I am so sorry, that's horrific.On January 5th, my mother-in-law (the definitive greatest mother-in-law of all time, by the way) fell and broke her hip. 2 months before her 99th birthday. She was still living on her own but had at least one of her daughters dropping in daily and a home care practitioner was there in the evenings to keep her safe before bed with navigating steps, etc.
She was rushed to the local hospital 5 minutes away.
Where she waited in the ER for 44 hours because every local hospital was jammed full of covid patients. Her grand daughter is an ER Dr at a Pittsburgh hospital and got her in but had to struggle to find room. Upon her arrival after 2 days the doctors said she should have been here 2 days ago. Lol. Thanks, we know.
My mother-in-law finally had surgery around 52 hours after the fall to put her hip back in place. Only in war zones does one wait for emergency surgery like that.
She came out of it but within a day slipped into and out of what the Drs called 'delerium'. She died January 31st, (back at home under constant nursing care, never recovered.) She would have had a better chance if the hospitals weren't jammed at the time full of unvaxed idiots. She had been in reasonably good shape with a history of comebacks in recent years.
You can't convince me that covid and people's indifference to covid didn't play a significant role in her death.
But 35% of people won't get vaxed because...
Uhhh, what's the reason again? Q Anon? You'll be magnetized?
I just don't get it.
Then you fill those scarce beds with Covid patients and you are fucked. This was why we needed to not overwhelm the healthcare system (from both sides), better care of staff and everyone vaccinated and masked. Both are actually true.Our local hospital put out a statement that they had very few beds open "because of covid" but was found to be bullshit by the newspaper. It was staffing shortages causing the issues and not because of the vaccine requirements, they were just treating the Healthcare workers like shit so a good portion went on to find better employment options. Apparently it's an issue all over country yet they keep blaming it on full hospitals. Not saying that was the case @tangerinegreen555, just pointing it out. Sorry for your loss.
Edit: added article
Nurses and Healthcare Workers at Aspirus Langlade Hospital Deserve Fair Pay and Safe Staffing, “Bed Shortage” is Actually a Shortage of Nurses and Health Professionals Willing to be Disrespected by Corporate Healthcare - Antigo Times
We’ve all heard there are hardly any ICU beds available right now throughout our state and country. That’s because there aren’t enough nurses and healthcare workers left to staff those beds for patients who need them, and that’s a preventable travesty. The beds are empty. Our ranks are thin...antigotimes.com
Thank you for caring for those whom need it, it speaks volumes to your character.As i understand it and please correct me if I am wrong...The cdc has new recommendations for masking indoors. It is now local stats. You can go to cdc website and type in your county and it tells you if Covid spread is high or low in your county and that is how to navigate wearing a mask or not. When I put in my county it said high so I am masked up but most people who were masking now dropped the mask because state mandate changed. I really wish they were on the same page. This is so confusing .at least I know what to expect at work. Masks for everyone all the time. I made a huge career move. I left outpatient oncology and going back inpatient hospital setting. Got completely burnt out caring for cancer patients so switching gears for a while. I will still see cancer but won’t be drowning in it.
As i understand it and please correct me if I am wrong...The cdc has new recommendations for masking indoors. It is now local stats. You can go to cdc website and type in your county and it tells you if Covid spread is high or low in your county and that is how to navigate wearing a mask or not. When I put in my county it said high so I am masked up but most people who were masking now dropped the mask because state mandate changed. I really wish they were on the same page. This is so confusing .at least I know what to expect at work. Masks for everyone all the time. I made a huge career move. I left outpatient oncology and going back inpatient hospital setting. Got completely burnt out caring for cancer patients so switching gears for a while. I will still see cancer but won’t be drowning in it.
We will be fine. The smart ones, the ones wearing N95s or better, will wear their masks until it's really warm enough to be outside.Thanks for the reminder on the CDC site...My area in NY is still classified as "high" too, which I expected...we are a college town, but you are so right.
They are ending school mask mandates here Wednesday, and they already have for most stores, etc.
I am still wearing one everywhere indoors in public, as are a small percentage of people. I sure hope this doesn't blow up in their faces, but how can it not. It looks like about half the country is still classified as "high". The only thing that MIGHT save us, is spring is almost here. The next few months might be bad though, I bet.
And yes, thank you for doing what you do!!
Incase you forgot Covid existed.
Well this is concerning. Seems like the vaccines are messing with our DNA.
You don’t fuck with Gods work!
Now we’re gonna have a bunch of retarded kids (as if it ain’t bad enough) filling the world…
Theres multiple videos and a Swedish peer reviewed paper on the matter of mRNA vaccines being converted to DNA.
Thank goodness I stayed in the control group of this experiment
A significant chunk of our DNA is there from past viral infections of our ancestors. We are us now because of past viruses. Hate to break the news.Incase you forgot Covid existed.
Well this is concerning. Seems like the vaccines are messing with our DNA.
You don’t fuck with Gods work!
Now we’re gonna have a bunch of retarded kids (as if it ain’t bad enough) filling the world…
Theres multiple videos and a Swedish peer reviewed paper on the matter of mRNA vaccines being converted to DNA.
Thank goodness I stayed in the control group of this experiment
When god's work includes wiping out 5+ million human beings, including 1800+ Americans each day still, it seems a good idea to fuck with it a bit. I'm glad you survived it, even though you are an awful troll.
Sure because vaccines did not exist prior to this one. Please take your specious propaganda back to Russia.Personally genetically modifying anything leaves question marks for me.
I hope it works out ok but there’s no denying the effects of these vaccines are yet to be properly understood.
The first babies with vaccinated parents are only just been born. So a lot to uncover. Just hope we didn’t fuck it all up for a quick fix. But that seems like a human trait.
I think you can remove the word "we" from your diatribeSure! Only difference is that our DNA has not been altered on mass scale before and by mankind itself. Perhaps even with a virus that was genetically modified. And so happened to originate from a place where they carry out gain of function on bat coronaviruses, just a coincidence? lol
Yea was reading that. Nasty virus. Perfect for population control tho!
There are so many angels of our demise it’s crazy. Take sea levels. From 1992 to 2005 sea levels rose 2mm
From 2005 to 2016 they rose 4.5mm. That’s over double.
Now with your fingers start at 4mm and double them for every finger you count. Within 120 years sea levels will be rising over 1m per decade.
All major cities are around sea level too… seems like the Earth wants to kill us off. And fair play! We are literally a cancer on earth. Only imbalance is us yet only us can show love, compassion and a sense of purpose or appreciate beauty. No other animal would admire a sunset or a Crystal clear blue lake
Such a paradox…
Sure because vaccines did not exist prior to this one. Please take your specious propaganda back to Russia.
I think you can remove the word "we" from your diatribe
Thank god, disinformation can't cross geographic borders. There's nothing wrong with mRNA tech. It's not new. We've been working on it since the early '90s.Yea they actually worked for more than 6 months as well and are not mRNA. At least to my limited knowledge.
Sweden isn’t a part of Russia lol
Thank god, disinformation can't cross geographic borders. There's nothing wrong with mRNA tech. It's not new. We've been working on it since the early '90s.
Also look up why you have to take Tetanus, DTAP, etc... boosters and how most vaccines are a 2-4 shot series at usually longer intervals. Vaxing a world during an international crisis is part of why.Then why does immunity fade? Can’t you make it last longer?