Hello i was wondering if there is some consensus on what the best cover crop is for indoor living soil?
There are grasses and legumes and even marigolds. Maybe a mix is best?
My setup: I have 20gal pots, will add red wrigglers and grow as long as I can in the same soil if it matters
Rye: I already have rye grass seeds because i use it outdoors for winter but it's pretty hard to kill and the roots are pretty intense so i would think it wouldn't work as a companion plant. Plus grass breaks down slowly.
There are grasses and legumes and even marigolds. Maybe a mix is best?
My setup: I have 20gal pots, will add red wrigglers and grow as long as I can in the same soil if it matters
Rye: I already have rye grass seeds because i use it outdoors for winter but it's pretty hard to kill and the roots are pretty intense so i would think it wouldn't work as a companion plant. Plus grass breaks down slowly.