Pandemic 2020

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Vlad didn't look too good in his recent appearances, I wonder if he had covid and is suffering from mental health issues! I know he seems to have gotten a lot stupider and emotionally unstable lately...


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I’m careful like you and am not ignoring the problem, my government is. Mask mandates are ending here soon. I was at the grocery store yesterday and I noticed a few people not wearing masks. I asked the checkout person why this is allowed and she told me they are told not to say anything to anyone about it.

I have a daughter in school and most of her classmates have had Covid. Ford says masks won’t be mandated in schools soon, so what the fuck can I do about it?


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Ignoring the problem is not a solution, if the only voices are the anti vax/mask crowd things will never get better.
Masks slow it down, but won't stop it and for some people and settings masks will still be around. By dropping them now along with restrictions, if we need them again, for a more virulent strain say, the public won't be fatigued and will hopefully take it seriously. The fact is most vaxxed people with omicron can't tell it from seasonal sniffles or a cold, even the older ones, it's the unvaxxed and boosted who get into the most trouble. A some point we are going to have to learn to live with it and that point has arrived, I and most experts think later in the spring would be better, but ya go with what ya got, not what ya want.
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