OffGridGrowers journey with ISS, Vsog (stadium)


Well-Known Member
lol HBR that was for iloveit, asking about the razor blade in one of my pics,
but for my co2 costs, I havent gotten the word from my friend on the tanks yet, my partner already had the rest of the parts I needed. but I think with the winter and how my tent is setup i can go at least 2 months with one tank, as long as its cold out, my tent looks good on temps so I wont be running the scrubber but 3 times a day, and thats for my own piece of mind, I dont think that NOT exchanging the spent air is good. I know plants only use the co2, but I know that they do convert that co2 to o2 and I just think that you have to remove that o2 and replace with co2 at some point, so Im going to let my tent saturate for the first 3hrs after lights on, scrub for 1hr, (cause thats the smallest I can run with the timer i have) co2 for 3hrs, scrub, co2 for the last 4hr, then scrub once the lights go out. How does that sound to any vet's watching this?


Well-Known Member
well its not that I think the 2k will cut it , more I wanted to see a lower electric bill until I have my off grid power up and running, then I plan on adding a few more lights for sure, I'm about max out on the bill without raising eyebrows down at the ol utility comp right now.

how much is your bill or your total kwh a day?


Well-Known Member
my bottom shelves are 2' apart, so the middle is 4', and the top is 69" apart, yes 2x8" i picked them up by mistake, and the shelf racks are scrap pieces I had left over (trying to save every last cent, freakn jew!!) so if it ends up I need to move closer I have clamps on standby, note one on the other side of the pic, lol but the bottom is 9.5" off the floor and the rest are 10" specs I got off HBR.

hey just a thought...i was in the room and my specs are way off... what are your hights from each the shelfs that are at 2 feet 4 feet and 69" a apart


Well-Known Member
the 2' is the 9 1/2" off the floor, top of each shelf is flush to the measured line, so the 4' is the middle 3rd off the floor, 29" ish, 69" is the top so 49 1/2"is


Active Member
hey offgrid have you ever grown ISS before? all of mine were 3-5 feet tall indoors. i hope you have tall ceilings for thoose back shelves. you might want to give the romulan X ISS cross a try. still grows that big single cola bud like the iss does just does not get as tall and it will have the pine taste and smell from the rom instead of the fruit smell from the iss. and i wouldent use the grow bags. u need at least the 3gal buckets for thoose plants. thoose little bags dont give the roots enough room to do shit. if you use the 3 gal buckets and prune the bottom 1/3 on the first and third week of flowereing you could get from a qp-half pound off each plant if all variables are right and if you let it grow the full 8-9 weeks.


Well-Known Member
thats sweet, no I have not grown ISS before, but I was told to expect the stretch, so I put them in while they were under 10". I am hoping they do not get over 3' or else I wont be using the top shelves at all! and I went with numbers over a larger plant for the yield, but who can argue with a qp! gotta run but would love to talk to you more about this.


Active Member
oh man you let them get 10" before you started to flower. unless the genes of the mother you cloned from does not go over 3 feet than yea you will more than likely go over 3feet. most people that i know that try to grow a bunch of this as soon as the roots are showing on the clones they put them in the 3gal buckets and start them on flowering. during the first 2 weeks these plants love a high nitrogen feed along with your bloom feed. then after 2 weeks cut it back. do you know where your genes came from? like what seed bank your genes came from? for some reason the genes from federation dont seem to yeild as much as the ones from next gen and then secret valley has a strain that is the exact same thing they just gave it a different name and it yeilds well but everyone i have talked to says the next gen has the highest yeilding strain and they won the high times cup for best sativa with it last year.


Active Member
i dont know the lights. thoose plants were grown by next gen seed company. i know they are 3 gal pots and grown inside though. i was just showing him what that cross would look like. that is what my iss by itself looks like it is just taller. the rom X iss cross is shorter but has the same sort of structure as the iss.


