Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

Should the USA along with NATO defend Ukraine with troops.

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 40.4%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.6%

  • Total voters
I wonder how she feels about white Christian Ukrainians defending their homeland from tyranny with guns and a lot of guts! Does she have a different view point than Trump? The images coming out of Ukraine are resonating deeply with some of the republican base, who are gonna be pretty anti Putin and Russia before this is over. White Christians with guns and guts is something that will tie the GOP in knots and divide the Trumpers from the rest for sure! They got on the wrong side of history almost as fast as the first America First crowd did in December of 1941, history sometimes echoes.

After taking heat for praising Putin, Fox segments have gone to openly calling for his assassination

The Fox network and the Republican Party stood in solidarity with Russia and President Vladimir Putin but that has evolved over the weekend.

Fox host Tucker Carlson has been begging Putin for an interview for weeks and the Russian state television networks have been running Carlson's monologues on their media with subtitles.

It was just four days ago that Carlson asked why it was unpatriotic to support Putin.

"It may be worth asking yourself, since it is getting pretty serious, what is this really about? Why do I hate Putin so much?" he said Tuesday. "Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? These are fair questions, and the answer to all of them is ‘no.’ Vladimir Putin didn’t do any of that. So, why does permanent Washington hate him so much?"

Carlson even went so far as to claim that Democrats would charge you with treason if you didn't hate Putin. According to the GOP and Fox, the fight with Ukraine is nothing more than a "border dispute."

Speaking to Laura Ingraham on Wednesday evening, former President Donald Trump explained that Putin's fight is what the United States should be doing on the U.S./Mexico border.

According to Ingraham and Trump, the weakness of the U.S. and NATO is the reason that Putin felt he could invade Ukraine.

"He was going to be satisfied with a peace," Trump claimed. "And now he sees the weakness and the incompetence and the stupidity of this administration, and, as an American, I'm angry about it, and I'm saddened by it. And it all happened because of a rigged election. This would have never happened."

While many conservatives have bought into that narrative, the reality is that Putin has explained he wants to reestablish the Soviet Union. That goal would not depend on who was the president of the United States. The war from Putin has nothing to do with the United States, nor is the U.S. exclusively attacking Russia. As former Secretary Condi Rice explained, the global community would not be unified behind Trump the way they are with President Joe Biden.

On Sunday, Fox featured Judith Miller, the reporter who got facts wrong about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. She cited another moment on Fox in which it was suggested "someone" should "go Julius Caesar on Putin." Meaning, someone should assassinate the leader.

Fox appears to be turning in their support of Russia. It may have come from intervention by the station's owners, the Murdoch family, or Republican leaders.

Carlson's show doesn't air on the weekends, so it will be interesting to see if Carlson is continuing to fight to interview Putin.
How about the Western Allies seize all Russian flagged vessels in foriegn ports and drain their fuel until Russia removes Putin, withdraws their troops and pays fr the destruction caused by their agression? Or sut off all trade and travel to/from Russia and throw out all the Russian embassies?
How about the Western Allies seize all Russian flagged vessels in foriegn ports and drain their fuel until Russia removes Putin, withdraws their troops and pays fr the destruction caused by their agression? Or sut off all trade and travel to/from Russia and throw out all the Russian embassies?
The state department and CIA are thinking up ways to fuck Russia everyday, they are a lot of very smart people I wouldn't want to have on my ass. Strangling Russia will take awhile, but it will happen and more than America will do it too, Vlad pissed off a lot of people, America is not the only place that wants to fuck him!
So, we have worldwide support in our fight against Russian aggression in Ukraine except for China, India, United Arab Emirates & ISRAEL!!!!!!!!
Those motherfucking cockroaches abstained in the UN vote condemning Russia, essentially siding with Russia.
U.S. protests Israel's refusal to back UN resolution condemning Russia (
We GIVE those cocksuckers over $3.5 BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a year just in military aid, not counting the billions in non-military funding.
They're true colors are in evident display.



I fucking hate Fascists/Nazis/Communists & Zionists/can you tell?
So, we have worldwide support in our fight against Russian aggression in Ukraine except for China, India, United Arab Emirates & ISRAEL!!!!!!!!
Those motherfucking cockroaches abstained in the UN vote condemning Russia, essentially siding with Russia.
U.S. protests Israel's refusal to back UN resolution condemning Russia (
We GIVE those cocksuckers over $3.5 BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a year just in military aid, not counting the billions in non-military funding.
They're true colors are in evident display.



I fucking hate Fascists/Nazis/Communists & Zionists/can you tell?
I believe Israel changed it's position.
Remember Russia is basically the only one that can talk and is on good terms with the Arabs.
Israel simply is in a tough spot on this issue but yes the USA is big Daddy War Bucks for sure.
They are the Native Indians of that area for sure!
Jews trying to flee war zones in Ukraine is good business for Israel. Over the past 6 years hundreds of thousands of Jews in Ukraine got a one-way ticket to Israel, still almost 400K left and Israel wants them to come over.

