Random Jabber Jibber thread

You can't harass willing participants.

I would agree with you had you said mitties.
Reminds me of a part of the "10 deadly words you can never say on television" from George Carlin. I'll get some of this wrong but He said "tits doesn't even belong on the list, it sounds like a nickname: hey tits meet toots, toots meet tits. It sounds like a type of snack, Try the new Nabisco Tits! Bet ya cant eat just one! That's true, I usually switch off myself."
what does all that mean? i spent 15 minutes reading and don't understand 95% of it...
It means we are going to have to redefine some things about dying but one of the most important things it means is that as we die our neural activity is organized, rapid and demonstrates memory access; life flashing before our eyes. Death is a mass data review moment.
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It means we are going to have to redefine some things about dying but one of the most important things it means is that as we die our neural activity is organized, rapid and demonstrates memory access; life flashing before our eyes. Death is a mass data review moment.
that's kind of what i thought it was saying...too bad we can't access that data stream at will....i can't remember where i laid my phone down at least twice a day
The unique tail of the spider-tailed horned viper (Pseudocerastes urarachnoides). Yep, that rock is the head next to the "spider"

damn it wont load...
here is a link...

The unique tail of the spider-tailed horned viper (Pseudocerastes urarachnoides). Yep, that rock is the head next to the "spider"

damn it wont load...
here is a link...

Interesting how nature works. Thanks for the post.
