Mycro in coco

I don't use the brand mykos but just follow the directions. You can't put too much. Well you can but it won't do anything bad. Just waste your money :)
You can but it's not necessary. I never have and I get roots as nice as what people post pictures of that do use it. Just because a product exists doesn't mean you need it. Some swear by it others don't bother.

Try it yourself. Do a plant with it and a plant without under the same conditions then decide if it's worth the money.
You can but it's not necessary. I never have and I get roots as nice as what people post pictures of that do use it. Just because a product exists doesn't mean you need it. Some swear by it others don't bother.

Try it yourself. Do a plant with it and a plant without under the same conditions then decide if it's worth the money.
Good call it doesn’t do anything to the ph of the coco does it? That’s what I was mostly worried about
I dont think you fully understand what mycorrhizae is/are.
It's a fungi, in a simple explanation they attach themselves to roots and build a vast network of 'tubes' that extend the reach of the roots. Thy use each other in a symbiotic relationship.
You're building a mycelium network around the pot.