Convoy of Dunces


Well-Known Member
The Washington DC convoy against pandemic mandates is a day late and a dollar short.

Behold as their real crackpot motives are revealed.

Hilarious how they say that every other protest is funded by (((globalists))) when in reality they are being funded by racists.
Maybe if the government rescinded it's trucker covid vaccine mandate it would restore order. Oh wait, there is no mandate and never was, they must be LARPing again, but where's the tiki torches.
People are saying there are. It has to be true or their central pandemic related narrative is fucked. It feels true. I guess that will have to do.
:dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: < convoy
What's the chances that this (CON)voy, and the one in Canada that died out, were designed to line up with the Russian's 40 mile military convoy that stalled out in Ukraine? It really seems like the type of trolling that Putin has been banking on deflecting from his attacking our democracies. Shot 2022-03-05 at 9.09.44 AM.png
The American offshoot of the “Freedom Convoy” that brought chaos to Canada’s capital is promising to stop traffic outside of Washington, D.C., on Saturday, but exact plans remained vague Friday as the group hit its last pit stop in Maryland.

The convoy, which was organized on pro-Trump and anti-vaccine channels on the Telegram messaging app, has picked up hundreds of cars and several trucks since the group left a rural parking lot in Adelanto, California, on Feb. 22.

According to extremism researchers following the movement, the convoy now consists of several dozen tractor-trailer trucks and hundreds of cars. The group is staging in Hagerstown, Maryland, on Friday and ramping up for its final protest somewhere in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.

Livestreamers from within the convoy have repeatedly referred to “blocking the Beltway,” the 64-mile highway that surrounds Washington, but specific plans have been kept secret by group leaders.

One organizer, Dan Fitzegerald, who has been livestreaming his journey in the convoy on YouTube, said on a Friday morning stream: “I can tell you now that there will be select trucks going to the White House.”

The convoy was initially formed to protest mask and vaccine mandates, which have largely been repealed as the omicron variant dwindled over the past several weeks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said last week that indoor mask use is no longer necessary in most of the U.S.

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Around a dozen Telegram groups that planned the rallies have accrued tens of thousands of followers, many of whom have posted messages stating that they believe their convoy directly contributed to the mandate repeals.

The group’s demands are now vague and tied to what they call “accountability,” according to Sara Aniano, an extremism researcher who has spent the last month following the convoy in its Telegram chats.

“That could mean financial accountability. It could be physical accountability. It could be legal accountability. Their inability to distinguish what exactly that means is where the concern lies,” said Aniano, who recently published a report on QAnon’s growth after Jan. 6 for the International Centere for the Study of Radicalization, a London-based nonprofit group.

But as its Covid mission has become less clear, the group’s channels have turned to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, where conspiracy-minded thinking has flourished. While some group members have admonished Russian President Vladimir Putin for the invasion, QAnon and anti-vaccine contingents within the groups have seized on a false conspiracy theory that the war is a cover for a military operation backed by former President Donald Trump in Ukraine.

The conspiracy theory, which is baseless and has roots in QAnon mythology, alleges that Trump and Putin are secretly working together to stop bioweapons from being made by Dr. Anthony Fauci in Ukraine and that shelling in Ukraine has targeted the secret laboratories. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has emerged in the past year as a main target for far-right conspiracy theories.

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Aniano said she is worried about the overt QAnon messaging in the group that has recently picked up steam.

The convoy has added some of the most extreme QAnon adherents: a group that had congregated in Dallas because they believed that John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in 1999, was still alive and would reveal himself on the site where his father, former President John F. Kennedy, was shot. That group joined the convoy as it drove through Texas.

At one nightly convoy stop, where rallygoers give stump speeches over a loudspeaker while they eat and refuel, some participants recited “Where We Go One We Go All,” the QAnon slogan.

Aniano said the vague, ominous messaging is worrying, pointing out a Friday morning Telegram post that read: “We can’t fail. We are not GOING to fail. We are gonna fix this.”

