Well-Known Member

So I have been fighting gnats for about 2 weeks now with lavender oil and I've done pretty good job but there's still a few but just want to chomp on my Primrose leaves and now they're even trying to chomp on the peace lilies.

I do believe that they arrived as soon as I brought the Primrose home and I think those Primrose were kept outside so thinking maybe there's still some eggs in the soil?
I also saw one beetle looking creature, which is now dead.
The lavender oil has been helping but I don't think it's enough.
So I'm looking for some options like neem oil and some organic things that I can put into the soil itself as well as foiliar spray.
Would Neem Oil be a helpful addition?
Considering all natural and organic methods to prevent pests.
Right now I only have one gnat flying around in the house so I'm trying to catch that one still but I'm concerned about planting new plants and my plan was to plant marijuana on the 1st of March but I want to get this bug situation under control.
Any advice would be very helpful.