So I think the ph caused this


Active Member
So I water a little bit ever other day, sometimes daily if they're dry enough. In the last 2 days, they've gone from nice looking and strong to this. I didn't ph the last 2 times I watered, and when I checked my water, it was over 8. Like more 8.5. Is that what caused this? I've moved my light way up, I feel like there's no way I could be overwatering anymore, the more I think about it. So the ph is the only thing left I can come to. Please help.
So I water a little bit ever other day, sometimes daily if they're dry enough. In the last 2 days, they've gone from nice looking and strong to this. I didn't ph the last 2 times I watered, and when I checked my water, it was over 8. Like more 8.5. Is that what caused this? I've moved my light way up, I feel like there's no way I could be overwatering anymore, the more I think about it. So the ph is the only thing left I can come to. Please help.
Hard to tell in purple light. Also I hope that’s not your address on the box down there. Nothing like doxing yourself…….
Yep yep, dry as balls and medium looks sketchy. Time to look up some soil & growing guides on the forum ;)
I've got everything I need. You're the only ones that say under watering. Everyone else told. Me there was too much. Ivw got my soil, worm castings, and gaia green. I've been old that it's too early to transplant them
Water those poor things and damn the pine bark what soil is that?

Chunky wouldn't be my choice...I'd rather have it smooth. ;)

I don't remember happy frog being so rough, but I'd be screening that stuff out if it were me. Though I moved from any other stuff I'd tried to ProMix and haven't had any desire to use much else.

I think that more soil, more space, etc. at this point in a grow is a good move. It seems to give more leeway for feed/water, not that some can't grow big in solos or starters, but I think it just leaves little room for error.
Ok, so I watered them well. I've got my light in a better place I think. My water is ph 6 or thereabouts. Should I transplant them now, since they're possibly doing poorly because they need food and a bigger pot?
Chunky wouldn't be my choice...I'd rather have it smooth. ;)

I don't remember happy frog being so rough, but I'd be screening that stuff out if it were me. Though I moved from any other stuff I'd tried to ProMix and haven't had any desire to use much else.

I think that more soil, more space, etc. at this point in a grow is a good move. It seems to give more leeway for feed/water, not that some can't grow big in solos or starters, but I think it just leaves little room for error.
Awesome. Thanks. I'll give them until this afternoon to soak some of the water up and bind the soil a little better and move up pots.
Awesome. Thanks. I'll give them until this afternoon to soak some of the water up and bind the soil a little better and move up pots.

My usual process for transplanting (all plants, not just cannabis), is to have them watered about a day ahead of time so the soil will still be moist and hold together when doing my transplant. It also makes them easier to remove from the cups or smaller pots, and the roots will hold the soil all in place.

I then prep my soil in my larger pots by adding any amendments and mixing well then adding in water and mixing that well so the soil you're planting in also is holding water well (not mud, but enough that the soil will clump and stay in shape when I squeeze it. If you've added so much that you're squeezing out water, it's too much).

I fill my pots/bags with a base layer of the newly prepared soil, then I put the size up or pot I'm transferring out of into the bigger vessel and fill around it until the whole container is full and remove the smaller container in the middle to leave a cup/pot shaped hole for you to drop the rootball into.

I remove the plant from the smaller container carefully (hold by the stem sideways or even upside down) and then deposit directly in the hole you've got in the bigger pot. If you're using a mycos product apply the granulated or powdered mycos to the outside of the rootball before inserting.

I don't usually 'water in' after I've replanted, since the root ball & the soil medium should have a day or two of water in them already.