Well-Known Member
Do you ever get tired of sucking off putin?

Feel free to show me where I am wrong, but from the little I read on this at best there was maybe some kid trying to play parents against one another.When the wall came down and the USSR crumbled, we did say we wouldn't move NATO east. But the states wanted in, so we let them. It's always a good idea to remember foreign policy is a game of poker where everyone is cheating.
Soviet Union: We don't want NATO on top of us.
America: Cool we don't care about that, we are way the fuck over there.
EU nations in NATO: No way Jose'. You don't get to tell a country (who are our neighbors too) that they don't get to be in NATO if they don't want to.
SU crumbles back into Russia and doesn't actually get their 'ask' in the final agreement.
Russia 20 years later: But some dude in America once said something in some stage of negotiating a pre-Agreement! And we are going to use this bullshit as some pretext to start slaughtering citizens of our neighbors because Dear Leader wants a legacy.