I figure that naturally most of the other wonderful participants of this website would be too young to have experienced what the breakup of the Soviet Union
Really? I figure most people in this subforum have a beard similar as yours. Not in volume but color. Can’t all go through life looking like a biker hippie, unfortunately. :D
Jews trying to flee war zones in Ukraine is good business for Israel. Over the past 6 years hundreds of thousands of Jews in Ukraine got a one-way ticket to Israel, still almost 400K left and Israel wants them to come over.

Really? I figure most people in this subforum have a beard similar as yours. Not in volume but color. Can’t all go through life looking like a biker hippie, unfortunately. :D
I'm sure the fact that they have a Jewish president will make a difference in public opinion, the fact that he is their heroic leader admired globally will make an impression for sure!
Jews trying to flee war zones in Ukraine is good business for Israel. Over the past 6 years hundreds of thousands of Jews in Ukraine got a one-way ticket to Israel, still almost 400K left and Israel wants them to come over.

Really? I figure most people in this subforum have a beard similar as yours. Not in volume but color. Can’t all go through life looking like a biker hippie, unfortunately. :D

That red beanie almost looks like a yamaka. It was the only knit cap I could find that was clean on that brisk winter's day.
My Father was born in 1915. He was a real Card Carrying member of the American Communist party. He was a Fan of Stalin. He took me to hear Gorbachev talk once.
I found that there is a lot in common between the far right and the far left. The basic difference is who gets to keep the money the workers produce. With Putin I think the answer is Putin.
I'm sure the fact that they have a Jewish president will make a difference in public opinion,
In Israel? Yeah probably, but not sure what effect that can have in practice. (edit: ah you meant in ukraine of course)

It just confirms what I said. Israel maintains ”warm relationship“ with Russia and is already referring to Ukrainian Jews as “Israeli”. They see an opportunity.
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After taking heat for praising Putin, Fox segments have gone to openly calling for his assassination

The Fox network and the Republican Party stood in solidarity with Russia and President Vladimir Putin but that has evolved over the weekend.

Fox host Tucker Carlson has been begging Putin for an interview for weeks and the Russian state television networks have been running Carlson's monologues on their media with subtitles.

It was just four days ago that Carlson asked why it was unpatriotic to support Putin.

"It may be worth asking yourself, since it is getting pretty serious, what is this really about? Why do I hate Putin so much?" he said Tuesday. "Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? These are fair questions, and the answer to all of them is ‘no.’ Vladimir Putin didn’t do any of that. So, why does permanent Washington hate him so much?"

Carlson even went so far as to claim that Democrats would charge you with treason if you didn't hate Putin. According to the GOP and Fox, the fight with Ukraine is nothing more than a "border dispute."

Speaking to Laura Ingraham on Wednesday evening, former President Donald Trump explained that Putin's fight is what the United States should be doing on the U.S./Mexico border.

According to Ingraham and Trump, the weakness of the U.S. and NATO is the reason that Putin felt he could invade Ukraine.

"He was going to be satisfied with a peace," Trump claimed. "And now he sees the weakness and the incompetence and the stupidity of this administration, and, as an American, I'm angry about it, and I'm saddened by it. And it all happened because of a rigged election. This would have never happened."

While many conservatives have bought into that narrative, the reality is that Putin has explained he wants to reestablish the Soviet Union. That goal would not depend on who was the president of the United States. The war from Putin has nothing to do with the United States, nor is the U.S. exclusively attacking Russia. As former Secretary Condi Rice explained, the global community would not be unified behind Trump the way they are with President Joe Biden.

On Sunday, Fox featured Judith Miller, the reporter who got facts wrong about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. She cited another moment on Fox in which it was suggested "someone" should "go Julius Caesar on Putin." Meaning, someone should assassinate the leader.

Fox appears to be turning in their support of Russia. It may have come from intervention by the station's owners, the Murdoch family, or Republican leaders.

Carlson's show doesn't air on the weekends, so it will be interesting to see if Carlson is continuing to fight to interview Putin.

What's the play here? My guess is that they are trying to give those anti-American propaganda trolls cannon fodder for their 'America is to blame' narrative.

So, we have worldwide support in our fight against Russian aggression in Ukraine except for China, India, United Arab Emirates & ISRAEL!!!!!!!!
Hmm, the interesting thing is those nations are all ones that Trump spent a whole lot of time and resources placating their dictators.
In Israel? Yeah probably, but not sure what effect that can have in practice.

It just confirms what I said. Israel maintains ”warm relationship“ with Russia and is already referring to Ukrainian Jews as “Israeli”. They see an opportunity.
Israel astutely, as always, blithely played both sides at once, walking away in exactly the place it wants to be, showing minimal support for the US & at the same time showing its deference to Russia.
Shrewd motherfuckers, aren't they.
And we're the suckers.