“In their fantasy, Trump comes back, and the military tribunals commence over Covid tests,” Aniano said. “But I don’t think they know what they want. They are just mad, and they want a reason to express that.”
What's the chances that this (CON)voy, and the one in Canada that died out, were designed to line up with the Russian's 40 mile military convoy that stalled out in Ukraine? It really seems like the type of trolling that Putin has been banking on deflecting from his attacking our democracies. attachment 5097070
They will fail quicker than in Canada, where it was more of a party paid for by Americans, maybe paying for hot tubs in the streets was a bit too much for those hoping for guns! Getting on the wrong side of the Ukrainian issue would be fatal, literally, a lot on the right have been seduced by the fight. They would have an internal civil war of their own on the way to DC!
They will fail quicker than in Canada, where it was more of a party paid for by Americans, maybe paying for hot tubs in the streets was a bit too much for those hoping for guns! Getting on the wrong side of the Ukrainian issue would be fatal, literally, a lot on the right have been seduced by the fight. They would have an internal civil war of their own on the way to DC!

There are still a bunch of traitor trumptards rooting for putin just so they can blame Biden for allowing it to happen. They don't care about the Ukrainian people or the children being killed. They're traitors and will take sides with anyone as long as they can use it to promote their anti-American, anti-democratic beliefs.

Those idiots in the convoy are as anti-American as anyone can be.
There are still a bunch of traitor trumptards rooting for putin just so they can blame Biden for allowing it to happen. They don't care about the Ukrainian people or the children being killed. They're traitors and will take sides with anyone as long as they can use it to promote their anti-American, anti-democratic beliefs.

Those idiots in the convoy are as anti-American as anyone can be.
There are those people I'm sure, but there are more who have been seduced by the fight for liberty. White Christians with guns and guts fighting for freedom is irresistible to them and foxnews and their politicians realize this. Ironically, I'll bet that most of the thousands of Americans going to Ukraine to fight, voted for Trump in 2020!
The Washington DC convoy against pandemic mandates is a day late and a dollar short.

Behold as their real crackpot motives are revealed.

Hilarious how they say that every other protest is funded by (((globalists))) when in reality they are being funded by racists.
Are they also protesting the tax on tea imposed by the British?
There are those people I'm sure, but there are more who have been seduced by the fight for liberty. White Christians with guns and guts fighting for freedom is irresistible to them and foxnews and their politicians realize this. Ironically, I'll bet that most of the thousands of Americans going to Ukraine to fight, voted for Trump in 2020!

I'm sure there are many former trump voters that wouldn't vote for him again. Especially those of Ukrainian descent who must be thoroughly disgusted by trump's praise of putin.
I'm sure there are many former trump voters that wouldn't vote for him again. Especially those of Ukrainian descent who must be thoroughly disgusted by trump's praise of putin.
I would think so too. Except I was also surprised at how many people voted for Trump in 2020. So I'm always checking myself for confirmation bias. Then I read this:

MAR. 4, 2022, AT 6:00 AM

Americans Are Still Unsure How The U.S. Should Respond To The Invasion Of Ukraine

According to that Reuters/Ipsos survey, roughly one-third of Americans (34 percent) said Ukraine’s current problems should stay their own. And per the Economist/YouGov survey, adults were split on a number of potential courses of action. On imposing economic sanctions on Russia, a bare majority (50 percent) thought this was a good idea, while 20 percent disagreed.

despite widespread support (for sanctions), only about half of the public said those sanctions were worthwhile if they led to more expensive gas prices. A CNN/SSRS poll fielded just after the invasion began found a similar result: Per the survey, 71 percent of Americans agreed that the U.S. should consider gas prices when deciding its actions toward Russia, a major oil and natural gas producer.

