Convoy of Dunces

It's also starting to look like the Russian people themselves are not happy with putin and "His" war. Here in the United States people are worried about the price of gas. The Russian people are being cut off from the rest of the world. They don't enjoy the rich and luxurious lifestyle putin does. Things are getting pretty bad for them. It's time they grow some balls and get rid of that piece of shit.
They've had a pretty good taste of the west and good life for 30 years, it's too late to close the barn door. Most of the young people know the truth and they do the fighting. Russia is fucked economically and will be for a decade or more too. Like I said, not too many US forces will be required to defend Europe against Russian attack, they can almost all go to the far east and confront China now. Thanks Vlad! :lol:
They've had a pretty good taste of the west and good life for 30 years, it's too late to close the barn door. Most of the young people know the truth and they do the fighting. Russia is fucked economically and will be for a decade or more too. Like I said, not too many US forces will be required to defend Europe against Russian attack, they can almost all go to the far east and confront China now. Thanks Vlad! :lol:

Plus the well to do in Russia have been investing their money elsewhere for years and are now finding those assets frozen or inaccessible. They don't want to be associated with this but they are. Just when many Russians thought they had gotten past the taint of the Soviet past. putin makes them pariahs again.

As for China, they have enough problems of their own with their real estate meltdown that most had all their money invested in. They don't want anything to do with putin's war but will suffer from it as well. They still rely on global commerce and specifically the United States. Higher gas prices because of the war will slow consumer spending on items in the US and imports from China which will have a direct effect on their economy.

putin isn't making any friends.
Are they also protesting the tax on tea imposed by the British?
Protest? Heck no. Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory.
It's also starting to look like the Russian people themselves are not happy with putin and "His" war. Here in the United States people are worried about the price of gas. The Russian people are being cut off from the rest of the world. They don't enjoy the rich and luxurious lifestyle putin does. Things are getting pretty bad for them. It's time they grow some balls and get rid of that piece of shit.
Every person with experience in Russian politics say something along the lines of the people have neither the unity or power to do anything soon. What is said. The hard line generals. The ones with the bunker mentality. Putin's entourage, who Putin has shown signs of distrusting lately. They are the ones who could remove Putin any time soon. What this guy said:

Khodorkovsky -- the oil tycoon who tangled with Putin during the early days of Putin's reign and lost. Then was stripped of his assets, jailed for ten years, now living in exile. In his estimation, Putin has about two more years before he's either taken down through a revolution or Russia falls apart and breaks up into smaller nation states.
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OK, let me get this straight: A truckload of U.S. truckers has assembled outside Washington, D.C., to protest something, but nobody quite knows what. Is it the mask and vaccine mandates that most cities and states have already dropped? Who knows.

According to The Washington Post: “Organizers said their goal is to be a 'huge pain'.
The nazi wolfsangel looks like a Z.

Could it really be possible the Kremlin kept officers out of the loop due to Putin paranoia which is why many mistakes are being made..or is it a Trojan you think they're pretending to not know or really don't know this is a true war?


And no, I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me
Hanging out the passenger side of his best friend's ride
Trying to holler at me
I don't want no scrub
The Washington DC convoy against pandemic mandates is a day late and a dollar short.

Behold as their real crackpot motives are revealed.

Hilarious how they say that every other protest is funded by (((globalists))) when in reality they are being funded by racists.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory for sure. Are the racists here with us now? Do you see them behind every bush? Perhaps a racist is someone you disagree with and you just don't know what the word means? I agree in that it's not wise considering the cost of gas, thanks to bidens ineptitude and shutting down our production of gas pipelines
Sounds like a conspiracy theory for sure. Are the racists here with us now? Do you see them behind every bush? Perhaps a racist is someone you disagree with and you just don't know what the word means? I agree in that it's not wise considering the cost of gas, thanks to bidens ineptitude and shutting down our production of gas pipelines
The only person talking about racists is you.

They are scrubs. losers who just can't stand it when other people look good and do well.