Examples of GOP Leadership

GOP critics of Trump to gather in DC to offer CPAC 'counterprogramming'
Anti-Trump conservatives are set to attend a summit on Feb. 26 and Feb. 27 hosted by Principles First, an organization that describes itself as “a grassroots effort to rediscover and champion principles in the 21st century.”

The summit, according to the group, will focus on “conservatism's meaning & the path to a more principled future for our country” through panels, speeches, networking and discussions concerning “the meaning of conservatism today and the future of our movement.”

Attendees will include conservatives, independents, thought leaders and grassroots activists, according to the organization. Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) are both slated to speak.

Their appearances will be roughly three weeks after the Republican National Committee voted to censure them for their criticisms of Trump and participation in the House select committee’s investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. Cheney and Kinzinger are the only two Republicans serving on the panel.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R), retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — who was a principal figure in Trump’s first impeachment proceedings — and Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn — who defended the Capitol on Jan. 6 — will all speak as well.

Republican lawyer Heath Mayo, who founded Principles First for America, told CBS News that this weekend’s event would “certainly be counterprogramming of CPAC,” and give anti-Trump Republicans an opportunity to gather and consider whether they can unite around a candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

“We want to come together in a visual show of support for people who have taken stands for ideas when it hasn't been comfortable,” Mayo told CBS News. “You don't see those folks, yet, in rooms that are energized. But I think the energy is there. We'll see how many folks show up,” he added.

He said he believes a “lane” exists for an anti-Trump candidate in 2024. He specifically named Cheney and Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R).
“The party is completely stuck in a rut talking about if the last election is legitimate and if Liz Cheney, Hogan, or someone else is compelling and wants to run, I think a lot of people would listen,” Mayo said.
GOP critics of Trump to gather in DC to offer CPAC 'counterprogramming'
Anti-Trump conservatives are set to attend a summit on Feb. 26 and Feb. 27 hosted by Principles First, an organization that describes itself as “a grassroots effort to rediscover and champion principles in the 21st century.”

The summit, according to the group, will focus on “conservatism's meaning & the path to a more principled future for our country” through panels, speeches, networking and discussions concerning “the meaning of conservatism today and the future of our movement.”

Attendees will include conservatives, independents, thought leaders and grassroots activists, according to the organization. Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) are both slated to speak.

Their appearances will be roughly three weeks after the Republican National Committee voted to censure them for their criticisms of Trump and participation in the House select committee’s investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. Cheney and Kinzinger are the only two Republicans serving on the panel.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R), retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — who was a principal figure in Trump’s first impeachment proceedings — and Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn — who defended the Capitol on Jan. 6 — will all speak as well.

Republican lawyer Heath Mayo, who founded Principles First for America, told CBS News that this weekend’s event would “certainly be counterprogramming of CPAC,” and give anti-Trump Republicans an opportunity to gather and consider whether they can unite around a candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

“We want to come together in a visual show of support for people who have taken stands for ideas when it hasn't been comfortable,” Mayo told CBS News. “You don't see those folks, yet, in rooms that are energized. But I think the energy is there. We'll see how many folks show up,” he added.

He said he believes a “lane” exists for an anti-Trump candidate in 2024. He specifically named Cheney and Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R).
“The party is completely stuck in a rut talking about if the last election is legitimate and if Liz Cheney, Hogan, or someone else is compelling and wants to run, I think a lot of people would listen,” Mayo said.
The schism has begun and they know fat Donnie is going down soon, also they are up against primary season and Trump wants to install lunatics. I don't think they will take control of the party from the base of assholes who now fill it, but it might serve to divide them, Trump will either control the republican party or he will destroy it, provided he doesn't end up in jail too early! If they try him in Georgia before the election it will blow the GOP wide open.
if the democrats can get the fuck off their asses and seize the situation, they could start a dynasty...win these midterms and use the next two years to work on popular problems and issues, and the 24 elections are theirs as well...with 6 years of a democratic house AND senate, they should be able to wipe out the republican party as it now exists, and what will remain will be a lot easier to work with, and a lot more willing to cooperate. no more obstructionist idiocy, no more slapping down good ideas just because they aren't your good ideas, no more support for domestic terrorist and white supremacists...
if the democrats can get the fuck off their asses and seize the situation, they could start a dynasty...win these midterms and use the next two years to work on popular problems and issues, and the 24 elections are theirs as well...with 6 years of a democratic house AND senate, they should be able to wipe out the republican party as it now exists, and what will remain will be a lot easier to work with, and a lot more willing to cooperate. no more obstructionist idiocy, no more slapping down good ideas just because they aren't your good ideas, no more support for domestic terrorist and white supremacists...
The polls say the republicans will take the hose and have a shot at the senate, I think that's sheer fucking appalling considering the Republicans recent history. Here America is fucking near at war with Russia and these assholes were in bed with them and still are IMHO. Remember those republican senators who went to Russia, the NRA types, Trumps contacts, "Russia if you are listening"! I suppose if we went to war with the Russians you'd get a pretty quick stab in the back from your traitors and 5th column militias of assholes.

Well ya know war makes presidents popular and Ukraine could be thrown under the bus for America's future. I figure Joe is itching for payback on Vlad and getting him to do stupid shit like in the Ukraine might be part of it, how else would you kick off cold war2 and sanction Russia into the last fucking century? War would be politically useful for Joe right now and right up to election season, let foxnews and the republicans take Russia's side during a war. Remember what America did to Iran for taking diplomats hostage, they are still doing it to them.

If Vlad wanted the Ukraine he would have taken it while he had his boy in the WH, something is up Vlad's ass and I figure Joe has got the fucker jumping over shit we know nothing about. Ukraine is a hostage IMHO and the hostage might end up sacrificed.
Typical ruling-class move: deflect all costs from the corporation / primary at every opportunity (“creators aren’t *supposed* to pay taxes”) settling them on the servants themselves, or on state/federal government - can’t have a demoralized, commoditized, expendable, exploitable servant class without it. After all, it can’t be CHATTEL slavery if you refuse to take care of them…right?
Republicans just released a 2022 platform calling to raise taxes on the bottom half of income-earners in America. This is the SAME party that passed permanent tax cuts for billionaires and the largest corporations.
Remember, facts don't matter to their voters, so there's nothing new about these people screwing themselves at the polls. Think it matters to a typical Trumper, or someone who would vote for Louie Gohmert?
Typical ruling-class move: deflect all costs from the corporation / primary at every opportunity (“creators aren’t *supposed* to pay taxes”) settling them on the servants themselves, or on state/federal government - can’t have a demoralized, commoditized, expendable, exploitable servant class without it. After all, it can’t be CHATTEL slavery if you refuse to take care of them…right?
"The civil war was not necessary to end slavery. It would have gone away all on its own"
so our republican dumbass governor, instead of raising wages or adding any benefits to teacher pay to attract new teachers, decides that we'll just let fucking morons with agendas teach kids, for up to three years....holy motherfucking shit, they're going to be facing law suit after lawsuit...uneducated fuck faces volunteering to push personal agendas on kids...this couldn't be a worse idea unless they advertised it in Pedophilia Today magazine...
or the russian troll opportunity newsletter
Steve Schmidt On Rick Scott’s GOP Agenda: Just A 'Laundry List Of Grievances'

“This document is just a laundry list of grievances and nonsense,” says Steve Schmidt on Sen. Rick Scott’s 11-Point Plan to Rescue America. “It’s not a blueprint for anything other than to titillate Fox News viewers.”