I would hope that sentiment is shifting now that reality is beginning to bite. Those polling numbers were taken in late Feb, some before Putin's invasion. But, dang. This country has a lot of dupes who simply can't wrap their heads around the idea that the stuff they consume and call news makes them less informed.
Not sure how much I like the "mind your own business" mentality when people are literally being murdered. Sounds like a good path to being murdered.
I would think so too. Except I was also surprised at how many people voted for Trump in 2020. So I'm always checking myself for confirmation bias. Then I read this:

MAR. 4, 2022, AT 6:00 AM

Americans Are Still Unsure How The U.S. Should Respond To The Invasion Of Ukraine

According to that Reuters/Ipsos survey, roughly one-third of Americans (34 percent) said Ukraine’s current problems should stay their own. And per the Economist/YouGov survey, adults were split on a number of potential courses of action. On imposing economic sanctions on Russia, a bare majority (50 percent) thought this was a good idea, while 20 percent disagreed.

despite widespread support (for sanctions), only about half of the public said those sanctions were worthwhile if they led to more expensive gas prices. A CNN/SSRS poll fielded just after the invasion began found a similar result: Per the survey, 71 percent of Americans agreed that the U.S. should consider gas prices when deciding its actions toward Russia, a major oil and natural gas producer.

I would hope that sentiment is shifting now that reality is beginning to bite. Those polling numbers were taken in late Feb, some before Putin's invasion. But, dang. This country has a lot of dupes who simply can't wrap their heads around the idea that the stuff they consume and call news makes them less informed.

I think people in Europe are taking it much more seriously than people in the United States. The United States has not had a war on it's soil since the Civil War ended in 1865. The last 2 world wars were fought in Europe and there are still people that were alive in WWII. The United States has not suffered the type of devastation, loss of life, and sheer misery that others around the world have. I can't believe any decent person would put the price of gas over the lives of the Ukrainian people but they do. The United States has some of the most generous people on earth. Unfortunately they're outnumbered by the greedy selfish ones.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller
I think people in Europe are taking it much more seriously than people in the United States. The United States has not had a war on it's soil since the Civil War ended in 1865. The last 2 world wars were fought in Europe and there are still people that were alive in WWII. The United States has not suffered the type of devastation, loss of life, and sheer misery that others around the world have. I can't believe any decent person would put the price of gas over the lives of the Ukrainian people but they do. The United States has some of the most generous people on earth. Unfortunately they're outnumbered by the greedy selfish ones.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller
After this shit I'm not sure how much Europe will need American help, the Germans are rearming and the Russians are not only inept, but they are fucked in Ukraine and trapped there for awhile. Many sense Russia's weakness Europe among them, when put to the test they failed miserably at all levels with piss poor morale. NATO and the EU has had a good look at this military fiasco, Emperor Vlad has no clothes. They are taking even more to give the Ukrainians from NATO stores. Soon Vlad will have many fires to put out in the neighboring former soviet republics to the south and in Belarus too, the CIA will see to that. This war has blown the door wide open into Vlad's empire for clandestine operations.
After this shit I'm not sure how much Europe will need American help, the Germans are rearming and the Russians are not only inept, but they are fucked in Ukraine and trapped there for awhile. Many sense Russia's weakness Europe among them, when put to the test they failed miserably at all levels with piss poor morale. NATO and the EU has had a good look at this military fiasco, Emperor Vlad has no clothes. They are taking even more to give the Ukrainians from NATO stores. Soon Vlad will have many fires to put out in the neighboring former soviet republics to the south and in Belarus too, the CIA will see to that. This war has blown the door wide open into Vlad's empire for clandestine operations.

It's also starting to look like the Russian people themselves are not happy with putin and "His" war. Here in the United States people are worried about the price of gas. The Russian people are being cut off from the rest of the world. They don't enjoy the rich and luxurious lifestyle putin does. Things are getting pretty bad for them. It's time they grow some balls and get rid of that piece of shit.