he will go before Vlad if they want to deal, we will want someone else replacing him, then Vlad, when the time is right. Because so much power is concentrated in their presidency, he could do a lot of reforming on his own, if they had the right guy.

They don't need Vlad the Impaler, they need Peter the great to lead them out of darkness.
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Those improvements are evaporating, but I think there's an age element too. Their population is older and they've struggled to maintain numbers, which means fewer young people, and young people are the ones that will be most opposed to him.
It will definitely be interesting to see how the tides turn with younger generations. I wonder how much Russian millennials are similar to those here in the US.
Looks like someone is building drones in Ukraine using cheap off the shelf RC parts and GPS enabled cheap RC plane flight control computers and servos. Punch in the GPS coordinates and let it go or FPV it.

Ukraine's army is using a nimble 'game-changing' drone called The Punisher that has completed scores of successful missions against the Russians, say reports
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The aftermath of a drone strike, hit an ammo truck and it does the rest...

I've been receiving messages from Chechen sources that after huge losses of Kadyrov's personal "army" (in particular: @ 70 of them were reported charred alive after a single Bayraktar strike), most of the rest returned across the border. Scenes like this corroborate such reports.

This costs in the $100 range and could control and be the brain of something like a punisher drone like that above, add a cheap GPS module and a few other toys and you are in business with some custom firmware updating. They can be made from very tough laminated EPS foam are naturally stealthy and can use off the shelf cheap RC plane parts. Cheap as dirt and can even be used as missiles themselves. This is an example of cheap hobbyist technology applied to war and they and other components can be bought in quantity from Alibaba dirt cheap and even EMP proofed to a point.
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Q: When is our Media going to get it through their heads that America is not putting boots on the ground in Ukraine?
because the future isnt written and America is spending a bit and already had 300 troops on the ground in Ukraine before the war started. Its also helping Bidens polls. Fuel prices are not though.
America loves a good war. Domestic politics tends to take a back seat and the war machine is worth a bob or two.