
Sure. Outlaw gangsterism while you’re at it: pirates and swindlers thrive on a diet of family and strangers. Outlawing communism won’t rid us of organized crime, a professional pirate class. Pretending it will is the same kind of ‘thinking’ that gave us the Orange Furious in the first place.

Pooti is not a ‘communist’ by any torture of meaning: he’s an autocratic snake with imperial pretensions and an inability to plan & pull off an invasion. He cares about his own aggrandizement, his own self - just like Trump, Cruz, Hawley, DeSantis, Abbot, Quarrelsome & the rest of these hijackers. They are birds of the same feather.

No it wont rid us of crime on all levels but it would limit the corp. influence of whats good for whom.
US Corporations in China need Putins Hydrocarbons.
The Ukrainian mechanic of a yacht owned by a Russian tycoon (who made his fortune supplying the Russian military) sabotaged and sank the yacht. "My boss is a criminal...I don't regret anything and I'd do it again," he said, upon turning himself in.

Ukrainian Civilians Take Up Arms, ‘Refuse To Be Slaves to Russia’

Everyday Ukrainians—from shoemakers to lawyers—are helping repel Russian troops as fighting continues for a fifth night. Terrell Jermaine Starr, host of the “Black Diplomats” podcast, is witnessing “fierce resistance” at a military checkpoint outside of Kyiv. He joins retired Army Colonel Jack Jacobs and MSNBC’s Alicia Menendez to discuss the threat from from alleged Russian saboteurs
The worse things get for him the more dangerous he becomes. The CIA and MI6 do a lot of clandestine shit, there must be some way to get at the fucker.
I keep hearing from people who lived in Russia or have family in Russia (on local tv, talkshows, interviews) that nobody in Moscow wants this war except their cult leader. Whoever gets to that fucker first might just get a thank you.
I'll bet there are tons of weapons flowing into Ukraine now and more in the days ahead, people can be trained in Stinger AA missiles and anti weapons in an hour, same for small arms. Many men have military experience and it is a country of 40 million people, around 10 million able bodied men at least and almost every one of the fuckers wants to fight to the death! They have a quarter million man military and lot's of reserves and irregulars, everyday they get more arms, ammunition and MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) a thousand stingers a day and perhaps other AA systems, medium range missiles to take out Russian weapons of mass destruction. I imagine Ukrainians are under going training now in Poland, they apparently have trained fighter pilots to give NATO planes to, that takes preparation.

If the Russians don't invade the western half of the country and cut off supplies, it will get real ugly for them as western arms flow in and troops are rotated out to train on advanced weapons systems as a pissed off NATO goes for broke. They've got Vlad's dick caught in a meat grinder now and they are gonna turn the crank as fast as they can. Some people are worth betting on and the Ukrainians look like the best bet I've seen for liberal democracy in a long time, NATO thinks so.
Ukraine Continues To Fend Off Russian Invasion

A Team Of American And British Special Forces Veterans Are Preparing To Join Ukraine’s Fight Against Russia
Vlad's Vietnam, only the bear will be howling in pain if this goes on for weeks, much less years. What a difference several thousand Stinger and antitank weapons make, strips off helicopters and close tactical air support and blunts armored thrusts. The attitude of the people make all the difference and these folks have guts, there are 10 million fighting age men in Ukraine and every one of them is willing to die for their country, if we get them weapons and can keep supply routes open Vlad will be in deep trouble with his dick caught in the meat grinder and NATO cranking the handle. Some people are worth backing and these people will die with the weapons we give them in their hands with just rubble remaining, they are a good bet IMHO.
Appoint Hilary Clinton to negotiate for NATO when Vlad is hurting so bad he has to come to the table, rub the fuckers nose in it! You just know NATO is sending weapons by the Convoy load to Ukraine ASAP, every weapon they get is more pain for Vlad. NATO is supplying intelligence that acts as a force multiplier the Russians can't make a move day or night without the Ukrainians and their NATO advisors knowing about it and countering it with ambushes and highly mobile forces.
I have, when this whole shit story started, how's that atomic thread...js
Did you? Nice 1. I did say a few people not all. Lots of intelligent people on RIU.

The Marshall islands thread? I believe the bunker containing nuclear and maybe biological waste is still there and still leaking and the ocean is still lapping at its walls. So Id say badly. If only people cared as much about the Marshall islands as they do about Hillary's emails.
So much for the meeting in Belorussia! They were probably gonna try and snatch Zelenskiy anyway.

Always easier to defend than attack especially in large countries like Ukraine but even so Ukraine has done well so far. They have certainly bought more time than Putin would of thought. Perhaps he shouldn't of waited till the Olympics finished and went in a lot earlier. It's interesting that the old supply chain issue for an invading army is still an issue today.
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There is this weird amnesia where it comes to Americans and invading other countries. I mean it was just 6 months ago USA were chased out in humiliating manner out of Afghanistan (by the Taliban) which was invaded to liberate it from the very Taliban which USA created.