State of the Union

Aww the poor Indians, guess you never learned that pipelines are relatively benign when it comes to habitat. As soon as a reliable substitute for oil and gas comes along that would be a good idea but presently we cannot compete in the world markets with out oil and gas which is why the Chinese started the "global warming" BS that the gullibles swallowed hook line and sinker. (The uneducated)
Sure the pipelines are relatively benign. It is more the shit that runs through them when they leak that is the issue.

Odd I guess you don't know the maximum amount a citizen can contribute to a political campaign is $6000. Or that Zuckerberg involved more than 400 million dollars in trying to get that idiot Biden elected. The Wisconson elections commission is in deep crap right now and "three courts" hah get a grip. Name the courts and stop with the anonymous sources crap your propaganda networks use to make fools out of the populace.

This is hilariously stupid state sponsored political propaganda manufactured by the Wisconsin GQP courtesy of their tax payers.

lol at that website name, they really are just buying up and burning through every catchy name idiots will fall for being somehow legit.

Hey a McDonalds also opened up in a city, does that mean that Ronald McDonald is somehow breaking campaign laws?

Be honest. You grinned at the Kamala cat in the hat reference! …..quit drinking fish emulsion and don’t breath on me.
I thought I might have been a little quick with my thinking that the Fred troll was going to outshine your shit when I saw that, but I think I might still be safe after the last round of propaganda he posted.
even more funny stuff from FredH in Wisconsin:

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul called Gableman's report shameful and deeply embarrassing.
"This report is a full-throated attack on our democracy and a truly shocking example of the authoritarian mindset at work," he said in a statement. "The report provides a roadmap for attempting to overturn the will of the voters based on a fringe legal theory. It includes recommendations that would restrict access to voting and make it harder to detect fraud. And it disparages due process and public records requests because they are inconvenient to certain individuals with power."
Republican Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke immediately rejected the call to decertify the election, saying it was a "fool's errand."
"Still not legal under Wisconsin law," Steineke tweeted. "Beyond that, it would have no practical impact b/c there is no Constitutional way to remove a sitting president other than through impeachment or incapacity. Fools errand. Focus on the future."
Ann Jacobs, the Democratic chair of the bipartisan Wisconsin Elections Commission, tweeted that Gableman was promoting a "crazy conspiracy theory."
She tweeted that decertification was "IMPOSSIBLE. NOT LEGAL."
"The opinions in the Special Counsel's latest interim report were fixated on topics that have been thoroughly addressed," Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe said in a statement. "The integrity of the November 2020 election, and of the WEC, has been shown time and time again through court cases and previous investigations."
The biggest failure were the solar panels used to power the gas pipeline valves. When they were covered with layers of ice and snow for days the batteries they were supposed to charge went dead. As for the turbines not being equipped to work in freezing weather that is not entirely correct. When the turbines were repeatedly rained on and that moisture froze making a thickness of ice 3 plus inches any wind turbine would have had a hard time functioning under those conditions.
Educate yourself.
They run the fucking turbines in Antarctica perfectly fine. They were not properly equipped by Republican tight wad governor. And they paid the price.

How do they run in Antarctica just fine?
Funny post, is that all you have? What did you endure while Trump was president? Did he cut the string off your tampoon?
The systematic and deliberate dismantlement of e pluribus unum.

The shocking sight of the entire Party still operating his program of authoritarian sabotage.

The blatant use of our government to commit tax crime on a scale never before seen.

That Russian Asset In The Oval Room.

Shall I mention his Reichstag moment fourteen months ago?
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even funnier in WI:

He also said decertifying the election results wouldn't change who the president of the United States is.
But the legislature's attorneys and Vos have said it's impossible to decertify now.
Why do you think that is a good thing?
The years of nonstop propaganda attack by a foreign military that Trump actually helped by firing the government watchdogs that were trying to warn us of them.
So you can prove this or is that statement just another lie your propaganda networks told you? We all knew than and we know now that the most serious propaganda attacks are by our own media, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN. The networks that have made sheep of you.
Because the manufactured lies that the GQP are selling to hit their cult right in the feels, are bullshit that have been laughed out of court and is just designed to hurt our democracy?
What cult? If anything to still support Biden you would have to be a brainwashed cultist of the first order. Trump is not in the picture nor did he create the failures Biden is administering over the US.
So you can prove this or is that statement just another lie your propaganda networks told you? We all knew than and we know now that the most serious propaganda attacks are by our own media, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN. The networks that have made sheep of you.
but your networks of fox, oann and newsmax are main stream media too.

quite a conundrum you got going there freddie.