

Well-Known Member
Well I thought the shirtless midget was just a deranged freak looking for attention but I underestimated how deeply twisted this guy is. I thought his talk about the russian empire was just bluster. This guy is around the bend crazy and wants to rule the world.

He is gonna end up eating a bullet, he doesn't have that tight a control and has killed too many dreams in Russia and pissed off to many powerful people. The military knows all about nukes and the fact that it would be suicide for the nation, a single nuclear submarine can reduce Russia's population by 90%, we have several, the UK has them as does France, that doesn't include the air force or ICBMs or cruise missiles that are nuked up too! Moscow and every Russian city over 100K would be hit by dozen of warheads and not all of them would be American, the Russian military know this, as does the security services. They also know the current situation and that no nuclear threat exists to Russia and Vlad is mad.

Russia has 500 nukes on subs, but we've had the world's oceans wired for sound since the 60s, we know where every one is and each one has at least 2 nuclear subs in attack position, in addition the Swedes, Germans and Norwegians have fantastically quiet diesel hunter subs that track them too, then there are the surface and anti sub air forces on top of that. America has stealth cruise missiles too that probably give it first strike capability, Russia might not get anything off the ground if the POTUS figured he was going nuts and would launch. I figure the Russian nuclear forces work like the rest of the military, incompetently.

So I figure nukes are not on the table, Vlad would have trouble doing it and using tactical nukes in Ukraine would mean NATO intervention and escalation.


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NHL suspends all business relations in Russia
From CNN's Kevin Dotson

(Scott Taetsch/Getty Images)
(Scott Taetsch/Getty Images)

The National Hockey League (NHL) announced Monday that it is suspending its business relations in Russia, effective immediately.
In a statement, the NHL said:
“The National Hockey League condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and urges a peaceful resolution as quickly as possible. Effective immediately, we are suspending our relationships with our business partners in Russia and we are pausing our Russian language social and digital media sites. In addition, we are discontinuing any consideration of Russia as a location for any future competitions involving the NHL."
“We also remain concerned about the well-being of the players from Russia, who play in the NHL on behalf of their NHL Clubs, and not on behalf of Russia. We understand they and their families are being placed in an extremely difficult position," the league added.
There are dozens of active Russian players in the NHL, including superstars Alexander Ovechkin and Evgeni Malkin.


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Thomas Friedman: Putin’s Best Days Are Behind Him

Pulitzer prize-winning columnist for the New York Times Thomas Friedman joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss his new article titled, “We Have Never Been Here Before,” and what he predicts will happen to Vladimir Putin if he continues his attack on Ukraine.


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Ukraine's Civilians Take Up The Fight Against Russia | Zelensky's Bravery Inspires World

Western Powers Cut Russia Off From SWIFT | Putin Is Sounding A Lot Like T****
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Well-Known Member
Vlad must be being bitch slapped back to reality by the Ukrainians now! There is no way out, only down, it's amazing how fate can turn the tables on a feller, now he will struggle to survive personally.
Putin Reportedly Believed Ukrainians Would Welcome Russians With Open Arms: Keir Simmons
