

Well-Known Member
It must suck to have to earn a living spreading hate mongers propaganda about Putin lying to his county's troops and forcing them to attack a neighboring democratic nation. And it must really suck that they got outfoxed by a 80 year old Biden when he exposed Putin's bullshit pretext to this war.
I am hardly spreading hate I am saying thet Ukrainian army is going to collapse in the south because they are surrounded, the cities are surrounded, air force is destroyed, navy is sunk and you lot are talking about women and civilians with Molotovs.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Likely. Putin has been setting this up for years with his online propaganda attacks. He needed to give his anti-American trolls a narrative to push online to deflect from his actual invasion of a democratic nation.
i have been wondering through all of this, why is putin bothering to make up stupid lies that no one will believe?...if there was one chance in a million that anyone would buy into his lies, i could understand, but only simple minded morons could ever believe that putin is "saving Ukraine from neo-nazis"....putin IS the fucking neo nazi....putin says he needs to protect the "russian citizens" of Donbas from genocide...from who? the jewish president of Ukraine? yeah, those jewish comedians aren't to be trusted, they'll spray you in the face with a seltzer bottle, then the rubber chickens come out...protect them from the Ukrainians who have lived peacefully by them for all of their lives?
putin claims Ukraine isn't a real nation, that they are and always have been a territory of russia...the Ukrainians tend to disagree, and i usually take the side of the people who live in a place over the word of a power mad tyrant who yearns for the days when people lived in fear of him...
i really think a lot of this is about his years in eastern Germany, where he was basically the law, until the wall fell...you watch, the next thing he does (if his own people don't kill him first) will be to start building a wall between all his border checkpoints...it seems like all tyranical despots want a wall, maybe he and trump can get together to discuss the details

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
India and Pakistan will not ban trade with russia, I'm a little surprised by India. The crazy midget now says he wants all US nukes out of Europe. India will buy grain from russia, they must be afraid of losing control of their population if mass starvation sets in.
we should just "gift" all of our nukes in the EU to their host countries right now...problem solved for putin, no more American nukes in EU, they own them all now, deal with them....


Well-Known Member
it was very interesting to watch and see the European parliament legislative procedure.
Canada operates the same way, presidents are ceremonial and protect the constitution, the real power is with the PM and cabinet. Parties are also top down controlled, to get rid of radicals, but local people in thee party elect the candidate, but the higher ups can get rid on them too. Party membership usually costs money ($10) and few people are party members, I'm a member of the liberal party of Canada or will be when I renew! It is unlike America where most people have a tribe with primaries and registration with two parties, we have three main ones and currently have a liberal minority government. Much of America's problems could be solved with open primaries IMHO, it might help keep the nut cases out.


Well-Known Member
Earth has too many people, this doesn't end until the world chases the Russians back home to a new world controlled by the west.
I don't know why we keep nodding politely at world monsters who have as much disdain for their own populations as they have for everyone else.
For almost 50 years I have been watching soft politicians go after weak countries with badly armed brown soldiers while casting a blind eye while a snake that calls itself a snake was allowed to grow stronger.


Well-Known Member
Russian Lawmakers Eye 15-Year Prison Terms for ‘Fakes’ About Ukraine Invasion
Russian lawmakers are drafting legislation that would punish “fake” information about the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine with up to 15 years in prison.
The bill being drafted in the lower-house State Duma seeks to punish those who knowingly "distort the purpose, role and tasks of the Russian Armed Forces, as well as other units during special military and other operations," said Vasily Piskarev, head of the Duma’s Security and Anti-Corruption Committee, in an interview with state broadcaster Channel One.

Piskarev said the penalties could apply to “fake” information about Russia’s war losses.
Russia has not specified how many of its troops have been injured or killed during the war. Ukraine says 5,700 Russian troops have been killed so far.
Piskarev said that most fake materials are “generated in Ukraine,” but are “willingly distributed by a number of Russian media” and on social media.

“It is one thing when it [disinformation] comes at peacetime, and another when our military is performing important tasks of maintaining peace and security, even if this happens abroad. Such fakes demoralize society, undermine confidence in the Russian army, and most importantly are a huge blow to the fighters’ relatives and friends,” Piskarev said.

State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin later voiced support for the bill.
Russian authorities have already threatened to block or fine news websites that describe President Vladimir Putin’s "special military operation" in Ukraine as a war or invasion. State media regulator Roskomnadzor has already blocked several media outlets since then.
On Sunday, the independent Novaya Gazeta newspaper was forced to comply with the authorities' demand to change its language.

Really sucks when a government has to lie and threaten its people to rule. Oh mother Russia, what have you become?