Grow with your bro!!!

They're looking good buddy! I got my biggest 4 plant harvest yet with those bubba trouble's. Good beans for sure. I get crap for wearing pink shirts from my buddies, they would have a field day with those yellow Crocs :D .
Sooooo,my tap water smells like eggshells... I'm not the smartest guy, but I'm thinking that this may be part of the problem I'm having with my plants... I can't believe that I actually drink it, but I'm not buying water for me to drink... But what I WILL DO is buy drinking water for my plants and see how that works out... I'm about to go get at least 36 gallons because I have a 12 gallon reservoir that I'm going to fill up and use... Then I'll know if that was the problem...This is crazy how it never affects the plants early on, but once they get into flower everything goes south... :wall: :wall: :wall: :fire: :fire: :fire: Look at these photos!!! It's ridiculous that it's almost always 2 out of 3 that go left... The plants are still growing nicely, I'm feeding them right, even though its only Megacrop and the leaves make it look like I'm not talking care of them... Shit, I spend all my time with them actually,so neglect is totally out of the question...20220223_121922.jpg20220223_121915.jpg20220223_121910.jpg20220223_121852.jpg
Water source sounds gross - sulpher smell. Maybe look into an RO setup.
The landlord sent some people in to replace the water pump and all that,the water is worse than it was before!!! I don't even want to show ya'll because its embarrassing... You need a Brillo pad to get the rust off... BROTHER FRANK SAYS, YUCK!!!20220223_123515.jpg20220223_123510.jpg
Reverse osmosis filter setup you can rig up to do your own filtered water at home. There's everything from a simple three tank to much more complicated return systems that don't waste as much water. They range in price from 150 up and the smaller ones can fit under your sink depending on the room you have.