Cha Ching to use or not to use ???


Well-Known Member
The whole booster line: open sesame, cha Ching, beastie bloomz. Is just mkp(mono potassium phosphate) with some additives to make them look like different products. Useful in hydro or coco, I’ve used it with pretty good results in dwc (1/8 tsp per gallon + base nutes from week 3-6 flower) pick up a 5lb bag for $50 it’ll last way longer than the fox farm stuff. I don’t use it now that I’m in soil though.
Let’s not forget the fucking dyes they add to it too.


Well-Known Member
There’s a sucker born every minute …. FF will sell you a full line of nonsense. Imagine incorporating ALL of those products on one plant just to grow it. Look at their feed schedule and ” recommendations “ - Insane.

Here’s an example : Sledgehammer ( bushdoctor ) designed to “ flush “ fertilizer buildup.…… which ironically you can do with straight water.

Out of the 3 , IMO the open sesame has worked well. Not a fan of the heavy pink dye ( stained my sink ) . But stIll use it occasionally mostly in DTW.
Beastie is ridiculous in PK numbers and shelved it next to MOAB , haven’t touched since. Cha ching is a joke .

You want a terpene bump ?

Maintain sugar production - drop night temps slightly - add UVB even some drought stress.

For me I just keep shit simple and blast them with UV ( Agromax Pure UV duals ) T5HO Sunblaster lamp.

I take a typical 12 hour flower cycle , cut into 3 hour blocks of 4 … run timer for 15 minutes during each “ block “.

No magic bottles .
Its this simple...

I used it
I liked it
I have great results with it
So do others

Its not everyones cup of tea which i respect

Whats the big issue, you dont like it then dont use it simple, why try to undermine my opinion. I never asked you for advice, or how long you been growing, or how good or shit you are ( ruined 5 plants with a simple soluble, says something)

Enjoy your day sirs...