Connecticut medical weed

The Monarch

Connecticut grows some excellent medical weed - offerings consistently above 35% THC and terpenes running 3-4%. I attached the results for what I’m currently enjoying. We have a weird law about not using street names, this is Animal Face.

How do you get these numbers? I figure genetics and co2 help. Is this consistent with other states?

Glad your happy dispensary weed here, just a state away, is overpriced over dried trash.
Local growers producing much more potent stuff.
I'd say regularly getting strains over 30% sounds fishy to me, but when I'm in such a market I just subtract 10% from everything I see, in my head. Ultimately those terpene profiles will do a lot more for you when selecting bud (even if they're quite optimistic they'll still tell you what you're really getting into, proportionally at least). That strong linalool showing is nice and uncommon, should be easy to taste.
THC doesn’t mean shit if it doesn’t have the properties behind it. Iv noticed properly aged cannabis plants ripe to potential are generally lower in THC content but higher in every other major categories.

Large mass farmers with little funds are the issue. Fast produced and harvested early.
I purchase my weed through the farms name. Idc about numbers. Iv had 22-25% strains run circles around 30+ strains.
THC has a synergistic effect with other compounds. I find the high thc strains lacks in effect because it's lacking other components that effect the high.
Lol as a medical card holder in CT I can tell you all of the dispensary products are complete trash. Nothing like real weed. The taste, high, smell, etc are all disgusting it’s like gmo weed or something. Grow your own or find a reliable source other than the trash they push in the dispensary.