Examples of GOP Leadership

what charges? Garland is a fucking pussy. i've about had it with this shit show of his, some major indictments need to start going out. they may not be able to nail trump to the wall, but a lot of other republicans should be facing charges, and jail time....
trump is getting off in new york, i haven't hard fuck all out of Georgia in weeks...looks like trump and the republicans are going to get off scott free, because our AG is afraid to prosecute anything but a 100% sure thing...
I can only hope it is some kind of conspiracy! :lol: The plan was to suck the republicans in with NY, but the real plan was to have a trial on TV in Georgia this summer with the republicans testifying against him. Donald freaks out before the election and walks his base out of the party into the "Truth" party or some other bullshit. The republicans lose the election and everybody lives happily ever after.
The end. :lol:

It is getting fucking ridiculous though, there is a lot of shit here that will need some explaining one day, win in November and we might get one.
Hell hath no fury like an entitled white man being denied.
Except one thing, some of their women.

Not sure what that “ give up his life for … “ part means for COSTCO.
Someone should have took him up on it and kicked the shit out of him while tossing his ass in the parking lot. Freedumb. Send him to Ukraine and strap on a bomb, they will be doing suicide bombers, truck bombs and IEDs there. Crowdfund for his ticket and tell the Ukrainians he's coming and is disposable. He can go out in a blaze of glory with a big fucking bang! Die for freedom my ass.
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What if Hunter Biden went to Ukraine to fight as a volunteer and was on TV in green with Zelenskiy? What would that do to the political dynamic. Hunter the hero! The right would shit! :lol: So might Vlad! If Beau was around he might have gone, he had military experience and was gunning for politics.

Speaking of Ted Nugent, is he volunteering? The fight for freedom should be right up his ally.
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