Low budget bagseed grow. (Pics).


Well-Known Member
Greetings, been inspired by some of you on this site and am grateful for a spot on the web to put this.
Low budget, bagseed grow here. No nutrients, no expensive equipment, just a fan, bottled water, a light, and some unknown seeds. we are on day 21 here and this is my first attempt at growing a green thumb.

Comments, questions, suggestions all welcome.
I will update every 2/3 weeks (time permitting).



Well-Known Member
you shouldnt plant em in the same pot. thats gonna lead to alot of trouble, and theyres no way u have enough room in that pot for all those plants, and the roots are gonna fight each other.


Well-Known Member
Planting in the same pot was simply a rushed mistake (planted before even knowing about this website), i am however using this time to grow them to the point where they show what sex they are. Assuming i get a 50/50 mix of males and females, this will bring the number of plants i keep, down considerably. (Then i can get some new pots for the remaining females). - Hopefully this plan works.

Thanks for the heads up, wrecked.


Well-Known Member
if there are 2 females in the pots with 2 males..
how are you going to get those 2 females out?
with out damaging roots, the roots will get all tangled up..
unless you're transplanting them, as soon as you can..

good luck with the grow though :D


Well-Known Member
okay, i have experienced.. damaged roots..

all i can say is.. it will piss you off & devastate you..
i was super worried, it was my first grow..
when i transplanted.. i only transplanted the top half of the roots..
ripping off & leaving only the bottom half of the roots in the pot..
AFTER i had already transplanted.. i thought my plant was a goner..

if that DOES happen or you do damage roots..
first things first OBVIOUSLY water.. & don't water for about a week..
let the roots search for water & stretch out..
after that week water again & if possible throw it into a humidity dome..
just let it sit in a humidity dome for about 2-3 days..
or at least until the leaves perk up, because those leaves will droop like crazy..

although, from the damaged roots.. the lower older leaves will sort of lose it's stiffness..
but, the top just kept growing & looked more healthy than ever..

here's the thread.. after my plant recovered from doing what i just stated..
there's pictures in that thread.. my plant looked real healthy after that..



Well-Known Member
Not looking forward to the inevitable repotting chores but i'll have to cross that path when i get to it. Noticed some noticeable growth on the larger plants over the last few days, figured fresh pics are always good for the documentation. Indica strain/possible hybrid, right? 25 days old.

Using a non oscillating fan, 12/12 lighting from a twin flourescent, 24" light.
Watering once every three days or so. One (of these four), HAS to be a female right?

Edit: forgot to attach pics.



Well-Known Member
Ok some updates.

Was doing really well and seen a lot of growth but i decided to focus on much less plants and these are the ones i have left, (trashed a few of the weaker/male looking ones). Had family staying with me all week so hiding these has been quite a chore.

I left them outside all day and the cold weather coupled with whatever bugs they were, nearly trashed my remaining plants. I have been using quick ties (think garbage bags), to wrap the stalks of the plants that were broken/bent. i lost a few leaves too. Anyway, i have them somewhat repaired and under some light again, (hoping they pull through). I'm sure you will see the damaged areas.

I've read that plants with nodes that are closer together tend to be females so i saved two of them, the youngest one with the quick tie on it was planted on 12-6-08. The rest are the ones from the original crop from 35 days ago, hope my math is right (i'm tired lol).



Well-Known Member
Here is the group shot.
Forgot to add that i killed all the bugs using a spray bottle of Garden Safe brand multi-purpose garden insect killer (Schultz name on the bottle), got it at Wal-Mart and it seems to do a good job of killing the bugs on contact. It claims to kill over 50 types of insects on Roses, Vegetables, Houseplants, Ornamentals, Trees, Shrubs and flowers.



Well-Known Member
Good luck with your conspiracy!
Well thanks, perhaps i have it all a little twisted, but it gets better, wait until you read this:
All i wanted to do was to grow some plants to use as gifts for some of my buddies/coworkers that smoke, especially one dude that's moving out of state soon. :lol:

In all seriousness though, i did plant these before even researching how to go about it, just trying to fix a few mistakes along the way i suppose.


Well-Known Member
weed is hard to kill. i swear i've done everything possible to try to kill my plants, they just take every bit of abuse they give them, and are currently producing what seems to be quality sensimilla!

seriously though, it's funny to me how easy it is to grow... sure there's a big difference in yield and a small difference in potency with experience and advanced grow techniques, but with half decent lighting and some common sense, anyone can grow dank nuggets with relative ease.

i think if a lot of people on this site went to gardening more "conventional" plants they'd realize how much harder most plants are to properly grow/maintain than pot


Well-Known Member
Ok, everything up until now is gone. (Moved house and lost everything).
These are the two girls i am currently growing and i look forward to growing a lot more, the growing is more fun than anything else to me,i have learned a lot from this forum, Uncle Ben especially has the info that i have learned from the most.

These are my two girls that i have now, very satisfied with the results so far, comments welcome.



Well-Known Member
My aquaglobe girl:

And the one i chopped down to get get 4 colas:
(Doing VERY well).

- Growth is very vigorous.