Well-Known Member

I was able to get a pic before the light was able to reach full light. 2wks into flower, i see signs of the mites coming back, dam it! starting with nicotine tea tonite, I cant get good wide shot of the stadium with my phone, still trying to get ahold of a good cam will post as soon as i can. I got the co2 setup earlier than expected!! its running 15mins on, 1hr wait, 30min scrub, 6 times a cycle.
I can see where the 1gal bags arent going to let me have big plants which is ok, because I had planned to loillpop but I could do less plants per shelf with bigger bags and stagger plant placement may give bigger yeild than the loillpop, going to test one side vs the other with this on the 4th cycle I hope! Update here ( i ended up moving 17 plants to the stadium for flower, so I decided on letting these 17 branch out because my cloner isnt producing correctly right now because i had to settle on some olivias cloning solution instead of the clonex and its not working like the clonex, i have clones that are 3ks old with no roots!!, going to pick some clonex up this week some time! so because I know my 2nd and 3rd cycle is jacked up I let this 1st batch branch out by staggering the placement in the stadium 1 and 2 shelves and just letting them get as big as they can in the 1gal bags ya know)


Well-Known Member
:weed:may santa get you a badd ass camera! Lookin good bro,i just tried the seven bug spray makes 25 gals for 1o bux and says it kills over 1oo diff bugs,i think it took my thrips out...dood your buds are gona be very addictive with all that nicotine! you might be onto sumthin!:weed:


Well-Known Member
so i was able to get a couple shots last nite, but i had turned my high rez setting off my phone and forgot to turn it back on so the 1st shot didnt come out right, this is the next one just as the light was reaching full strength. I rotated all the plants last nite, middle plants went in front of the lights, while those went to the middle of the shelf, etc...watering is taking too long really should look into a better watering system, or at least a larger dia hose (using an a piece of air tubing to siphon water from the bucket to the plants, 1/8 i think, small) added thought while watering, should have cut pieces of panda roll to fit the tops of each shelf, and hanging mylar from the side of the shelf thus reflecting behind the plants, going to do that tonite i think. and now I dont think its the mites I really need to get a better magify glass cause I just cant tell if I 'm seeing or not seeing anything under these leaves, i can see black specks here and there on the leaf, but I cant see so far as legs or body parts ya know, but I did a lil squeeze on a bud last nite, and oh it smelled so freaking sweet! I have never smelled that sweet goodness before, it was sooooooooooo yummy smelling, I wonder if thats the bontanicare sweet? its sooooooo good tho!!!


Well-Known Member
ola hombre!
Sounds like you might have thri9s
They do damage similiar to mites but leave black s9ecs on leafs which is there doo doo.
They look like fast crawling mini magots but are not worm like.
These guys will fuck your leaves u9 quick,take a damaged fan leaf off and look w mag glass on a stable table or somthing,much eaisier.

(9yrethrin bomb ,or bontanigaurd would work} These guys took out my leafs and made a few buds look burnt,but trimming took care of that.Looks good though!


Well-Known Member
I went to radio shack (advise from FloJo) and got that 60x100x microscope and spent like 4hrs looking at everything from leaves to buds to soil to shelves, floor, runoff catcher, everything and I didnt see anything that looks like doo doo or anything that lives, i didnt see anything and now that all the plants have the same breakdown I have concluded that this is just how this plant starts its breakdown towards its end. the plants are needing water every 5 days now, watered with the highest nutes mix last watering 6 gal water with 2 tsp/gal cal-mag, and liquid karma and 6tsp/gal of the bloom and 20ml/gal of the sweet the ppm is over my testers limit of 1999ppm so I doubt I will go any higher with the nute mix as of now. my veg room suffered some cloning issues and now I will be 2 cycles behind after this 1st batch is harvested! sucks I know but had issues getting the clonex solution in quantity, and the olivias didnt produce at all, I am now pulling clones over a month old that are rotting in the collars, so I went a took 50 cuttings of my ISS mom and used peat pellets, and clonex gel. misting with B1 so i hope to get back on track with this group as long as they all root up! ended up having to pull my sour diesel mom out of the dwc and transplanted to soil untill it bounces back, apprentlly the roots outside the net cup died off, so it was stunted and living with only the root mass inside the net cup. it has been in the soil for a few days and is looking better now washed and rinsed the dwc and the rocks waiting for a new mom to fill it in, the white widows have been transplanted to indivdual bags and are looking great on there 4th set of leaves now. So I dont know if the sour diesel bounces back soon I may just hold off untill the white widow is sexed and replace it with the widow, or put another ISS in there and double my ISS volume I dont know yet something to think about over the hoildays i guess.
pics at 4 weeks in flower:(i took these b4 i watered so they look droopy in the pics)
